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Movie Park Ger|Star Trek Operation Enterprise|Mack Launched


Giga Poster
According to Looopings, MPG wants to build a 45 meter (148 ft.) tall coaster in 2017. They haven't revealed yet which coaster type or manufacurer. They are currently trying to get permission. The coaster would be build close to the entrance.

Very curious if this will become a thing. Finally a proper reason to re-visit the park, aside from the amazing rapids <3

Source: http://www.looopings.nl/weblog/4550/Mov ... -2017.html

Edit: Moved to Rollercoaster Construction. - ECG
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Haven't this 45m tall coaster been planned every year since 2012?

In other words, I believe it when I see it.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

^ Exactly, pretty sure it was the permission that held them back as well.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Yeah, I'm sceptical but they do have a new guy running the place now, maybe he'll fight harder to get permission?

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Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

So re-reading the article it seems that they have gotten permission to build above the height limit of 18 meters, and TÜV has mentioned that the sound probably won't be a problem either. So I guess it depends on the budget now?
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

45 metres? The first thing that dropped into my mind is the Maurer Sky Loops. They are all 46.2 metres tall (close enough), within the price range of medium-small parks (Ukko cost Linnanmäki 4 million Euros), and unfortunately quite uninteresting.

I could be wrong, though, as we only have a single stat to speculate off. We could in theory be getting anything between a Sky Loop, a Mega coaster, or a huge flyer like Manta. But my gut feeling says it will be something whose height is its most (or only) notable statistic, since that's the number they chose to market it with...
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

ThomVD said:
Finally a proper reason to re-visit the park, aside from the amazing rapids <3

Movie Park Germany is fab, shh :p

I really hope this is a thing! They do need a good coaster, Bandit is meh, MPXpress is shocking, 3 kiddie coasters, and then Van Helsing which is quite fab to be fair but it's hardly substantial. I'll be keeping an eye on this, I hope it becomes a reality!
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

When I went a few years ago, I was talking to a park rep about this and it was canned as its parent company pulled the budget from it to invest into another park.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Jordanovichy said:
ThomVD said:
Finally a proper reason to re-visit the park, aside from the amazing rapids <3

Movie Park Germany is fab, shh :p

I really hope this is a thing! They do need a good coaster, Bandit is meh, MPXpress is shocking, 3 kiddie coasters, and then Van Helsing which is quite fab to be fair but it's hardly substantial. I'll be keeping an eye on this, I hope it becomes a reality!

It's average at best... What is there that makes it fab? There are just a bunch of unconnected areas that feel really empty... Some of the rides are fab, but the park as a whole isn't really... At least they've spared me a ride on the SLC and I hope this gets built, so the sole reason to re-visit for me won't be getting the damned MP Xpress...
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

My money is on a B&M. Either a custom wing coaster, flyer or mini dive machine which would be excellent for the park. If its a skyloop or one of those Premier things then that's just not good enough to lift the park out of mediocrity IMHO.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Seems it is not a skyloop or a B&M but another Mack


https://www.facebook.com/mpginfos/photo ... 93/?type=3

Mack seem to be having quite a good few years.

There is also this picture found here http://www.funspirit.de/neue-achterbahn-projekt-2017/


Looks pretty interesting.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Looks good for the time being. I need to see the full layout/POV, though. Looks to me like a Storm-esque ride, with a lift hill.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Great announcement and a good location too, will dominate the entrance plaza. Another Mack as well... Brill !! :)
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Found this on Loopings.nl.


It appears to be a shuttle coaster of some kind - possible Mack's version of one of the new Intamin ones?
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Yay this will be great for the park!

Although I'm sad it's not Iron Bandit tbf :(
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Is it a shuttle coaster though? Looking closely, it seems to be a full circuit launch coaster with a relatively short layout. Yay for Mack though, and finally a good coaster in MPG (hopefully).
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

Is that a return of the Flying Snake Dive?
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

ThomVD said:
Is it a shuttle coaster though? Looking closely, it seems to be a full circuit launch coaster with a relatively short layout. Yay for Mack though, and finally a good coaster in MPG (hopefully).
Look at the back spike which is behind the 'Flying Snake Dive' like element, that's why I think it's a shuttle coaster - it closely resembles the Intamin Inverted Shuttle type coasters.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

I see it now. It seems like it could have a similar approach to a Premier Sky Rocket. Launch towards the top hat, roll back, hit the spike, re-launch and then finishing the circuit.
Re: Movie Park Germany to have plans for a big coaster in 20

If you like photos of mud and dirt, you're in luck:



Images from looopings.nl