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Martyn B

CF Legend
We all hate being spited, so lets all bitch about it in here. What are your worst spite moments/situations?

Luckily (and I do type this whilst touching wood), I haven't had that many really.

Gwazi Tiger - Despite Busch's webite saying they were both open, I still had this little feeling that one side would be closed, especially with how quiet it was going to be. Gutted only because I missed the +1 really.

Pteranodon Flyers - This annoyed me purely for how arrogant the bastard ride ops were being. Would have been nice to get on another of the BatFlyers, but overall I wasn't too bothered.

Stunt Fall, Parque Warner - Now I look back on it, I am gutted I didn't get to ride it, but at the time I was kind of expecting it to be down anyway. I loved the park regardless, so it's not like I'm never going to return.

Loudoun Castle - In August 2010, we had planned to visit Loudoun Castle. We had a hotel booked (and paid for) in Northern England, to do it as a day trip from our hotel. Driving up to the hotel on the friday, my (normally) ever reliable car kind of let me down. The bearings had gone on one of the front wheels, and it was making **** loads of noise, and I just didn't want to risk it. "Oh well, we'll go another time". It closed for good the following month. :redhotevil:
Kingda Ka - Badly broken when I was at SFGAdv. Don't care, Intamin Rocket coasters are **** - but it would have been nice to have been on the [then] tallest and fastest coaster.

Storm Runner - Again, broken the day we went. Again, don't really care because Intamin Rocket coasters are **** :p

Phoenix - Knoebels Semi-Spite because it was running like turd - I guess this is how everyone who found Boulder Dash poor feels... Only they feel worse, because Boulder Dash when its running well is mind blowing!
Same with Gwazi. I wasn't best pleased.

Express, Walibi - Was closed when i went for it's refurb :(

Test Track, Epcot - I know it's not a coaster, but I REALLY wanted to ride it.

Tren Bravo (one of them), Terra Mitica - I had one of them, not the other, when I went back to the park, it was **** gone :(
LOL @ furie. Sounds like your "Intamin rocket coasters are ****" opinion is based on your spite! :lol:

The launch on Stealth is incredible, so I would have been megad pissed if I were you!
Air- Broken for entire day and when park was to shut in a few minutes, Air opened, just as I'd got one the Skyride from Forbidden Valley.

Rita- The next time I returned to Alton, I'd been queuing for Rita (first ride of day) for an hour and just as I was about to get on, it broke. At least I got a fastrack out of it though.
Son Of Beast - was very closed when I went with Ian in 2007. They were still taking the loop out and making sure it didn't injure people. Wasn't majorly bothered as I knew it probably wasn't gonna be open.

X - was also very broken and had been for several months when I went on my SoCal trip in 2006. Not a happy bunny.

Riddler's Revenge - was broken down all day. Very not impressed.

Matterhorn Bobsleds - was down for a refurb. Sad face.

4 creds at Six Flags Over Georgia - Deja Vu, Ninja and Mindbender were all down. Goliath opened a week after I went.

Vertigo - awful ride, awfully not working. I think Karen was about one of 12 people to ever get to ride it.

There's a few more that weren't working that aren't worth mentioning, but I've been spited quite a lot.

But I have got Pteranodon Flyers.
Martyn B said:
LOL @ furie. Sounds like your "Intamin rocket coasters are ****" opinion is based on your spite! :lol:

The launch on Stealth is incredible, so I would have been megad pissed if I were you!

Nah it's based on the fact Rita, Stealth, Baco, Speed Monster and Kanonen are **** :p
T-Express - Down for a whole month. I wanted to cry..... I still do...

Hulk - Got to the park rode Dragons first but then went down with a stomach bug and had to go back to the hotel to put my head over a toilet bowl.

Gwazi Tiger - Really enjoyed Lion so gutted i missed Tiger due to the park closing :(

Kraken - Opened a week after i went.
Only Montu I believe :( Maybe I could also count Sierra Tonnante, since I wasn't meeting age requierment at the time
Not too many really, Clacton Pier and Camelot spring to mind, although Clacton can easily be picked up this year. JO took quite a few trips to Fantasy Island to get.

Haven't really been anywhere that is not really easy to get too again, so spite has not been much of an issue, I'm sure once we get somewhere long distance, we will feel true spite.
Re: SPITE </3

That Premier launched thing at Walibi Holland was down for a refurb, which was annoying.

Kawasemi was down the first time I went to Tobu Zoo, again for maintenance. I went back a couple of days later, so I got to ride it about 15 times then, but wasn't happy about paying twice for the park, especially as it cost about the same as Disney.

I had to do a second day to get Phaethon as well as it was closed because of rain. Luckily they gave me a free ticket for the next day though. Just lucky I had the extra day to play with.

Biggest spite for me is Eejanaika. It was a few days off opening the first time I went to Fuji Q, which was annoying, but couldn't be helped. The second time I went, a couple of years later, it was down all day while they planted a couple of trees around the bottom of it. TREES FFS!

I've been very lucky really. Nothing down on my massive USA trip or in general that I can think of offhand.
I haven't really had one yet but I went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom a month before Superman opened also I didn't like Raging Bull when I rode it
Son of Beast - Closed for good shortly before my visit there, I did want to see how bad it was so kinda spiteful...

Alpengeist - Dead, really dead... Crane at the ride dead... Really disappointing cos it looked awesome...
El Toro - The single coaster I was looking forward to riding the most during the US-live this summer, and it was closed all day..
furie said:
Martyn B said:
LOL @ furie. Sounds like your "Intamin rocket coasters are ****" opinion is based on your spite! :lol:

The launch on Stealth is incredible, so I would have been megad pissed if I were you!

Nah it's based on the fact Rita, Stealth, Baco, Speed Monster and Kanonen are **** :p

I Really enjoy rita and stealth - baco on the other hand......

As for mine - The whole of coney island, el toro, dorney's invertigo, idlewilds mouse and rollo coaster, and the tivoli at fort fun abenteuerland.

also - phantom manor at dlp was in rehab when I went.
There may be 1 or 2 others!
Re: SPITE </3

Skyrush - Ffffffffffffffffff.....closed down for (at the time) "undisclosed reasons". May get spited by it again when I get there in late June as it may not be open then >_<

Fahrenheit - While I already have the cred, I wanted to ride it again and the ride op kinda looked at me and just said No. Didnt try to staple me or anything. I fit Runner just fine, but the lady didnt even wamt to touch my restraint.

Pteradon Flyer - My young cousin wanted to go, but my mom said no...he was too young and would have been traumatized. He was 5 (which would have been fine).

Georgia Cyclone - It did an e-stop right before my friend and I got on. To make matters worse, we let someone on infront of us

S:UF@SFoG - Oh dear god did this one piss me off to high heaven. Who cares if the ride is a bit crap and lackluster. The ride-ops were feeding the excuse that 64° F weather is too cold for the hydraulics for that ride to operate properly. They literally sent empty trains around while saying the ride was going to reopen shortly. Waited two hours before my friend and I left. God did I want to smack those two ops. Lazy ****
Furius Baco. Despite numerous signs being planted up around the park with opening hours on them the ride never opened, throughout the weekend.

Other than that I've been quite lucky, don't think I've missed out on a ride and the closest I've come has been PMBO shutting due to the **** weather in Blackpool about an hour after I'd ridden it in the morning.
Re: SPITE </3

Worst Spite I've ever had was Rita, visited AT 4 times in '05, 4 times in '06 and finally got on the thing in '07!
ring°racer - Broke down on our way to Nürburgring & hasn't reopened since. Nothing like being all pumped for the ride & then seeing the train sitting there on the track where they had evac'd the riders, then having security tell you about the loud BOOM it made during the launch that shook the entire grand stand & knowing that there was no chance waiting for it to start back up again. At least they let me walk up to the train to take photos for my trip report.

Primeval Whirl was down for refirb the only time we've been to Walt Disney World in 2009, but I'm sure I'll get it on a return visit (even though the wife & kid never want to go back :roll: ).

Wild Mouse at Idlewild has been SBNO for almost two years now & I've been to the park twice during that time to find out why & was informed the last time that they are waiting for a part from Vekoma.

The only other spite was Boardwalk Bullet being down when we flew to Houston just to ride it in 2011, but I made up for it on my cross country trip last summer.

Like Gavin, I've been extremely lucky. *knocks on wood*