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Nürburgring | Ring°Racer | S&S Compressed Air Launch

Yeah, we have known about this for quite some time, but it's great to have a construction topic. May I sum up the ride?

The park:
Nürnburgring is a famous race course in Germany. Plans for expansion in 2009 included this, the fastest coaster on Earth. So, unlike most other coasters, it's not in an amusement park.

The ride:
The coaster is said to be catapulted up to 217km/h in 2.3 seconds. According to that video, that is 2.46 G. However, after the launch, it simply turns around and brakes down. No amazing tophat. I bet someone know more about this ride than me, and I really look forward to the details.

Well, looks like S&S are claiming the record back, then. However, I don't think this looks as spectacular as DoDonPa or Ka. It will have the record, but no more...

And for the record, what is the acceleration force on DoDonPa? I have an NL recreation where it measures 4 G, but that can't be true. Or?
All I know is the launch will be epic. Hypersonic XLC's launch was a million times more amazing than Ka's, and this is going to be HXLC type acceleration (hopefully) with greater-than-Ka's speed. Everything else about HXLC I hated, so maybe having absolutely no layout at all will be good for this type of coaster. Should be incredible and just another reason to visit Germany.
Well at least it's more than a corner, it's got 9 corners :p
Shall hopefully be good and with a bit of luck I may be able to get down there next year :)
Is it just me or will it accelerate, then accelerate again on that massive long strech?
Small update from Screamscape with some design pictures:-

Construction on the massive expansion of the Nurburing raceway is well underway right now, with a goal of opening their new attraction areas by June 11th, 2009. You can see some of the concept artwork posted to this article, but unfortunately they don’t have anything to show off about what will become the world’s fastest roller coaster. With a custom S&S launch system at it’s core the coaster will launch riders alongside the famous racetrack from 0 to 135mph in just 2.5 seconds. The acceleration will be twice as fast as an F1 race car and subject the riders to 3.4g’s, “the highest permissible by the German authorities.” If you click on the 8th picture in the series, you can see a hint of some twisted blue track along the left side of the picture.

Screamscape said:
(5/2108) While I don’t have any details just yet, I’ve heard through the grapevine that the recording breaking S&S / SAT-Rides launched “Race Coaster” project on the way to Germany’s Nurburgring race track may have been redesigned that the remainder of the ride after the high speed launch will have more coaster style elements and be a lot more fun.
Maybe that flat track is an old layout. So there might be something more to this track then we know of. And looking on the 8:th picture on the page that Emmett linked to you can see some high banked turn in the background that could be a part of the coaster.
This is also what Coastersandmore.de is saying in their Ring°Racer article: http://www.coastersandmore.de/previews/ ... ring.shtml

Coastersandmore.de said:
Der zweigliedrige Zug mit acht Sitzplätzen wird noch vor der ersten und auch einzigen aufwärts führenden Steilkurve auf rund 100 Stundenkilometer heruntergebremst und absolviert im Hintergrund der Haupttribüne eine 500 Meter lange Rückfahrt ohne große Erlebnisreize.
Translation said:
The two-car train with eight seats will be braked down to about 100 km/h before leading to a steep upward curve, and then graduated in the background of the main grandstand a 500 meter-long trip without much experience stimuli.
So I guess we have to wait and see what future pictures will show us, but at the moment it looks pretty boring.
^ Nice find there trav. Looks to be a lot better then we first anticipated.
I suppose its the future of record breakers that they will be launched into brakes...Bit of a toss, but I guess that is just the way it is. It would have been good if they had done at least one high speed element, for example a speed hill (since that doesn't require great heights) and done a bit more on the 100km/h section.
^ A slight dip like the one on Dodonpa would be nice. It produces more airtime than you anticipate.

v Meh.

And for some reason, I too think the future speed record breakers will be like a tamer version of Superman: the Escape. They will launch straight into vertical/ascending brakes, and roll back to the station. This may look short, but I think they will be far "cheaper" in the future.

And is it only me, or were some of the sounds in that video taken straight from NoLimits?
^ Yes the sounds were from nolimits.

I still can't believe they launch you into brakes and then do that element. It just seems that they could have made that element a bigger and not lost so much speed.
^Space and money. While it wouldn't be extremely expensive to build a non-trimmed, ground-hugging layout for a coaster like this, it would take up more space than Vatican City. Then it's much better to tame it down before going through an element that isn't going to eat up all your space. After all, it's still very fast at that moment.
From what I've have been reading (I'm fluent in German) the coaster's original concept was to give Nürburgring visitors the experience of being in an F1 car (high acceleration & speed, flat track & a few turns around a closed circuit). That concept was then changed to include a view of the new facilities when they decided to add them, which means slowing the coaster down a great deal before going along the 'ring°boulevard' (past the 4-D ride race simulation & souvenir shops) and then entering the indoor theme park: ring°werk, where the ride will slow down dramatically in order for the riders to view the 'Formal 1 factory' and the 'beautiful cars that make up 80 years of history'. Now it seems that they have modified that plan to include one coaster element - the high banked turn (as seen in the mentioned concept photo).
The above simulation that trav posted is an edited version of the ride (with a different style banked turn) and the slow cruise through ring°werk was edited out, so it will not be that short of a ride.
Keep in mind that the majority of guests are going to be Germans, who love driving at high speeds (which is why they keep their autobahns without speed limits - as much as possible - even though the rest of Europe has implemented speed limits on their highways), and this coaster is being made for those who would simply like to experience what a high speed F1 car feels like and would otherwise never ride or have interest in riding a traditional coaster.