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Rides You Can No Longer Handle?


CF Legend
Yes, it's one of those 'oh god I got OLD' threads, but it's something I've been hyper aware of this season moreso than ever before...

What are some rides that you know you can no longer deal with, so purposely sit out of?

For me, general spin n spews tend to be it for me but there are a few specific ones that stand out:

Talocan at Phantasialand. I always think this thing is better as a spectator anyway but I would like to ride it occassionally. But I know it will make me feel like death so I avoid it.

SLCs. Unless I need the cred, it's a no from me. I don't find them enjoyable and would rather not risk the neck ache.
Most spin n spew flat ride type things - waltzers n whizzers n stuff, and whatever the hell this is at Adventure Island. 🤢

As for spinning mice coasters, I think I've skipped more of those than I've ridden.
Yeah, that kinda stuff.
Definitely agree with SLCs, unless it's a +1.

Spin and spews are a bit of a hit and miss for me. Sometimes I'm absolutely fine, other times I can sense the motion sickness from afar so I avoid.

Generally that's it really. Unless you want to consider rides I am too ashamed to handle, in which case I will throw in Big Apple coasters.
For me I've definitely noticed certain forces that have started to become more taxing than enjoyable.

Whilst heavy horizontal spinning has always been quite gruelling, no coaster or flat ride (that focuses on vertical movement) has been an issue for me until quite recently. Two things stand out in this category, flying coasters & (agreeing with @nadroJ) top spins.

The worst trigger for this was the top spin at Walibi Holland. No other ride has quite matched the level of mental implosion. Thorpe theme Saw: The Ride as a torture device from the series, but I think this Top Spin would be far more fitting and Jigsaw is really missing a trick by not including this in his catalogue of traps. TL;DR Much less Top Spin; much more Vile Flip.

Another is Galactic(ahh-this-is-uncomfortble). I've never liked being on my back on a coaster, but as I've gotten older it's become more difficult to handle. I'm slightly dreading riding the bigger flying coasters again now; hopefully Galactica is a one off, but if I can avoid it, I will.

I hope that some of my other loved rides don't end up becoming too much, but such is life and as long as I can still enjoy a good airtime hill my enthusiasm isn't going anywhere!
whatever the hell this is at Adventure Island. 🤢
I have actually ridden that - it's f**king horrible.

For me it's pretty much anything that spins or swings nowadays, particularly if it's a repetitive back and forth motion like an Afterburner or the like. I pretty much avoid all flat rides apart from drop towers these days, though I've found Boosters to be perfectly enjoyable, oddly.
Anything that has a downward movement while you're facing upright. I damn near threw up on a Miami Trip and Fireball at Adventure Island. Quantum at Thorpe is quite but not as bad for it too which is a shame because it's pretty fun.

Some rides do it too (Boosters and Topspins) but they happen as more of an afterthought, and aren't based entirely around those movements and so I can handle those pretty well.

I haven't gotten that awful horrible feeling on Frog Hoppers yet but I refuse to ride one in fear of getting the feeling again. Although I'd love to ride the model that Mixtape at Towers is, I can't stop myself from skipping it.

I'm generally extremely good when it comes to flats but that movement hundreds of times is a ticket to the end of the day.
Sadly for me it’s my first woodie love :( Nash at BPB genuinely hurts my internal organs, and I don’t mean that in a metaphorical sense, it actually leaves me hurting inside for at least an hour…

That thankfully is the only one so far, aside from Colossus, but that’s only a size thing, and has always been the same…

BTW I don’t know if I speak for all males here, but I think I do??? Talacon is a strong competitor, along with Apocalypse (Stand up Floorless) for the most painful ride experience in the world for men… If you catch my drift… I still ride it though 🙈
Group me up with the traditional SLCs and spin-and-spews crowds. I'll do the SLCs for the +1, but don't get any enjoyment out of them.

I've found in the last three or four years that going backwards on coasters starts to make me feel a bit unwell. Yes - even down to the Family Boomerangs. I always pull into the station and need a few deep breaths to "reset" my dizziness. The absolute worst are old school Boomerangs though. I do them for the +1, but I find them completely awful. It's a combination of the backwards direction and intensity of the inversions that completely floors me. I genuinely hate them. I think that summer trip where I did five in like ten days must have broken something inside me.
My tolerance for G forces has decreased for certain. I still love the rides, but I do find that there are many rides I have to be careful with and pick my times to ride carefully:

- Nemesis
- Nemesis Inferno
- The Swarm (have felt sick after doing this twice in a row...which I regret)
- Saw
- The Smiler (to the extent I just don't ride it)
- Galactica (get nauseous)
- Black Mamba

I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I find that one thing that makes me feel most nauseous is actually intense braking. I find that sudden stopping makes me feel so rotten. This has led me to realise that my nausea on the above rides is less when I ride front row as you've straightened up for a second before the brakes hit.
Pretty much anything with an OTSR that's slightly rough. So most rides basically haha. Seems utterly pointless to get pinned into a crap coaster and getting my head boshed about.

Thankfully we seem to be transitioning away from these and modern thrill coasters mostly use a simple lap restraint.
I rode Galactica for the first time in a while in September and I have never had any issue with flyers but as soon as I pulled down the restraint and into the flying position I felt claustrophobic like never before.

I didn’t actually mind the ride too much but we then waited on the brake run for a few minutes which seemed like forever and I could feel like a panic attack coming on and had to concentrate on something else.

Came off thinking what was all that about as I had been on Air probably 50+ times over the years and never had any issue like that before.

So yeah, that was my last ever ride on Galactica or any flying coaster.

Not had any other issues just yet, I guess more to come with age.
I'm almost ashamed to say it, but definitely The Smiler for me - I've never found it to be an especially enjoyable ride and it's long and something of an endurance challenge. But more than that, the very theme is a full on assault on the senses, the queue line as well as the layout are a barrage of loud noises and bright lights - designed to be disorientating and they do just that - combine that with the ride and yeah, it's too much.

Aside from the dreaded Kieppi, Legendia is the best example of flat rides that get a straight 'no' from me. I still get excited when I see an old fashioned breakdance though and don't remember Talocan upsetting me all that much back in 2016, though it's a one-and-done on each trip. I think I can still deal with all of Thorpe's flats, bar Quantum and Samurai.
Old, rough woodies like Grand National are a no go for me now. I have enough lower back pain as it is!

I also felt pretty awful after riding Quantum at Oktoberfest (@Slamming Coastercore judging by how sick you felt, this is surely on your no ride list now too! 😂)

My tolerance for Nemesis is sadly deminishing as well, I just feel so dizzy and bashed about after riding it.

Even Dual makes my fingers hurt 😥 ( this may be due to RSI from 17 years of playing guitar in metal bands though 😅)
Like others, most spin n spew stuff is a no for me.
I lost my 'tolerance' for such rides a few years back. I can pinpoint the exact moment too: I was riding Spinning Vibe at Walibi Holland (Huss Magic), and I just felt awful for a short while after. After that, spin n spews lost their appeal. Even a simple Enterprise is too much these days.

Pirate Ships are also very hit and miss for me; depends on the size and length of cycle.

In terms of creds:
I've yet to re-ride an SLC and most Vekoma Boomerangs (except Speed of Sound, because that's actually decent).
Other standard models I've only ridden one of, but would probably only ride them for the cred and never again: Maurer SkyLoop and Zamperla Volares.

I avoid Colossus (Thorpe) and Smiler. The latter I never particularly enjoyed, but my last ride on it - in 2017- was not enjoyable. Colossus I was okay with, until a ride back in 2018 was too much.
I also hated Tornado at Hellendoorn. One of the worse rides I've done, and I passed on re-rides.
Old, rough woodies like Grand National are a no go for me now. I have enough lower back pain as it is!

I also felt pretty awful after riding Quantum at Oktoberfest (@Slamming Coastercore judging by how sick you felt, this is surely on your no ride list now too! 😂)

Yep, with you 100% on the Nash, but I never liked it to begin with 😅

Hahaha I think that my brain just tried to erase that memory as best as it could 😂 It can go in the "lurchy/seasickness simulator" rides category of my no rides list ...just like Lech & Abyssus 😉
As previously said Top Spins and Top Scans. I am not a fan of Zierer Star Shapes either. Anything with a rocking back and forth motion is a no go for me, which is a shame because I loved them as a teen. I'm getting old.
Oh my god how did I forget Lech?!!

I have never lost my vision for an entire ride before and I will never ride Lech Coaster again.

Interesting, because I managed a few rides on it during the Poland Live in 2018. Still greyed out then but only for a few seconds.

On my recent visit I didn't regain my vision until we hit the brake run 😥 Scary!
Oh my god how did I forget Lech?!!

I have never lost my vision for an entire ride before and I will never ride Lech Coaster again.

Interesting, because I managed a few rides on it during the Poland Live in 2018. Still greyed out then but only for a few seconds.

On my recent visit I didn't regain my vision until we hit the brake run 😥 Scary!
I’m dreading the day I start to grey out on intense coasters :/ must be horrendous.