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According to Screamscape, Deja Vu may be heading across the country to SFNE.

Park News - (7/27/11) Another head-scratching rumor from the Six Flags chain has come back to me this week, claiming that Magic Mountain may be on the verge of losing Déjà Vu (and the coaster crown!) by sending it off to another Six Flags parks for 2012. While I would outright dismiss this as being crazy, this links up with another crazy rumor I’ve been hearing for the past month claiming that Six Flags New England may be getting a “Déjà Vu” coaster of their own. The coinsidence is a bit much, so get your last rides in on Déjà Vu while you still can just in case.

Deja Vu has too low of a capacity/reliability, for a park at SFMM size. Put in a decent sized flat, and, well, no use crying over spilled milk.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I just can't see them giving up the coaster crown like that. Especially as they made such a big deal about taking the record when they opened Green Lantern this year. Seems really odd they'd do something like this so soon.

As for it going to SFNE... meh. It won't be as good as Bizarro, but it might give the park something else good as the rest is pretty average.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

Maybe Magic Mountain will get another coaster and keep the crown, because like Hixee said there is no way they would give up that crown.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I hope this is not true as I'm going to California next year and the GIB's are awesome :p . Anyways ya would seem really stupid to remove it after reclaiming the coaster crown but this is Six Flags....
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I read on screamscape the Ride Rotation Program may return so it could be possible.

It doesn't seem likely though due to them just gaining the coaster crown.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I think at this point we can't say much, because it's just a rumor. I can't see them just giving up a ride that easily, especially with the opening of the mr six's dance coaster thing or Green Lantern.

Besides, it would be a HUGE loss. I love that ride.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

^The reliability is garbage, as is the through put. It could mean the arrival of the long rumored launched terrain coaster though...and with "The Flash" coming out next year...well...launch+New DC movie=Flash coaster. I personally would like to see a big flat go over there that will cover up that crappy wooden coaster back there </3 They need something to make that corner worth something...
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

If by "crappy wooden coaster" you mean Apocalypse, then you must be seriously misconstrued. I bet big on Apocalypse being WAY more reliable than Deja Vu, and worth a lot more. Guests love it. My non coaster friends love it. I love it.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I love how the first reason for stating this rumor to be false is the fact that SFMM has the "coaster crown." Maybe SF finally figured out that that stuff doesn't matter anymore like CF did awhile ago, "If we build it they will come!" doesn't work anymore. The only real thing the "crown" was good for was so that marketing could run off of the "most coasters!" slogan. The "crown" doesn't affect attendance, and it negatively affects everything else (you have to pay for another coaster and all the costs associated with that: ie. maintenance, ride ops, etc...)

I do think that it is possible that the rumor is true, but it is screamscape we are talking about.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I'd just like to point out that Screamscape has gotten a lot more reliable over the past few years. I'm not saying Lance is 100% correct on his posted rumors, but a lot of stuff doesn't get posted because it sounds way too bogus to be plausible. He even mentioned how he refrained from posting this rumor at first, but then he started connecting the dots. It's definitely plausible, but I don't care enough about the rumor/ride/parks to say for myself if it's true or not.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

^Agreed. While Screamscape is a rumor site.. he has broken some stories LONG before they were even announced.. and others tend to be either spot on or close.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

Xpress said:
If by "crappy wooden coaster" you mean Apocalypse, then you must be seriously misconstrued. I bet big on Apocalypse being WAY more reliable than Deja Vu, and worth a lot more. Guests love it. My non coaster friends love it. I love it.

No doubt it is more reliable, but, my non coaster friends HATE it, they found it to be boring, and not exciting at all. I just remember sitting there thinking, is this it? Granted I get spoiled by Prowler whenever I want to, but so much more could have been done with that plot of land, they just missed it. Also the "awesome theming" that some people call it is a joke. Maybe when I go back in December my opinion on it will change, but I still prefer when the other woodie in the park runs backwards over that any day, as well as most wooden coasters out there, well almost all.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

^ Yeah, I disagree with that. While not a "great" wooden coaster, it was designed with families in mind and I think it succeeds at being very fun if not extremely intense. And it is DECADES better than Colosucks or any other wooden coaster in California. It has nice speed for it's size and some great pops of air.

I think it's ok for a coaster to just be plain fun.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

I think it's the only GCI in California, if not Southern California.

Still a great ride, and while it may not be as great as rides like Boulder Dash or Prowler or whatever, it still offers the thrills, and IMO is worth re-riding. Especially at night.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

There's Roar at SFDK, so it's the only GCI in SoCal.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

i think its very possible that they might move it. i mean its been down for all of this year and more. if its just sitting there they might as well do something with that space insead of just letting a coaster sit there for all that time. (cough cough dreamworld).
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

Could have sworn they also just spent a buttload of paint on it....
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

What I want to know is why SFNE would ever take the coaster with its reliability issues. I mean, I'd be thrilled if this rumor was true, because I want to ride a GIB, but it doesn't seem like the smartest move. Six Flags is already hemorrhaging money, I can't imagine moving and rebuilding an expensive and unreliable roller coaster is in their best interest.
Re: SFMM losing coaster, SFNE gaining said coaster

^ exactly, if it doesn't work at SFMM, why would it work at SFNE?