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Pndol collapses at Tibidabo injuring 3, one fatality.


CF Legend
This is turning out to be a pretty bad month for accidents. Looks like quite a monumental collapse too :(

Thoughts to los familias etc
That is awful. I mean, that's like a full-on collapse, not just a bit of a crumble. Something went seriously wrong here.

Like Nic said, this month has not been great for accidents. Lets just hope it doesn't get out of hand.
Geez,that's pretty horrendous.

Can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like to fall from that height.

Could be a cause of metal fatigue maybe?
Wow. That's bad.. Really bad. The whole things come down! I wonder how much of it hit the Log Flume. From what I remember the end of the log flume goes right past it!
After looking at pictures and that video, the ride must have been going when this happened. The car thing is in completely the opposite direction to the main tower.
From what was posted latest on TPR, the ride was swinging to its full height when the ride started to fall over.

I remember reading Gavin's trip report to Tibidabo and he said that bolts were falling off of the ride when he was in line. It makes me wonder if they even bothered inspecting and maintaining the ride.
Wow, it's a wonder everyone didn't die. I'm obviously happy they didn't, though I feel bad for the girl that did die, as well as her family. It seems to clearly be a maintenance issue, because as Marc said, the ride was in bad shape to begin with and not maintained very well.
The video on here shows the full extent of what has happened.

Link here

I've also translated the article and the ride had actually been checked out by the maintenance team 4 hours before the accident happened due to the strange noises that it was making.

There's a diagram on TPR showing how the structure collapsed.

Photo from TPR

There's plenty more images in the first post of the TPR topic, a lot of them are stills from the many videos that are up.
http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/vi ... =2&t=56067
This is terrible, I was at the park in May but didn't ride anything and I was watching this ride, you can see it from miles around in Barcelona as its right on top of the hill.

The maintenance workers clearly aren't doing their job properly and its cost a girl her life and another girl her legs.
That is really bad! I can't believe if maintenance workers had been hearing strange noises, that they let it pass it's checks! And from what I've heard, it's always had problems.

I know this things happen very rarely, but still, it makes you wonder.

Thoughts go out to the famines of the riders.
Holy shizzle, that is bad! How the heck can that just come away from the ground like that?

When on rides like this, with your legs dangling etc, I was think to myself about how horrible it must be for you to go crashing to the ground with your legs exposed like that, yet these people had to suffer that for real!
thts sad, i wish things like tht were impossible, things like tht should be impossible, they shouldnt happen, but, hey, watre ya gonna do? stuff happens so... its just sad :( but i hope for the other two survivors to have a speedy recovery and get back to full health, get well soon guys :)
wow.. this is why i wont get on any rides like that. im terrified anyways.. and now this just made it worse..

yea yea it was overseas. and yea yea.. its a one in a million chance of happening. but i have such bad luck that it would happen to me.

and not to mention when i was at cedar point this past week, while i was waiting on snoo to meet me at the gate, i watched the skyscraper in action.. and ohh how the whole base tower was swaying to and fro.. not very safe lookin to me.
That's a LOT worse than I thought it would be from the description...

Really terrible though. Hoping for speedy recoveries for the three survivors.
Me and Martyn H went to the park on Wednesday, and were still shocked to see that the majority of the ride was still left there as if the accident had only happened yesterday. All of the paths to that area of the park were closed, but you got a great view from the plane ride.


Looking at that i'm surprised that no one on the log flume got injured either, it's totally destroyed!