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Scariest Roller Coaster You've Ridden

Edward M

Strata Poster
By scariest roller coaster, I mean a roller coaster you thought you might die on or felt actual fear for your life or safety.

Mine is the Wild Mouse @ Luna Park Sydney. Those turns made me feel like I could be thrown out of the car at any second. It was also right beside water which made it feel worse. Not to mention those restraints :shock:
Space Mountain. All those sharp turns and tight squeezed airtime hills in the dark is **** scary even though I don't really think coasters are scary, this one was. O_O

Also you went to Sydney? AWESOME!
Mouse in Blackpool, thought I was going to get thrown out of it.

Also other coasters in Blackpool before H&S made them install lap bars.

I was only a kid so was quite scary.
There were definetly moments on X:/no way out when I didn't trust whether or not the "edging you forwards bit by bit" block brakes would actually stop the train from going the wrong way
Only a couple of ones before I turned into a coaster goon. I went on Space Mountain for the first time when I was 5, which I thought was pretty loud and scary.

My first ride on Bizarro, but only during the lift hill. I was fine and having a great time after the first drop.

But rides were I actually felt I was gonna die on was Jurassic Park River Adventure at IoA when I was also 5. Too soon?
Riding Tower of Terror when it only had one lap bar for 3 people when I was 10 was a terrifying experience, especially when sat next to some fat guy so the bar was nowhere near me!
all of the wooden coasters at Kings dominion are nice and rough, and at times it feels like the car might just pop off the track, especially on some of the airtime hills of rebel yell
Soarin Eagle I felt like I was going to fall out because of how odd the restraint system is I felt it was so sketchy the whole ride. It was fun because I was scared. Also my first ride on Bizarro when I first became a coaster lover. The lifthill was terrifying but that ride made me a enthusiast.
Wild Mouse at PBB and I know it isn't a rollercoaster but Blade at Alton...

It broke down but the wheel didn't stop pushing us so we were going higher than the usual cycle and we were actually going vertical and I thought when is this going to stop! But then the ride op emergency stopped it and we were in the hands of gravity for about 25 minutes just going back and forth...
I haven't really ridden anything that would suit the definition from the first post, closest to it would be Volare in Vienna's Prater. Such a weird feeling that it would fall apart...
I can believe that the coasters like Steeplechase, Bailey Auto sleds or ACE Coaster classics are pretty scary in that matter. Also the single rail alpine coasters look kind of unsafe
Python at Efteling when the brakes didn't work.. When we returned to the station the brakes failed and the train continued into the station and the train didn't come to a complete stop until the front 2 cars had passed the station :eek: I thank god they didn't have a two train operation that day!! (I know what happened on Bizarro, former Superman) Scariest moment of my coaster enthusiast life!
My first ride on Dragster was the most scared I've ever been; HOWEVER, Wild Mouse at Blackpool was the only time I've been on a coaster and thought that my life was a risk. I came back into the station with the belt at my neck. Scary, but hilarious.
I'm a bit of a sissy. XD My first ride on Ricochet at Carowinds got me because it was my first Wild Mouse and I was too young to understand the mechanics of the illusion. I honestly don't like flying coasters (the only three I've ridden were Superman (SFOG), Firehawk, and Nighthawk) but last time I rode Nighthawk at Carowinds I didn't relax enough when they locked the restraint in place and I felt like there was a huge chance I would fall out. And pretty much every time I rode Son of Beast I felt like my life was about to be over...
V2: Vertical Velocity at SFGM, it's so nerve-racking the first 2-3 times, even though you know you'll be completely safe, it's still quite the intense experience!