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Rik'Talish Inverted Coaster


Roller Poster
2.70 Big update to Rik'Talish my inverted coaster as it is now mostly done save for a bit of theming.
-Added Rixis a Max Air style flat off the side of a cliff.
-New location Horteka.








Looks really nice!

Although it might just be the angle, but the second-last picture makes the landscape look very monotonous. A lot of rock texture, and not much of everything else. The splash of green with the jungle in the foreground is very nice, though. Perhaps you could use that a little more? If you want to use the jungle sparingly, you could put in something else to draw the eye, such as rocks, little structures or more stark terrain paint (if available). Right now, it looks like the entire area apart from a few patches was hosed down with wet concrete.

The POV is very nice, though, and has none of these issues. It just affects your big birds-eye view shots. So I guess it's not that much of a big deal.
  • Thanks, yea part of it is the angle, part of it is I wanted to folocusbon areas guests can see. But mostly it is because this is now a very old pre expantion version of the park. Can't show it yet though. Promised the review exclusive to Chanel 5 gaming.
Yea that was poor planning on my part. This park started as just me playing around with the game. Then it evolved and evolved. Im hoping a save editor comes out at some point so I can change that. In the meanwhile I am building a stone like barrier around the park to signify that it almost a biodome like effect. Just inside a wall. Ie trying to find a nifty lore reason to explain it.
I used to enjoy playing with juxtapositioning in RCT3. Say there's some unexplained natural phenonium which makes the local climate a lot warmer compared to the surrounding area. This oasis of warmth sustains the local fauna and flora which used to exist in the whole region before continental drift shoved the land further north/south.