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Removal of G-Force at Drayton Manor (2005 - 2018)


CF Legend
It's official - It has been confirmed by the park that G-Force is leaving Drayton Manor, due to low reliability and high maintenance costs:-
Rest in pieces.

I very much look forward to see what replaces it, perhaps a new GG family woodie in 2020? At least the clone in Iraq will make the layout unique, unless of course it gets relocated.

2005 - 2018.
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Glad I've got the cred just in case, didn't really think much of it, wasn't that bad, wasn't that good. As long as they replace it with a decent cred I don't mind but I get the feeling they might just not replace it with anything.
Man, this park has really been hit with bad luck. I sincerely hope it gets a worthy replacement.

I would like Drayton to get a small Gravity Group woodie like that of Kentucky Flyer or Timber as it'll provide a great ride and suit Drayton's target audience really well, pleasing everyone.
Sadly I don't think they'll replace it. They don't seem to be doing well (attendence, rapids lawsuit) and any investment they do make is towards the family market, because there is a more proven return of investment, where the Thrill market is more risky. Maybe a zampela ride? But, I'm doubtful of a coaster.

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I'm a tiny bit gutted about this; the ride was very unique to both Drayton and the UK! I was also spited by it in August, but that's very small in the grand scheme of things!
I mean, it's not official yet.
That's what I'm banking on, but everything being reported seems pretty official...
Didn't see that coming tbf. Got the cred, it was ok-ish I guess, I won't miss it heaps but it is sad to see Drayton losing a cred after only 13 years. Really hope we get a good replacement, would love to see DMP stealing back some of Alton's thunder but I'm not holding my breath for a world class thrill-coaster.
No money to replace it with anything decent for a long while...thomasland expansion is the most likely.
Yikes, 13 years is not very long for a coaster. For perspective, this is a major coaster built in the UK after the CF forums came online. Its construction was discussed in here, and now we're discussing its deconstruction. Since the other X-car models are still being operated and even built today, I presume G-Force must have had a few design flaws that were since ironed out on other coasters. Wonder what those were?
Yikes, 13 years is not very long for a coaster. For perspective, this is a major coaster built in the UK after the CF forums came online. Its construction was discussed in here, and now we're discussing its deconstruction. Since the other X-car models are still being operated and even built today, I presume G-Force must have had a few design flaws that were since ironed out on other coasters. Wonder what those were?
What @MakoMania said, as well as those who rode it saying that it was immensely uncomfortable.
Oh yeah it was pretty terrible.

If it wasn't for the fact that this feels like Drayton will now never step up to the front line of the attack against Merlin (Blackpool and Paultons holding steady for now), this is no great loss.

My only hope is that they won't spend the money because they've got something more interesting coming...
Apparently it needs £200,000+ for a new chassis and Drayton won't/can't pay it.

Double yikes - if they can't afford 200 grand for a new chassis, that kinda dashes our hopes for any kind of replacement dunnit? Bummer.
Scary one this. I remember going camping as a ten year old at Drayton Manor a few days before it opened in 2005 and getting excited watching it test from near my tent. Fast forward eleven years and I get the cred, pretty underwhelmed but it felt good to get it considering how disappointed I was about my previous spite. Then two years later (today) we hear news of it closing. And that's it, a major headline coaster at a park closing that's only been open during a span of all our lifetimes (even Matt N's and ATI's).

Highly doubt the park will get a new coaster. If they could afford one and wanted one then one of those S&S concepts that were floating around two years ago would have been built. At best we'll get a flat ride in the space.
Apparently it needs £200,000+ for a new chassis and Drayton won't/can't pay it.
I really wonder whether tearing it down would be much cheaper than that. It has to be, what, a thousand tons of steel? That's at least fifty truck loads easily running at a couple grand each, just to get the readily demolished and disassembled coaster away from the park. Then the labour cost of dismantling the thing, loading the scrap onto the trucks, possibly digging the footers out, disposing of those too, and the fact that the park will have one ride less in its lineup. If a couple hundred thousand were put into a new chassis, at least the coaster would have value as an asset. Putting the same sum into clearing the space leaves them only with the asset of open space, which doesn't quite pull in guests to the same degree. And I doubt its value as scrap would be nearly enough to foot the bill for its removal.
I feel like the fact that they've announced this with no suggestion of "watch this space" or "new things coming soon" is very bad news for the park. I know it was just an enthusiast meeting and not a press release but not many parks would spite one of their headliners and not alude to the fact there is stuff coming in the future (unless this has been said of course??).

Like recently, we've seen Blackpool spite mouse but with the distraction of icon, KI announce Firehawk removal but after rumours and suggestions of big things further down the line, Alton's flume going for wickerman and efteling finally announcing Bob's removal but in a joint announcement showing the new replacement cred. Drayton not looking so good right now.