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Roller Coaster Tycoon theme-park

El Patricko

Roller Poster
I have always thought it would be an interesting idea to have a theme park or themed area which is built to resemble the popular series, Roller Coaster Tycoon. You could have all the scenery bits as they are in the game, the park entrance like it is in the game and maybe even go as far as having some poorly heartined coasters built :wink:

I think it would be extremely surreal, the ultimate easter-egg if you will. But really i suppose it's a question of wether it would appeal to the public.

What are your opinions on this? :--D
It would be kind of cool I guess but the audience wouldn't be massive (I don't think anyway?).

Part of what made RCT fun for me were the guests, I'd like to see characters walking around the park a la Disneyland, with thought bubbles saying 'I can't find Toilets 1!' etc etc. And massive crowds of people walking back and forth going 'I can't find the park exit!' Hehe =]
nadroJ said:
Part of what made RCT fun for me were the guests, I'd like to see characters walking around the park a la Disneyland, with thought bubbles saying 'I can't find Toilets 1!' etc etc. And massive crowds of people walking back and forth going 'I can't find the park exit!' Hehe =]

"Anal Sex is too intense for me"

Or was I the only one to name their rides like that because of the amusing thought bubbles it created? :oops:
^I used to use "The Chance To Lose My Virginity" for rides with a big wait time, so it'd come up with "I've been queueing for The Chance To Lose My Virginity for ages".

If I still had a working copy of RCT2, I'd go on and re-name a peep Ciall to think that, but, alas, mine is all scratched :(
"I want to get off...." go figure :wink:

To be fair i would be jizzing all day if there was hypothectically a RCT Park, i would only walk at right angles and only buy an on-ride photo if it was priced below £4:20.

You are porbably right in saying there isn't really a market for it but the beuty of it is that most parks people build on RCT are appauling, something tells me that look wouldn't be too hard to achieve especially with some attractive "wild mouse" coasters :lol:

EDIT: (Oh and Piratebay etc usually has some "good value" copies of RCT2)
I have always wanted to go to a park full of Blocky buildings and toilet bowl helixes!
furie said:
"Anal Sex is too intense for me"

Or was I the only one to name their rides like that because of the amusing thought bubbles it created?

How the hell have I NOT thought of this?!?!?!?!?!?! That's genius!
furie said:
nadroJ said:
Part of what made RCT fun for me were the guests, I'd like to see characters walking around the park a la Disneyland, with thought bubbles saying 'I can't find Toilets 1!' etc etc. And massive crowds of people walking back and forth going 'I can't find the park exit!' Hehe =]

"Anal Sex is too intense for me"

Or was I the only one to name their rides like that because of the amusing thought bubbles it created? :oops:

I never ever thought to do anything like that. I feel like I have missed out :(

An RCT park. Yes please. I thought some of the layouts of the coasters were actually quite cool. :oops: I dont know how well the angular nature of the game would translate in the real world so I would kind of like to see it, just to find out...
furie said:
nadroJ said:
Part of what made RCT fun for me were the guests, I'd like to see characters walking around the park a la Disneyland, with thought bubbles saying 'I can't find Toilets 1!' etc etc. And massive crowds of people walking back and forth going 'I can't find the park exit!' Hehe =]

"Anal Sex is too intense for me"

Or was I the only one to name their rides like that because of the amusing thought bubbles it created? :oops:


Although, if I'm in charge of this park, There'd be coaster's whereever you look, minimal and pathetic theming, a huge swimming pool with slides covering it and pathetic ride names.
I've long wanted to enter Forest Frontiers or Bumbly Beach!

The best bit of the game for me was building the ride exit with a square of water infront of it and no path, so that everyone who got off the ride drowned, moohaha. Shame RCT3 doesn't let people drown.

I've got a mac too, but bought Parallels desktop for it, to which my only installations are RCT2, RCT3 and Lego Legoland (what a game!)