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Station Music


Strata Poster
As some of you know, I recently got back to working on rides at Cedar Point. Even better, I'm running GateKeeper. I've only been back a few days, and do love working there. But when I got to the spieling position, I noticed something quite odd.

There was no station music.

I really didn't too much of it until I got home. That's when I thought: how many rides actually HAVE station music? Even more so, how many of them are just for the ride? Certain rides at Cedar Point have ride specific music that almost anyone who has been there remembers. But what about the rides that lack that special song, that catchy tune? And what about that rides that already have them. Are they well fitting, or should they have picked something else?

What's your thoughts?
I thought this was a topic about posting your favorite station music.

I really liked Millennium Force's station music. When I first listened to it I wasn't sure about it, but it got really catchy and I think it fits there nicely.
^It's both about your favorite station music, and suggesting music for rides that are lacking in music.
Station Music was very popular in the early 2000s (such as Cedar Point with MF, TTD, and WT). However folks have seemed to step away from station music, which I don't really mind.

To my knowledge: Nemesis, Air, Oblivion, MF, and Disney rides have had music written specifically for each respective ride.

Many of the world's best roller coasters do not have station/queue music.
Cedar Point's YouTube channel has a video featuring music for Maverick billed as theme music. Did they ever play it in the station? It's the only coaster that has station music on the channel I've never heard in the actual station at Cedar Point.


I honestly love station music. Millennium's really makes you nervous when you're hearing that ominous riff repeating while the lights above the train go on consecutively before dispatch. And I had never been more nervous to ride a coaster than I was when I rode Dragster due to my inconvenient fear of heights, but once I heard the station music while watching that train blaze off, I WANTED to ride. Not for the credit, because I WANTED to.

Another one I'd like to address here is Mystery Mine's station music. It fits the ride so well and really adds to the campy theme it has.

I wonder if Ouimett will restart the trend of station music with Banshee. I really don't think any kind of music would fit GateKeeper that well, but Banshee's appropriate music is obvious. It's clear that they're pulling out all the stops with it right now, I wouldn't be surprised to see Banshee get its own soundtrack.
Every time I get inside the Millennium Force station I get the urge to break out the glow sticks and get my rave on. It annoys my wife to no end. :lol:
2012Jarrett said:
Cedar Point's YouTube channel has a video featuring music for Maverick billed as theme music. Did they ever play it in the station? It's the only coaster that has station music on the channel I've never heard in the actual station at Cedar Point.
No, this music and other country has only ever been played in the queue.

The more I think about it, the less I believe station music is important. Glancing through my personal rankings of roller coasters, it is few and far between roller coasters that feature music in-station.
Station music doesn't do much for me, but something simple like Outlaw Run's chorus during a train dispatch is a nice touch.
Black Mamba's drum noises when a train dispatches is also a great little touch. I can't think of many coasters I've ridden that were built in the last couple of years that have station music; maybe it's something most parks don't bother with anymore. Neither Swarm nor The Smiler have station music, for example.
May I ask, why can't Thorpe Park use the "Hello Zepp" theme composed by Charlie Clouser on Saw-The Ride? They use it at Fright Nights, but why not all year round. Would it of cost more to use it?
TTD should get on board audio that plays: Eastern Thug by KOAN Sound and have the beat start when the launch starts. I tried it with a video and it goes great.
Try it!
The Smiler kinda has 2 Station tracks.

The optical room and stairs to the loading platform has a twisted, slightly more dark version of the theme. Whereas the music in the exit corridor is overly-cheery and happily.

It's quite subtle, but I quite like the detail.
I agree with Black Mamba's dispatch sequence. Amazing. I also love the music in the station of De Vliegende Hollander and Joris en de Draak.