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Mirapolis & Spreepark (And other abandoned parks)


Roller Poster
Mirapolis was a French park. Opened from 1987 to 1991. After the bankruptcy of this park, a majority of the attractions left to Spreepark in Germany.

The Spreepark was an entertainment park in the north of the Plänterwald in the Berlin. The park was opened from 1969 to 2001. Regrettably the bankruptcy did not escape this park.

This is a great french blog on Mirapolis history:

You can see full of videos of Mirapolis before later and today on youtube.

Here is a surprising video of Spreepark nowadays:

It's very sad :cry:
Oh my gosh, its so beautiful.
Sure its sad to see a park go, but when they start to sit for awhile, the start to look really neat.
Reminds me of Old Indiana. That is what the plot looked like before the conservationalist can and destroyed it.
Ermmm ok before we go into a bigger dick battle (clearly mine is bigger) I'm gonna just walk away because as much as I love you, you can be a fruit bag sometimes.
Screaming Coasters said:
Jools said:
Oh my god, it reminds me of Thorpe Park :roll:

I don't get it? Thorpe is hardly a dump, nor is it ever dead?

Thats a Phail right there.

Doesn't sarcasm exist on which ever planet your'e from? :wink:

No fail
The ones in Japan look especially spooky for some reason, probably because I hate seeing rollercoasters in poor condition! It's sad! :(
from wikipedia

On 19 May 2004 he was sentenced to seven years in jail for attempting to smuggle 180 kg of cocaine with a value of £14 million from Peru to Germany in the masts of the "flying carpet" ride [1]. In October 2006 a Peruvian court sentenced Wittes' son, Marcel Witte, to 20 years for drug smuggling.