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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Length: 2362'
Height: 100'
Inversions: 4
Duration: 1:40
Max Vertical Angle: 97 Degrees

Basic ground work is scheduled to start at the end of this month and therefore I think we can justify starting a construction topic. They will start with the clearing of trees taking place along with markers for foundations and footers. Construction boards should also be making their appearance within the next few months in order to gain maximum exposure throughout the summer.

This will no doubt be a very interesting build to follow!
Re: "Unknown" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

Maykay said:
This will no doubt be a very interesting build to follow!

No it wont - it'll be 500 pages of tediousness and arguments.

Let the fun commence I guess? :lol:
I agree with furie...

Remember the Stealth topic? This will be worse as we'll have more posts about 'It's not a Flyer/Floorless' OR as Ben put, 'Eurofighters are crap'...

I pray for few posts like this... If any...

The build may have been fun if it didn't require going to Thorpe to look at it...

^It's all the fanboys. They get so excited for their new coaster.

Heres to a 200 page spam fest! :D

I am actually looking forward to riding this, however they shouldn't have gone for a eurofighter etc...
Urgh... I hate the way how this is just going to be a crappy Eurofighter, and not something good like a Floorless coaster. (Is that good enough Benin? ;))


Anyway, I don't really count cutting trees down and flattening land as "construction", so meh.
What do you class it as Mike? If the clearing of the trees is to make way for the construction of the new coaster, I'd call it the beginning of the construction process.

Where in Thorpe is this due to be located? Only rode Speed and its a good ride but can deliver some whopping headaches.
Pierre at least someone agrees with me :). Both Rage and Speed really bang my head but not everyone is affected.
I think it's going to look a little bit cramped over that side once it's all complete.

I'm actually looking forward to this, I'm not one of these oh I wish it was a floorless bah blah blah.

Tbh I think it'll be a great addition to Thorpe, if they pull it off, and seeing what Merlin have done With Muntiny Bay over at Alton, I can see this being themed incredibly well.

But if it's not excellent themeing then it won't have much going for it.
If the clearing of the trees is to make way for the construction of the new coaster, I'd call it the beginning of the construction process.

Yes, it's the beginning of the process, but nothing has actually been constructed yet, so construction has not yet begun.
Hixee said:
^It's all the fanboys. They get so excited for their new coaster.


Yes but that is our job as enthusiast's and fanboys/girls to really over hype things! :p

As to the Eurofighter, I like it how Thorpe have used Inferno's idea of pre-lift elements, is a good idea and is different to coming straight out of the station and onto the lift! Also I hope that the themeing ends up as good as it is in the plans!
Mat said:
Hixee said:
^It's all the fanboys. They get so excited for their new coaster.


Yes but that is our job as enthusiast's and fanboys/girls to really over hype things! :p
Yes, partly. However some people are bound to be far to over top.
Hixee said:
Mat said:
Hixee said:
^It's all the fanboys. They get so excited for their new coaster.


Yes but that is our job as enthusiast's and fanboys/girls to really over hype things! :p
Yes, partly. However some people are bound to be far to over top.

Well that is life, some people get more excited than others in anything.
Mat said:
Hixee said:
Mat said:
Hixee said:
^It's all the fanboys. They get so excited for their new coaster.


Yes but that is our job as enthusiast's and fanboys/girls to really over hype things! :p
Yes, partly. However some people are bound to be far to over top.

Well that is life, some people get more excited than others in anything.
Some just get too excited... :D
UncleArly said:
...and seeing what Merlin have done With Muntiny Bay over at Alton, I can see this being themed incredibly well.

But if it's not excellent themeing then it won't have much going for it.

Definately the key here...

Merlin have set a good standard with Mutiny Bay, so this has to be pretty well themed to continue that trend...

Let's also hope the Thorpe ride curse doesn't afflict it too much :lol:

And when the name's annouced how many new users will have it in their username I wonder ;)
And when the name's annouced how many new users will have it in their username I wonder

That would be a good game- How many people can you spot with Thorpe's 2009 coaster name in their username...

But I hope they don't have a scenery disaster like with Stealth where they promised 'viewing platforms' and fancy queues, but ruined it...
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