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Knightmare is now scrap metal, y'all can stop wondering


CF Legend
Southport Pleasureland has bought many of run down Camelot's rides, such as the pirate ship, the Ferris wheel and the dragon coaster's train. I've heard some people speculating that Knightmare possibly will be coming to the park in the future, as it would make sense with the way the park has been performing in the recent years. Do you agree? What do you think Southport Pleasureland will do? :--D :--D :--D
Nah they won't.

The ride isn't really in a fit state to go there anymore.

It would have been a nice idea, but, no. It's just going to rot where it is.
They'd probably wait until the coaster is beyond salvagable (i.e. when they can't sell it anymore) and then put the train on some random field next to the park...

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It needs to be ripped down to be fair. It's had a good year and a half of rusting and rotting and I highly doubt it being structurally safe as it is to operate again, never mind a relocation.
The guy from Pleasureland wanted Southport Council to buy it for him, and that ain't happening. Knightmare's going nowhere.
Apparently, due to the drop in scrap metal prices,
it isn't even economically viable to pull it down and scrap it.
I think it is going to be a sad pile of M6 eye candy for some time to come.
I would love it to go to Southport,
but there is more chance of Camelot reopening!
Whatever happened to Twist and Shout at Loudoun Castle? Ideal next step investment for Pleasureland, a good old Schwarzkopf. Something on that scale anyway.
Well, Slagharen might also have a Looping Star for sale... :roll:
Sandman said:
Whatever happened to Twist and Shout at Loudoun Castle? Ideal next step investment for Pleasureland, a good old Schwarzkopf. Something on that scale anyway.
Cedar Fair took a good look at Twist and Shout last year and determined it's in a state of repair that isn't worth the investment. The only real chance it has of seeing new life would be on the German fair circuit, but Teststrecke took an investment of nearly $20 million to make the transition and it was in perfect running order at the time.
Martyn B said:
Apparently the owner wants £2m for it...
I've got £5.78 in and a Thorpe Park fastpass in my wallet, do you reckon I could strike a deal? I'd buy it and then melt it down to deny people from ever getting the cred, bwhahahaha. Not that anybody will anybody will ever ride it again anyway.
Ian said:
Martyn B said:
Apparently the owner wants £2m for it...
I've got £5.78 in and a Thorpe Park fastpass in my wallet, do you reckon I could strike a deal? I'd buy it and then melt it down to deny people from ever getting the cred, bwhahahaha. Not that anybody will anybody will ever ride it again anyway.

I've got 4 stamps on my Cafe Nero card, that helpful to donate to the cred cause?
Dave said:
Ian said:
Martyn B said:
Apparently the owner wants £2m for it...
I've got £5.78 in and a Thorpe Park fastpass in my wallet, do you reckon I could strike a deal? I'd buy it and then melt it down to deny people from ever getting the cred, bwhahahaha. Not that anybody will anybody will ever ride it again anyway.

I've got 4 stamps on my Cafe Nero card, that helpful to donate to the cred cause?
If somebody chucks in a Nectar card with 1,000 points on it we might just clinch it.
Ian said:
If somebody chucks in a Nectar card with 1,000 points on it we might just clinch it.
I haven't got that but I've got a stagecoach smart card with a few days left on it, and a dollar and a broken driver's license??