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Scarefest/Fightnights/Howl"o"ween/ UK Scare Season


Hyper Poster
Alton Towers Scarefest
. Terror of the Towers: What Lies Within
. The Haunting of Molly Crowe
. Sub Species: The End Games
. Nox Infernus (Scare Zone)
. Dark Apocalypse (Scare Zone)
. Sub Species: Operation Lockdown (Room Escape)

Screamland Margate
. The Final Cut
. Abramacabre
. Dead & Breakfast
. Festino's Forgotten Funhouse
. The Scream Machine (Scarezone)

Chessington Howl'o'ween
. Curse of the Lost Tomb
. Trick or Treat Woods
*Vampire Haunting in the Hollows has been removed from the line up :( *

Thorpe Park Fright Nights
. Saw Alive
. My Bloody Valentine
. Cabin in the Woods
. Blair Witch
. The Big Top
. Unnanounced escape attraction

Scare Kingdom
. The Sanctum
. The Hole
. Manormortis Monastery
. Arcanum
. Hell
. Panic Chambers
. Psychomanteum Full Confession

Twisted Attractions Hellfest
. Panic! Unlocked
. Ward 78 Unrestrained
. Terror on the Streets
. Carnage (Scare zone)

Screamfest Burton
. Nocturnal
. SoulSeekers
. Nightbringer
. Children of the Corn
. Freakout

Fear Avon Valley
. Anarchy
. Phobia: Fear Less
. Purgatory: No Escape

Tulleys Shocktoberfest
. The Cellar
. The Chop Shop
. The Nightshade Circus
. Hellements: The Ritual
. The Horrorwood Haunted Hayride
. The Colony
. The Volt
. The Haunted House

The Howl
. The Haunted House
. Mr Topper's Slay Barn
. The Dark
. The Shed
. Squealers Yard

Warwick Castle: The Haunted Castle
. Condemned
. The Haunted Hollows
. Outbreak 1349

Dr Fright's Halloween Nights
. A Nightmare on Main Street
. The Grindhouse: Carny Carnage
. Hollywood Horror
. Amityville

Xtreme Scream
. Ash Hell Penitentiary
. The Hunted
. Stilton Hall Hotel & Hell Spa
. The Pie Factory & Pig Mans Paddock
. The Dungeon
. Curtains Chaos
Thorpe will definitely be bringing back MBV and Blair Witch as they're locked in a 3 year contract with Lionsgate. Not entirely sure where they're going due to WC16 construction, but I think that (assuming it returns in the shipping containers, which sounds likely), MBV will go on the un-used island next to Swarm. Blair Witch could probably use the same route, with the shed just being removed as a temporary thing. I've heard rumours of Studio 13 returning in a tent - I do hope it happens as I loved that maze! <3 They'll probably add in something new though given that's what Thorpe do, or perhaps scare-up I'm a Celeb a bit more.

The Chessington hints were definitely for a Halloween attraction (revealed in their latest video). Apparently it's going to be a Tomb Blaster-themed maze in the hospitality area behind Wild Asia (where The Krypt was in 2011).

I'm a huge fan of Twisted Attractions and what they're doing; so glad you mentioned them (still being quite new, many people still don't know about them). They're in a new location for Halloween, with 4 attractions, calling the event Hellfest...
Panic Unlocked: A maze themed around the aftermath of their current escape scare game, Panic.
Ward 78: Unrestrained: A sequel to their face it alone maze, Ward 78, from last Halloween (a great idea which admittedly was a bit lacking in my opinion).
Terror on the Streets: An original maze concept, set in the Jack the Ripper era.
Carnage: Last I heard, this was going to be a scare zone. It's a sort of sequel to their maze from last Spring, The Facility.

With the extension comes a themed-food outlet, Cannibal's Cave. Current pricing for entry (to all mazes) is £14 early bird (not sure when that expires though), with off-peak being £20 and peak prices being £25. Last Halloween, they were charging £13 / £15 for off-peak/peak for two mazes, so in that respect, it's not too bad!
Yay, it's never too early to start talking about Halloween season!

Normally the announcement of all new mazes and scare zones at Alton would get me really excited. But those descriptions don't sound particularly inspired :/ I don't know. It's hard to tell until you actually experience these things. But, for example, is it just me or do the concepts for both scare zones sound really similar?

Also, I wish Alton made these changes gradually year on year; rather than one year: every maze the same as last years, then next year: every maze new. It's seems like a bit of an erratic way to do it. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing what these will be like. Alton mazes are some of the best in the UK <3

The Tulley's Shocktoberfest announcements are funny too, because some of the "new" mazes sound like the old ones just with a new name. For example: The Nightshade Circus doesn't sound that different from their previous clown maze. But I'll forgive them because their new maze descriptions are full of puns <3

This year is the first year I'll be visiting Scare Kingdom. That's the main thing I'm looking forward to this Halloween :D (as well as Horror Nights at Europa yaaay!)

I hope Thorpe bring back Cabin in The Woods. It's the best one there by a long shot.

A Tomb Blaster maze could work well, especially if there are Mummies involved..they're one of the less-common scary creature's you see in Halloween attractions.
In the applications for Fright Nights. Cabin,MBV,Blair Witch and Saw are all confirmed to go back.
Radaxian said:
This year is the first year I'll be visiting Scare Kingdom. That's the main thing I'm looking forward to this Halloween :D (as well as Horror Nights at Europa yaaay!)
That's what I like to hear - let me know the date you plan on coming.

I'm gonna give my feedback on each of the points in the first post.

silenthillXD said:
Alton Towers Scarefest

Considering the lacklustre event we had last year, it's exciting to see what is pretty much an entirely new line up for the park! Fist up we have:

The Haunting of Molly Crowe

"this new scare maze takes you to the home of Molly Crowe. One chilling night in late October, she was found in the cellar engulfed in flames, screeching sounds of inhuman origin. Her house now lies empty, but she is yet departed… Please note: Guests will be blind folded for certain parts of this experience."

Sounds like a pretty intersting idea for a maze to me. No one is too sure about the location of this one, but it certainly does sound like it will be going into the space of The Sanctuary (What with the reference to the cellar) Also sounds like we may be getting our first contact maze at Alton, considering this maze will have blindfolds on for part of the experience.

I really don't think this will be 'contact' whatsoever - it'll just be a form of interactivity in the attraction the likes of other UK parks, remembering The Passing. In terms of how this will work at Alton with their demographic, only time will tell with this one because I will admit that I am slightly pessimistic as to this type of attraction being offered to the general target demographic of the usual scare attractions at Scarefest (which primarily are for the family market).

SUB-Species: The End Games

"this second new scare maze takes guests to a post-apocalyptic, sewer dwelling community who have been infested by a species from another world."

This maze intrigues me, it doesn't really seem to have as much of an in depth plot as the other, but should prove interesting none the less. Personally I think we can expect to see this maze in the Goal Striker tent Carnival used to be in. Although that being said, anyone thinking this sounds like something that could go in Sub-terra? (doubt it would happen, but it's a possibility)

I truly think this will just be the reintroduction of scare actors in Sub Terra's finale and maybe a covered queue line area. Due to the 'SUB' part of the text it hints quite probably that it will be over in that area.

and finally it wouldn't be Scarefest without....

Terror of the Towers: What Lies Within

"Returning for 2015 with a new route, dare you brave the rubble and hazards of the ruins and uncover the horrific chilling terror that lies within?"

So it's back another year... Oh well it is one of the stronger mazes at the Merlin parks, and the fact it's taking a new route is very promising! Glad to see it's being revitalised, but perhaps it's due a re-do.

Meh, I truly believe that the attraction has had it's day now, no matter what retrofit it is given, the story and the narrative of the experience is becoming very dated. The original Terror of the Towers attraction with the narrative and 'show' conditions worked so so so well in that building and I would just love to see something like that being brought back to the Towers.

Alongside the three scare mazes are two brand new scare zones.

Forbidden Valley: Dark Apocalypse

"A deadly virus has spread across Forbidden Valley. Phalanx control has quarantined the area however, a recent security breach has questioned their ability to contain the virus and keep society safe."

Dark Forest: Nox:Infernus

"The Underworld will rise once again for Nox:Infernus. The Night of Fire. Either join ‘The Cult’ or submit to the End of this World, as we know it."

It's pretty interesting they've gone for area themed scare zones this year. Whilst I am sad to see Scary Tales go, I do like this new idea. I assume Dark Forest will be in the old Zombies location and Forbidden Valley will go.... perhaps along the path down near the sky ride station? But yeah they sound promising!

Thank **** they're doing scare zones like they're meant to be, not a linear walkthrough. Scare zones are meant to be immersive areas that you navigate freely with some form of adventure and mystery int he areas. Whilst I liked Scary Tales, it is a walkthrough experience, a walk through scare entertainment experience and NOT a scare zone.

I'll be adding Tulleys, Scare Kingdom and Twisted Attractions to the list later, but thought the Merlin ones would be enough for now.
Same goes for you, let me know when you're at Scare Kingdom and I'll try and arrange a few little perks.

There's also another huge event happening in the South of England at a park, but I can't say at the moment what it is, soon as it's allowed to be put in the public domain, I'll add the press release to this topic.
^Ooh, sounds intregueing...

I'm planning on coming to Scare Kingdom on the 31st Oct. What better way to spend Halloween! Although I must admit, I'm a little nervous for Psychomanteum..

Gonna mention Fear at Avon Valley in this topic too, it's a relatively new Scream Park right on my doorstep in Bristol :) It has 3 main mazes and some other side attractions. I'm anticipating it to be like a bit like a smaller-scale Tulleys. Will definitely be giving that a go this year (www.fearavonvalley.com)
Just to add to the Fear part, I went last year (Opening year) and I must say I was impressed. The circus maze left a little to be desired but the Anarchy maze was truly a hidden gem, it was very atmospheric. The level of theming for a small farm on their first year was brilliant. Very excited to see what they do this year. Other than the two mazes last year the rest of the event felt a little lacking bare in mind they were stitched up with the funfair and only had dodgems..

I would recommend visiting them if you're in close proximity to Bristol!

What other events are near Thorpe or Alton that are open around the weekend of the 17th? Looking to do Scarefest and Fright Nights back to back as have done that annually but would like to add a third day with a scarefarm. Was looking at Tulleys?
Radaxian said:
^Ooh, sounds intregueing...

I'm planning on coming to Scare Kingdom on the 31st Oct. What better way to spend Halloween! Although I must admit, I'm a little nervous for Psychomanteum..

Gonna mention Fear at Avon Valley in this topic too, it's a relatively new Scream Park right on my doorstep in Bristol :) It has 3 main mazes and some other side attractions. I'm anticipating it to be like a bit like a smaller-scale Tulleys. Will definitely be giving that a go this year (http://www.fearavonvalley.com)
Fear at Avon Valley has an amazing creative team behind it (Unlocked Vision Entertainment), the three very talented guys behind The Hidden House in Westfield (temporary Christmas scare attraction) and very good friends of mine.

Swat said:
...but would like to add a third day with a scarefarm. Was looking at Tulleys?
Come to Scare Kingdom, we're a multi-award winning scream park with 'The UK's Sickest Attraction', Psychomanteum.

Lofty, you wouldn't happen to know how to get to Scare Kingdom from Leicester for relatively cheap? It's number 1 on my list to go to, but I can't figure out how to get there on the cheap. Love the look of your line up this year though! Also SWAT definitely look at Twisted Attractions in Birmingham too, they're the best scare attractions I have been too so far, and the guys who run it are lovely! Ha I did work there for one night last year so it is a bit of a plug :lol: I won't lie I did prefer the to Tulleys, though there is nothing like the haunted hay ride!
Most of the attractions have been announced now! (I'll edit the opening topic right now)

There's a lot to talk about, so i'll shamelessly plug my blog which has all the details of the theme park based attractions that have been announced. Over the next few days I should be putting up some more blog posts covering Xtreme Scream, Scare Kingdom, Twisted Attractions, Screamfest Burton, Fear Avon Valley, Dr Frights and perhaps some others :D


I've now got tickets for Twisted Attractions Hellfest, Scare Kingdom and Fear Avon Valley! Hopefully should be booking tickets for Screamland and Screamfest Burton soon!
https://www.facebook.com/thorpepark/vid ... 378915867/

Sweet dreams…we have a few new friends to introduce tomorrow #FrightNights2015

Looks like Thorpe have started teasing a new scare attraction that looks to be called "The Big Top" which is one of 2 new scare experiences according to thorpe this year.
Move over Director….there is a new player in town. Not one, but two new scare experiences will be revealed in the coming weeks… ‪#‎FrightNights2015‬


All will be revealed tomorrow! Should be exciting!!
:lol: So who's excited at the prospect of seeing a rehash of Carnival of Screams?

I'll reserve judgement till I see what they do with it. Shame this likely means the end of Studio 13...
I've been through some incredibly intense carnival/circus/clown themed attractions in my time, if done well, they can be truly unique, menacing and scary.
Yes but Mark, this is Thorpe.

This isn't going to be a unique twist on an old classic, it'll be a rehash of something that's been done to death.
silenthillXD said:
:lol: So who's excited at the prospect of seeing a rehash of Carnival of Screams?

I'll reserve judgement till I see what they do with it. Shame this likely means the end of Studio 13...

I don't think this will feel anything like CoS - from the teaser videos it's clear the park want to take it into a bit more of a gross route, rather than the dark-ish humour that CoS had.

I'm disappointed that Studio 13 isn't returning (and in general that The Director seems to not be making an appearance - I liked the idea of the character!), as it was my favourite maze. But I never really expected it to return following the introduction of IAC.

As for Thorpe's second new experience, I'm guessing it's just a new overnight experience (probably one with a circus theme) and nothing to get too excited over.


Also, ScareTOUR's Facebook gave some details about Warwick Castle's Halloween event and their new attractions...

-Condemned, a maze inside the Castle.
-Outbreak 1349, themed around the Black Death and sounds like it'll be outdoors.
-Haunting in the Hollows returns, but will be made scarier after 5pm.

I enjoyed their headline attraction, Blackout, last year and it's nice to see the event expanding. Shame I won't be able to make it this year really!
JoshC. said:
silenthillXD said:
:lol: So who's excited at the prospect of seeing a rehash of Carnival of Screams?

I'll reserve judgement till I see what they do with it. Shame this likely means the end of Studio 13...

I don't think this will feel anything like CoS - from the teaser videos it's clear the park want to take it into a bit more of a gross route, rather than the dark-ish humour that CoS had.

Yeah in all fairness everything they've released today seems to be attempting to prove this is far darker, gross and twisted than carnival. I am intrigued by this one now! Their campaign is very interesting :--D
The Big Top has a mirror maze in it - https://twitter.com/THORPEPARK/status/6 ... 9222188034

Does anyone know of any other scare mazes that have mirror mazes? I've only ever found them in walkthroughs like Hocus Pocus Hall and things like the Dungeons. As fun as it sounds, I do have a bit of a worry about how it could affect throughputs / the experience overall..
^I'm sure I've heard of one, feel like I've even done one, but couldn't tell you where...?

Either way it sounds like a neat idea, I bet it'll be a bit like the Dungeons where it's actually tiny but they block you in for a bit, so as soon as the exit is revealed you're out pretty quick - that helps capacity.