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Shockwave, Drayton Manor or Air, Alton Towers?

Shockwave, Drayton Manor or Air, Alton Towers?

  • Shockwave

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Air

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Air wins! Shockwave could have been brilliant but it's to short and it's track is getting very rougth. I hope Thorpe Park or Alton Towers build a bigger and smoother stand-up coaster like the B&M's in America.
To be honest i dont really like either of them, but seen as it is a poll, my vote will count, so my vote gos to air, purely because it is better than shockwave !
I really like them both. I can't really differentiate between them when they're put up against each other like this, however Shockwave is higher on my top 10, so it would have to win!

I think Shockwave's gimmick is more thrilling and extreme than Air's, therefore I prefer it that little bit more.
Shockwave. Only my first big rollercoaster and it's Stand-Up. Air is meh, but still fun. For me, Shockwave without a doubt.
It would have been Shockwave by a mile before recently when it has started to get quite rough. I still think Shockwave is slightly better than Air though.
You cant really compare them as one is a flyer the other is a stand up.
Charlie fauvel said:
You cant really compare them as one is a flyer the other is a stand up.

Yes but we are not comparing them, we are giving our own opinions on which coasrer we prefer.

Anyway, I choose Air. I just don't get Stand Up Coasters, it didn't have a real coaster feel to it, the trains themself are weird and uncomfortable, which makes a very rough ride on a very plain layout.

You try and do anything standing up(that you should do sitting down), its uncomfortable. I also don't like the Stand Up side of Apocolypse, but I love the Floorless side, there no weight or pressure being out on my legs, thats what makes it uncomfortable.

Theres alot of different coaster types out there, and on EVERY one, you sit down, apart from Stand-Up coasters, and there the ones that aren't being made any more.
Air is just so smooth and comfortable and a whole new experience, whereas Shockwave is a rather dull drop, loop, uncomfortable, zero-g, corkscrew and it's over.

Air by a long-shot.
Ultimate Coaster said:
Martinb said:
Charlie fauvel said:
You cant really compare them as one is a flyer the other is a stand up.

Yes but we are not comparing them, we are giving our own opinions on which coasrer we prefer.

In order to do that, you have to compare.....it isn't a fair comparison by any means, but necessary for the purpose of this poll.

I think the comparison is fair, it's essentially the same as any poll where you have to categorise coasters... we don't all have different top 10's for Stand Ups, then Flyers, then Inverts etc.
Shockwave is quite rough I find...

It's a cool ride simply because it is a stand-up coaster and there's only one in Europe - always a nice change. But I find it to be little more than an uninspired line of inversions and I'm not a huge fan of the Zero-G roll simply because I find it scary (in a 'oh no, that looks painful' way) as I approach it :p and also an uncomfortable experience.

I like Air...I think flying is better than standing. Nothing wrong with Air as a ride, it's just a bit slow for me. But it's got a good layout and it's a great feeling. Very comfortable as well.
Ugh, i prefer Shockwave... But Air's a better coaster.

You're right though. They both rely on a gimmic, because past it they hold no interest.

Shockwave just has the edge with me. That zero-g is so cool and in some ways, Air is just TOO delicate.

Air is better designed, bbetter considered and by logic a better coaster. But i personally would ratehr ride Shockwave.

Is Shockwave rough? I've heard mixed reviews on it - I'm particuraly interested in the Zero-G roll it has.....
I didn't find it rough. It didnt grind along like people claim. Not by ear or by feel. The seats arn't exacly luxury, but i doubt they are on any stand up. The zero-g pwns. It's a little short, but all the best gimmics are. And while worldwide it's no gimmic - it is to the UK. *shrug*
Well, it is a gimmick really. No matter how hard people slate it, you won't find a Zero-G like it anywhere else. That is the singular most intense inversion I have ever experienced, and I very very very highly doubt you'll find another one like it that exists today, or ever will exist in the future.
Kaycee said:
Nothing wrong with Air as a ride, it's just a bit slow for me.

Its only 5mph slower than Nemesis.

The worst thing about Shockwave IMO is the noise it creates, finger nails on chalkboard?? Square wheels? It just souds horrible, I haven't been on that many old Intamin coasters, infact only, Shockwave & Indiana Jones at DLP, and they both grind along the track, Colossus is heading that way aswell, is this the case with all old Intamin's?
Well said Hajime and Kir.

Shockwave is a better ride to ride, but Air is a better coaster. Just because Air is well built, doesn't make it as much fun.

Shockwave is certainly rough, but there's a real degree of anticipation put into you as you head down for the loop. Then as long as you're still concious after the head banging, the Zero-G is THE best inversion in the country. Absolutely fantastic bit of track and makes the ride. It's a pity it's a bit short really, but the Zero-G makes it.

So Shockwave for me. :)
...Well said? I read back through it and i worry about my typing ability sometimes. :p

I havn't really been on Shockwave enough to really make a good opinion about it. I just know i enjoyed it quite a lot. Drayton Manor is just such a crap-hole that i often forget how great Shockwave was. It just prooves that it's hard to see past other factors effecting your judgement at times.
Even though ive never rode either of them i have seen on-ride videos of air and shockwave. But my vote goes to air because ive heard its very smooth. Also its the first of its type to be made so ill give this vote to air.
i would pick air because shockwave is getting a little rough now that it has been in the park for a while.
i aslo pick air because the ride itself is better and the resistants are not bashed about
I choose air even though i have never ridden shockwave i dont want to as it is very short and supposedly rough. And flyers are one of my favourite coasters the other being b+m inverters. I hpe europe gets another one with more elements, faster, longer and it would be cool if they start making them with verticle loops in both flying and on your back positions.