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NoLimits Competition #2 - Riders Choice

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Or PM your votes to him.

I'm a bit surprised by the tracks to be honest. I took a lot of points off due to realism, even on the good ones. I'm also surprised that not everybody went for all the bonus, as they weren't too hard to reach. I even had one ride valley on me.

Another note is that this contest proves that using AHG and tools doesn't necessarily make the track better.
^To be honest, I was the only person to go for all bonus in the last comp. There were a couple of good tracks, though several were badly tooled.
^ The tooled tracks, bar ONE, felt like a steel coaster >< I probably flopped on realism again lol.

Switching between the hideouts'...
so, i dont know what to do. Can someone explain? I've downloaded the files and am now ready to go through and just rate them. But do i have to give description? Where do i rate? I can't just assume my way through this whole comp.
I found some of the tracks enjoyable, others not. The level of quality definitely dropped on this one from the first one it seems. I think it had a lot to do with the scale of the coaster and the terrain constraints. Still can't wait for the next one though.
Antinos said:
Another note is that this contest proves that using AHG and tools doesn't necessarily make the track better.

This proves nothing. You can use AHG or Newton2 all you want, but if you lack the creativity and know-how then they aren't worth ****.

FWIW, a lot of us wooden coaster builders and avid Newton2 users intentionally skip out on using Newton2, because it is not entirely great for wooden roller coasters. There's too much fine control in Newton2 to make a traditional style wooden ride. We DO however use AHG because it rids the track of those finicky banking jerks and the likes, but it's rarely ever used to improve the track on other points.

Newton2 has its place, as does AHG. Traditionally though, they are not selected for wooden coaster builds from the aforementioned reasons. Steel tracks however are an ENTIRELY different ballgame.
Personally I found a lot of the tracks to be built 'on top' of the terrain, they barely used it at all and would have been only slightly influenced if they had been built on flat ground, while a few were nice real 'terrain' coasters, they used the terrain, their track layouts were heavily influenced, and in one case completely dictated, by the terrain.
Well, I watched mine at my friends house...I had 3 red G spikes -o(><)o- that I never noticed due to a **** PC (when viewing a ride, I get 18 and less FPS at BEST on mine with wooden coasters). Looks like I am hoping on the likeability of my layout and bonus points to win this for me ::sad face::

Switching between the hideouts'...
It's true what Xpress said, nowadays I build entirely with Newton 2, but with my woods i build by hand. I've got a decade of hand building experience behind me and its here that you can get your hands dirty with creativity. I prefer hand building to newton, and with woods that is a blessing that people should embrace. With steel however, no one can match Newton 2. Unless its an arrow of course, lol.
Right, well I've got my scores read from this comp, they'll be in your inbox shortly Marcus! :p

As an overall comment, not enough people read (or understood) the brief. This was a terrain challenge. It was sad when the coaster pulls out the station, turns a corner and there's just a sea of supports and track tens of feet in the air. The tracks that did actually stick roughly to the terrain (or at least had that element to them), stood out so much more.

So yeah, some nice tracks in there, but many didn't utilise the landscape. :D
Xpress said:
FWIW, a lot of us wooden coaster builders and avid Newton2 users intentionally skip out on using Newton2, because it is not entirely great for wooden roller coasters. There's too much fine control in Newton2 to make a traditional style wooden ride.

You just proved what I said correct in those sentences. Yes, this contest proves that tools don't necessarily mean a better track and even you agree when you said that tools aren't the best for woodies. If you ride the tracks again, you will see that the ones that were tooled don't feel natural. The ones with AHG had strange bankings(and usually weren't smooth) and the ones with Newton2 felt way too smooth.

Hixee, that's exactly what I thought about this contest. There were two really good rides in particular that didn't use the terrain well. Had they used the terrain better, they would have been rated higher. There was one ride that wasn't as smooth as both of those, but I rated it higher due to a realistic layout and more terrain interaction.
Wow, I was surprised by a lot of things.

-The rides in general were crap. There were some banking transitions that were so fast it hurt to watch, and a lot of Gs that would be unacceptable on a steel, much less a woodie. SMOOTH YOUR RIDES!!!!
-A lot of rides were too high above the terrain, including mine. The rest were a lot more terrain hugging, but due to that had quite a few G spikes.

Newton2 rides were too smooth, even for a GG coaster.
AHG rides had really weird banking transitions, with painful lateral Gs.
Handbuilding rides had the same as the AHG rides, plus painful vertical spikes.

Also, did the quad up have to have airtime in all 4 ups? In the contest description it was written as a "quadruple up airtime element", and quite a few of the quad ups didn't have airtime in each of the ups.
bigjoe97 said:
AHG rides had really weird banking transitions, with painful lateral Gs.

Just because your simulator spiked into the red doesn't mean the forces were "painful". Infact, you may be VERY surprised at just how many wooden roller coasters will spike into the 2.0 force range, intentionally. modern coasters at that. ;)

For some reason I am getting the urge to finish the track I have been working on. Now if only I could remember what I named it.... :?
Hmm, interesting. I'm going to have to hit some more woodies next summer.

However, red positives (which I did see in 2 or 3 occasions) are not excusable.
bigjoe97 said:
Hmm, interesting. I'm going to have to hit some more woodies next summer.

However, red positives (which I did see in 2 or 3 occasions) are not excusable.

What makes you think that just because the color is red makes it "not excusable"? Again, you would be surprised at just how many modern day coasters would spike into the red in the NoLimits simulator. Just look at rides like Tower of Terror, which has a 6.3g spike. A lot of modern day wooden rides will spike into the +/- 2.0 LATERAL force range, which as I recall will be red in the stock .cfg.
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