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Rides You Just Can't Be Bothered With?

Mackem Lad

Mega Poster
Are there any rides in a theme park(s) that you simply cannot be bothered with? An attraction you have never taken the time to try it out. Maybe it looks dull, you've one rode one elsewhere or the queues just ain't worth it?

Alton Towers have a few for me;


Pirate ships are alright but Blade just looks quite small and seems to have a tag attached to it that reads, "Why bother?".


Rode one, rode them all.


Even looking at it makes me yawn.
Opps didn't read the topic properly.

So it would be,

Pirate Ships (apart from Mr Bannana's Monkey Boat as that is awesome)
Inverter Ships

They're the main ones that spring to mind.
Remember, this topic was aimed to discuss rides that you have never taken the time to try it out.

Not rides you have experienced and now prefer to stay away.
I have never botherd with Vortex, Zodiac & Qauntum at Thorpe. At Alton I never botherd with Blade, Enterprise or Submission or Ripsaw.

Except for Ripsaw, they all look like a waste of time.
Even if the ride doesn't look that great, I will try it out becuase it could be good.

But, I havn't been bothered with Zodiac at Thorpe (all enterprises are the same) and Quantum, but otherwise i've tried most things.
Hmm, usually if the park is big, I'll avoid most of the smaller flat rides. Like, at Cedar Point I usually avoid rides like Troika, and the car rides, because essentially I can just get spin and pukes like Troika at the fair, and the car rides don't really interest me.

When I went to Great Adventure, obviously I avoided most of the flat rides, or whatever flat rides they do have, since they seemed to have a distinct lack of anything good. I did go on the pirate ship thing, Houdini, and Twister or whatever the top spin was called, but other than that, I just focused on the coasters.

If we're talking about a small park like Michigan's Adventure, I had the entire day there, from opening until closing, so I went on all of the coasters plus the kiddie rides with my sister.

So if I have a lot of time and it's at a small park, I don't really avoid anything, but if it's a big park with lots of good coasters and flats, I'll avoid the smaller flat rides and the kiddie rides/coasters.
Most flats that I have ridden once.

I will always ride something just to say i've done it (even if I know I won't like it).
But if it's nothing special then that will probably be the only time I ride it. :)
Blade at Alton Towers because it doesn't go very high and I've done better pirate ships than it.

(If you want a decent pirate ship then head to Botton's Pleasure Beach. :p)
I avoid mainly the flat rides at parks, due to not being able to stomach them and also I would prefer a few goes on the coasters rather than bothering with flats. The drop towers are usually okay.
Well anything really that looks crap/boring/waste of time especially allot of the crapper tamer flats in parks. I usually always go on all the coasters, the big flats and water rides.

There are just so many rides I haven't bothered with.
Like UC, I'm sure to hit all the big ticket rides first with a park. Then if there is time left over, I venture into more of the unique rides at each park, such as riding that Garfield Acid Trip ride with Ian at Kennywood! :lol:
I'm not much for smaller flat rides.. as I get motion sickness pretty easily most of the time.

Also.. coasters I just don't like I don't even venture towards.. Mean Streak for example.
SnooSnoo said:
coasters I just don't like I don't even venture towards.. Mean Streak for example.
Wimp. :razz:

I truly hit any and every roller coaster, as I have yet to meet a coaster I truly did not like. I mean if anything, it's one more credit! :roll:
Top Spins. I am so completely over top spins. They're ****ing everywhere over here. I'll ride the floorless one at Everland, but otherwise I rarely bother with them.
At Thorpe I never bother with Zodiac, Quantum and Vortex, spinning things make me sick so avoid them. Alton never done Submission and Enterprise, again not my thing. Also never done Ripsaw or Ramasees either as the movement it does would upset my back.
I'm not a big fan of flat rides. The list of flat rides that I could have ridden and didn't is longer than the list that I have ridden. I'll usually ride the more interesting ones if I've already ridden the coasters and am looking for something different, but I'll always avoid spinning, vomit inducing rides as my stomach just can't take it.

So far, the only coasters I've had the chance to ride and haven't are the clown coaster at Blackpool (I was too busy enjoying riding everything else) and the Twister at Lightwater Valley (which I believe is fairly self explanatory).
Out of the last 3 parks I have been to...


Enterprise, Fun but it gets repetitive!
Submission, Been on it before, found it very boring!
Blade, Pirate Ships bore the **** out of me!
Charlie, No thankyouu! I queued up for lie an hour the time before that!


Flying Machines, C'mon its so **** :lol:!
Ghost train, Once you have been on one, you have been on most of them!

Port Aventura

Sea Odyssey, went on it too many times in the week :p.
The pirate ship thing, same reason as Blade!
Tami Tami, had a huge queue :roll:.
The swinger near Khan, I find them boring too!
Them two round spinning rides near Templo and hurakan, they are so **** :p.
Stampida, I didnt want another ruptured splein and brain hemerige!

Yeah so thats from the last 3 parks, thers much more where they coem from :p
None really.. i think every ride deserves a chance, u nvr kno once uve bin on it.
^ Can you try to use proper punctuation and spelling please, it only takes a second.

On topic, I will normally try to ride everything I can, as some things can surprise you.