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Most New Credits in One Year?


Giga Poster
I am poised to get what is for me an amazing number of credits this year, but I’m sure there are some here who’ve racked insane numbers in the past.

What is the highest number of new credits you’ve ever gotten in one calendar year?
2017 was 96 new creds. It was amazing but, looking back, a bit exhausting. I think only a few park visits a year is more my pace. This year is looking to be 4 new creds, maybe 17 if Virginia happens.
67 in 2016 is my personal best. It's very unlikely I'll beat that this year, but I should probably better that with a big trip outside of the continent (or to Scandinavia) at some point in the coming years.
Just 2 weeks till I head out on my first of 3 US based trips <3 so far I've added 23 new for me coasters. 2003 was the first year I complied my count and 2005 was the first year I started hunting coasters. From the 90's until 2003 I would get to maybe 2 or 3 new parks... 04 is when I started being able to travel on my own, and 2005 is when I really started picking up coasters. I slowed down around 2010 until 2012 because I had moved across the country and started a new job and such... but now I'm back into a routine I guess? Although large numbers of new coasters domestically are rare for me at this point... And my next trip, while visiting some 7 parks only adds....7 coasters, ha
2017 - 46 new (hit 900)
2016 - 39 new
2015 - 60 new (hit 800)
2014 - 28 new
2013 - 36 new
2012 - 48 new (hit 700)
2011 - 23 new
2010 - 25 new
2009 - 70 new (hit 600)
2008 - 61 new (hit 500)
2007 - 77 new
2006 - 119 new (hit 400)
2005 - 97 new (hit 300)
2004 - 39 new

2003 - 7 new, 2002 - 5 new, 2001 - 3 new, 2000 - 8 new, most of these were if a local park added something new.. or a trip to maybe a new park for me (ie: Islands of Adventure in 2000, Millennium Force in 2001, Batman opens at SFNE in 2003)
Good question! I don't think I've ever hit 10 new credits in one year, but my Florida trip in 2016 net me seven new creds, or eight depending on how many times you count Dragon Challenge. Didn't visit any other parks with coasters I hadn't ridden before that year, though. I think that's my personal best, a record I hope to beat one day.
We did this in another topic not so long ago - 2009 is top for me with 55, as it was easier to get UK creds at that time and there was also a trip to Italy as well as the Germany & Denmark CF Live.
I probably had at least 100 in 2008, due to a major trip around the North East USA (probably a good 70-80 right there), and visiting a lot of UK parks for the first time. I've never got close to that since - I've probably got around 30+ during a couple of years when I've done a trip that's taken me through a few major European parks at once, but I doubt I'll be making anywhere near three figure gains in a year unless I both return to the States and do more than one major trip in the same year.
Given that I'd never been out of North America I made my first trip to Europe count and picked up 175 credits on the trip so this year is already my best by default and I still have more traveling to do this year. I've done 100+ for now 4 consecutive years and am really curious how many years I can keep it up, but of course each consecutive year I do it the further from home I have to go to keep riding new coasters.
Last year I got 49, which was by far my biggest yearly haul to date.
In 2016 I got 34, which was also my biggest annual count (at the time).
In 2015 I got 3... and one of those was the freakin' Octonauts coaster. :eek: Bad year, that was.

This year tho... oh boy, this year... I've gotten 30 creds in the last 3 days, gettin 5 more today, 5 more tomorrow, and another 30-odd by the start of next week. Should end 2018 with around +70!

Yep... think it's safe to say I've gone full goon this year.
Well, this year looks as if it's on track for me to get well over 200 new creds. I'll try to check in here when the year is done to see what my final tally is.
Good question! I don't think I've ever hit 10 new credits in one year, but my Florida trip in 2016 net me seven new creds, or eight depending on how many times you count Dragon Challenge. Didn't visit any other parks with coasters I hadn't ridden before that year, though. I think that's my personal best, a record I hope to beat one day.
That is amazing. Here in the States you'd beat that seven-cred record with a huge number of single park visits. Have you never been to any big credit parks?
I don't know about other years (I wasn't really keeping track very well), but this year, so far, I've managed to get 21 credits!
Yay, graphs.

Here's the 'new per year', with my maximum being 111 back in 2010 - that was about 105 in one two week trip:

Particularly notable leaps in 2010 (big USA trip), 2013 (couple of USA trips) and 2016 (USA and Middle East). Interestingly I had a reasonably consistent cycle of large-small-medium, but that's got a bit more uneven this year (this year is forecast to be a medium year, I think). Will be interesting to see if that settles down a bit more.

Here's the my total coaster count over the years.
Thankfully I'm still on the upwards curve.

2017 - 205
There we go. I was finding it hard to believe that I'm on track this year to have the highest number (estimating around 220), when I am definitely not as hardcore an enthusiast as so many on this forum are. If I have a higher number for this year, it's probably because I started with a low count (around 200) and I will be hitting so much that is new to me, whereas the more seasoned enthusiasts find it harder and harder to hit bonanzas of new creds. That's my thinking, anyway.
My record is 82 from last year when I visited half a dozen US parks plus 3 in Europe.
In 2016 I got 56 new creds and in 2015 I got 21, which was when I started cred counting.
Currently this year is my record: 26 new credits from 4 parks.

Not sure my plans for the rest of this year but I hope for one more trip, most likely CP/Kennywood which would be another 7. Pretty sad I know but huge for me, usually I do one new park a year, or old ones with a new cred, (and being in Tallahassee these last 2 years has put me in a park void in terms of convenience). So that's a darn good year for me.
2007 I hit around 60 or so creds. Ever since, I’ve normally not hit more then 20-30 in a year due to money, distance, and time.