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Last thing you ate?


Mountain monkey
Staff member
This can't be the only topic of its kind here, but then I'll make a new one. The rules are virtually non-existent, just tell CF what the last thing you ate was. Plain and simple. This will either be a 100-page topic, or a 5-reply topic. Time will tell...

For me, it was fruit sallad.

Love the topic Pokemaniac you certainly are a match for Scarlet's various topics.

Last thing I ate was chow mein and chips from the chinese this evening. Still have a bag of chips left. Lovely stuff 8).
Yeah there was a topic like this in forum fun a while back.
Which this will be moved as people will be spamming to boost their post count.

Anyway the last thing I ate was dinner which was Sausages, mashed potato and vegetables. :p
Just had a GoodFellas Solo Pepperoni Pizza. Tasty.

I couldn't be arsed to make a proper dinner. Plus i have no real food.
Cake. No.. nothing bizarre this time, just a good old victoria sponge.

And no, I don't have anything better to do at the moment that bake cakes ;)