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Roller Poster
It's being reported on a number of coaster sites that Son of Beast at Kings Island is possibly closed for the season as of 6/18/09. Reports are that it was running fine, relatively speaking, as late as Wednesday night and even opened early Thursday but was closed before noon. One person said that a ride op got call and then immediately shut the ride down and announced that the ride was closed for maintenance then made a second announcement saying that the ride would probably not open for the rest of the day.

I'm guessing that someone noticed something structurely wrong during the morning walk through but the ride opened until a second opinion, by someone higher up, of the issue determined that the ride must be closed. An email to Don Helbig questioning SOB's status was replied to simply with, "Son of Beast is closed today for maintenance."

What do you guys think?
Perhaps one member of the GP said to a ride op: "Wow, that was a seriously bad coaster!" after one of the first runs in the morning.

The ride op, terrified, temporarily closed the ride, and ran over to the head office. Spurting up stairs like no one outside the (limited) competitive community has ever done, his heart beating, he curses himself for taking the morning shift. He ran into the CEO's office, shouting at the room in general:
"They have discovered it!"
"What?", the CEO replied
"Son of Beast? Someone who wasn't a coaster enthusiast noticed that the ride is crap! He told me!"
"Curse the Internet", the CEO replied, finding pen and paper from drawers in his desk. "The truth spreads far too fast these days"
"The boy said, before the run, that he had never heard of the ride before! Face it boss, it's starting to show that this ride is against the Genova convention. If people outside the coaster forums start to notice its crapness, it won't be long before it will be mentioned in travel guides"
"It was only a matter of time", the boss grunted. "But do not fear, we've made the calculations. Maintenance and suings cost us about this sum every year, we estimate that the coaster draws this many customers yearly as of now" - he pointed at the paper with his pen - "And this is the amount of wood used to build the ride. With today's firewood prices, we will both save money and satisfy the Internet if we dismantle it and sell it. Go start at once. If we act quickly enough, no one will notice that we have a ride fewer by next week. Hurry!"

(extract from tape stolen from KI offices surveillance cam)

OR, it's down for maintenance. You decide.
Pokemaniac said:
Perhaps one member of the GP said to a ride op: "Wow, that was a seriously bad coaster!" after one of the first runs in the morning.

The ride op, terrified, temporarily closed the ride, and ran over to the head office. Spurting up stairs like no one outside the (limited) competitive community has ever done, his heart beating, he curses himself for taking the morning shift. He ran into the CEO's office, shouting at the room in general:
"They have discovered it!"
"What?", the CEO replied
"Son of Beast? Someone who wasn't a coaster enthusiast noticed that the ride is crap! He told me!"
"Curse the Internet", the CEO replied, finding pen and paper from drawers in his desk. "The truth spreads far too fast these days"
"The boy said, before the run, that he had never heard of the ride before! Face it boss, it's starting to show that this ride is against the Genova convention. If people outside the coaster forums start to notice its crapness, it won't be long before it will be mentioned in travel guides"
"It was only a matter of time", the boss grunted. "But do not fear, we've made the calculations. Maintenance and suings cost us about this sum every year, we estimate that the coaster draws this many customers yearly as of now" - he pointed at the paper with his pen - "And this is the amount of wood used to build the ride. With today's firewood prices, we will both save money and satisfy the Internet if we dismantle it and sell it. Go start at once. If we act quickly enough, no one will notice that we have a ride fewer by next week. Hurry!"

(extract from tape stolen from KI offices surveillance cam)

OR, it's down for maintenance. You decide.

Baha, that was highly amusing :lol:
I think Erol got it but just didn't find it funny.

It was ok. Made me giggle now and then. You've had better stuff Poke.
Son of Beast was shut down due to a woman claiming to have received a head injury from the ride, but never reported the injury to King's Island until June 16th...

http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/day ... local-news

King's Island is playing it safe, and I respect that. Yet, the lady should've reported it sooner. Apparently, it wasn't much of a problem to her to wait half a month before making the call.
Consider this a blessing, the world becomes a better place when SoB isn't running.
How bad was that head "injury" if she didn't report it the day it happened.
Sure Kings Island is playing it safe, but that's a BS reason to close a ride if they didn't even know about the "injury".
And Marc said that the ride is much smoother than the last time he rode it. :roll:
Guess I should have made my POV while I had the chance. Hopefully they will open the coaster again before I go back next month.
Deciding between Villain and SoB is like choosing between hanging or lethal injection.

The end result is always death.
I've ridden both back seat and front seat this season. The back was the worst experience possible. But the front was the best experience I've had on it (since the loop removal). The front is seriously worth the extra 10 minutes.

Taylor, come back and ride the front.