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Nemisis Inferno Simulator 3D


Roller Poster
Inspired highly by Peter, I bring to you the Nemisis Inferno Simulator 3D...
-Fully functional Control Panel
-1st or 3rd Person view! (Reply to this post to say which you'd prefer)
-Totally 3D
-Different emergency situations (One being run over by the train...)
-Fully animated restraints and coaster
-Lots of different guests
-Real Vomit! (Yes you can clean it up)
- Anything else (Be reasonable) You want!

Modeling has begun, and will have some pictures with you soon...
Urm. Do you even know how to program games and code them? I'd also work on your modelling before you do this as well.
Yeah I can program quite well actually... I don't care if the modelling isn't too great, just enough to know what it is. Also, I'm using Blender.
I'm on my iPhone at thorpe park atm so not really. I might be able to get some late tonight maybe? Also what can I do about my avatar and signature? And what would you prefer? 1st or 3rd person, and any
other suggestions?
MRJudorules said:
Also what can I do about my avatar and signature?
Post in my shop topic reminding me which one you had and I'll upload it to another site. Or you can wait until the beginning of next month when photobucket sorts itself out.
And I don't mind. Just any screenshots would be nice.