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Knotts Berry Farm | Coast Rider | Mack Wild Mouse


Strata Poster
Just seen this on the KBF Facebook page:


Which according to RCDB, is a Mack Wild Mouse.


Does not state a relocation, so perhaps a brand spanking new one?

My levels of excitement would be higher seeing grass grow. I have $1 that says it's a Technic Coaster clone.
Compared to SFMM, it's much more family oriented, always has been. I've always thought of it as a park that appeals to family based audiences.
If we sticky this thread, we'll finally achieve the milestone of filling the entire first page of the subforum with stickies.

Good thing we don't do like many other forums, and show the stickied threads on every forum page.

Oh, and the coaster looks neat too.
Well, in theory, the Outlaw Run thread can now be de-stickied.

Some of the threads are a bit pointless too, as they're never likely to get any updates. We had a stage last year when there was a really low amount of stickies, so I bumped them up with a few obscure coasters...
Why does this coaster need a sticky topic though? It's not as if its record breaking or any thing.

It's just another cheap family coaster going in this park.
Can think of others.

It's just such a shame this park get the crap attractions.

It's in a good location, right near Disney not that far from Sfmm etc.
Wellllll Silver Bullet isn't so bad. So that was a step in the right direction. I suppose it could be our **** economy, the income just isn't there to fund a large ride.
Another update:

Boomerang is now Light Green track with Dark Green supports (as opposed to Purple track with Light Green supports), and Coast Rider has begun going vertical:


Stolen from the KBF Facebook page.
Slight customization sounds something like a slightly bigger layout or something just as unimportant as that. Whilst I hope it will be something cool, I doubt it.