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Rides that still genuinely scare you...


Giga Poster
I know this is probably a common topic, but I haven't seen it on here in a while.

So, which rides (if any) still genuinely scare you today? I think enthusiasts sometimes lose touch with that traditional white knuckle sense of terror so it'll be interesting to see what people come back with. This is open to any ride type.
I still get a bit anxious when it comes to drop towers. But for coasters, I'm not really scared of anything

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Oblivion, every single time, actually have to build up the courage to ride it.

Shambhala's lift terrifies me just because of how open it is, at least on the outer seats.

Stunt Fall but that wasn't a pleasant sort of scare.
Literally nothing now although I used to be a pussy when I was a kid. Though sling shot rides look intimidating. I know they're not rides but I don't enjoy jump scare heavy experiences.
I'm not a big fan of Top Spins. Not sure if they scare me or I just hate the way they ride, probably both.... Bungee jumps look pretty terrifying also. As for coasters, none at all really.
*Dragster still scares me a little before the launch but it isn't that bad.
*X2 left me genuinely scared when I rode it, just because of the face-first drop and how sketchy the whole thing feels
*Skyrush is probably the coaster that scared me the most. No matter how many times I rode it that day, I could never let go of the thought of that airtime snapping my legs in half and sending me flying across the park!
Batfastard14 said:
I'm not a big fan of Top Spins. Not sure if they scare me or I just hate the way they ride, probably both.... Bungee jumps look pretty terrifying also. As for coasters, none at all really.
Or maybe it's the fact that it sterilizes you with it's terrible restraint system. Blegh. :-&
I still get nervous going waiting on drop towers, but they don't exactly frighten me.

I think now the ones that do genuinely frighten would be first time rides on coasters that are known to be rough as ****. Colossus is a great example (although it didn't turn out to be too rough), I was actually concerned for myself going through those first few inversions.
As mentioned in other places, I don't feel too happy on flyer or GIB lift hills thanks to having my whole body weight pushing down on the restraints. "Scared" is the wrong word since I've got no issue riding them, it's just one of very few coaster experiences now that still weirds me out a bit. It's the only time I ever think about a restraint failing since they're really the only rides where you're so blatantly aware of them.

Bungee jump. Did one. Don't think I'd do one again.
Drop towers, high ones, under 300ft is fine.
I'd be interested to see how I'd cope on Fury and Leviathan as MF's lift hill did scare the hell out of me.
Im the same as most on here. I find the anticipation of the drop towers scares me more than the actual drop. I also dont like most animatronic dark rides, i even find duel and the viking section of Valhalla a bit scary! In terms of individual experiences on rides i hate the air blasters like the crossbows on Saw. Just so loud and unnecessary.
Drop towers - Don't like them at all (not sure if its because they 'scare' me or not). Don't even like the one at Thorpe! I just genuinely don't like the sense of freefalling down however the other way (Dr Dooms) at IoA I'm fine with!

Rollercaosters don't scare me TOO much, only obvious ones are Oblivion (more adrenaline than scared..). Not been to Tampa since Sheikra, X2 scared me on the first rides at SFMM. Only ones I would genuinely be scared of to ride (since i haven't done them yet) would be TTD, Superman at SFMM, New drop tower at SFMM (forgot its name!!) - can't think of many more!
A ride that really scares me just looking at them are drop tower rides. I don't know why, but they look terrifying. Maybe because of the height of the ride.
Another vote here for drop towers. Starting to get over it nowadays, but I have been known to wuss out of a couple of the bigguns in the past, and even now I still get a bit anxious climbing up the tower.
Coaster wise, my all time scariest was Oblivion. First ride on that was probably the scariest thing I've ever done. Since then the only coasters that have even come close are X2 and Kingda Ka.
Sitting on that launch pad waiting to be catapulted to 128mph was pretty intense!
Anything that has foreboding "waits" that allows anxiety to build up, when you know the intensity will soon sky rocket in a short space of time. Examples:
*Drop Towers
*Standing launches
*Dive Machine panoramic turns/hold brakes
* Large but slow lift hills

I could also do without things will sudden loud noises. I genuinely have crippling anxiety most of the time, I'm easily jumpy and I don't need other things going "boo" at me :p Saying that, I do sometimes like getting scared :p
^Ooh I hate loud noises too. Thankfully not many rides have this problem but every now and then you'll encounter some little **** noise that jumps at you. The bus horn at the end of the Dark Knight coaster was rather alarming!
Sanchezmran said:
The bus horn at the end of the Dark Knight coaster was rather alarming!

And right after they blind you with a camera, too. I hate that coaster so much. Good idea, terrible execution.