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Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings island?


Roller Poster
As we all know at this point, I am going to kings island in the summer of 2016. I just have one question about slingshot and xtreme skyflyer that I need answered. Can riders ride these rides solo at kings island? I want to ride these solo.
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Would I have to be paired with a employee when riding slingshot? Do I get to pick the seat I get to sit in on slingshot?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Actually, I'm not too sure on Slingshot. I know for a fact that you can ride Xtreme Starflyer solo. Try contacting the park and get some information there.
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

I have tried contacting the park and they don't respond. I asked them about this about 3 weeks ago. Any suggestions on this? Also what is the best part about slingshot in your mind? Can the harness be tight on slingshot?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

I've done, uh, 9 different Sling Shots... including the one at Kings Island. The *only* one I've been on that let me go single, was the one at Old Town in Kissimmee Florida. (they had a 5 gallon Gatorade cooler with weights in it to balance the seat) In all the other rides, I either rode with a friend (Orlando, Dallas, Vienna, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Jersey) or was paired up with another rider (Myrtle Beach, Denver).
Odds are, as a solo rider, you'll get placed with another single.. or maybe a staffer.... As far as seats go, why does it matter. Does left side vs right side make a difference? You'll both have the same view. (up)
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

I just prefer the left seat on rides because I can. Do you have to be paired with an employee when riding solo?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Blackhole, please do post a trip report on CoasterForce when your return. I've enjoyed reading your questions and tuning into your excitement, so I would love to read how your day went!
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

I may not need to ride slingshot or any ride at the park solo. I will be going with a friend who is a girl and will even get to hold her hand. I am planning on getting a picture from Firehawk. I am going to do a trip report when I get back. I can't wait to go to kings island. How should I do a trip report? Should I include pictures?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

^Yes include pictures! The best way imo is to take a picture of the major rides you went on, then post them in order of what you rode with a little review of the ride. You obviously don't need pictures of EVERY ride, but the major ones are nice. If you see anything interesting/unusual, take a picture of it, and post it here. Can't wait to see it!
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Blackhole6670 said:
I will be going with a friend who is a girl and will even get to hold her hand.

But yeah, will look forward to seeing a trip report - have a look at this topic on how to post the pictures: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=39894
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Thanks for showing me how to post photos onto CoasterForce because I have been wondering for a while. Can riders hold hands on slingshot at kings island? Can riders hold hands on Xtreme Skyflyer at kings island? How much do tickets cost in the morning for slingshot and Xtreme Skyflyer at kings island? How much does a video for slingshot cost at kings island? Is Firehawk a good coaster to start the day on because of the lines later?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

It's pretty hard to hold hands on Skyflyer and Slingshot, but not impossible. I think a video is about $20 if I'm not mistaken. For the itinerary, still follow the one in your other topic everyone suggested. Have fun!
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

If you want to get a good sense of how to do a trip report it's also a good idea to simply read through some that others have posted in the Trip Reports section.
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

The person I was going to kings island with has been manipulating me this whole year. They have lied about going to kings island among other things. Nobody will go with me. I still have not received an answer about riding slingshot solo from the kings island management and I wonder when they will respond ( I emailed them over 2 months ago ). I hope that I can find someone to go with me.
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Try posting on their Facebook page, it's 2016.

But, like, I'm sorry for your loss?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Get Tinder, work your charm and chat up some ladies, you might find someone great to go on all the Maxflight simulators and slingshots with you!
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

Awh man this sucks. If i lived in US i'd definitely go with you. (maybe not hold your hand though) I hope you do find someone to go with as you've been so excited for this trip since you planned it. Isn't Jarrett from the KI area?
Re: Riding slingshot and xtreme skyflyer solo at kings islan

I just found out from Kings Island that you have to have someone with you to ride Slingshot. They won't even let employees ride with the customers. I wish anyone could ride Slingshot solo. I know that you can ride Xtreme Skyflyer solo at kings island but I will ride it with the friend I bring and may even pull the cord to release us to fly. Something else that I wonder about is how expensive the picture from Firehawk will be. How expensive is a photo from Firehawk?