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The strangest place(s) you've had to 'go'.


Giga Poster
So after reading why Ben's banned from Hampton Court Palace, I was thinking of all the places I've had to 'go' when drunk etc.
So hows about yous?

Deffo had to just GO in Paris a few weeks ago, no toilets in the train station so pissed down some stairs that lead to a platform. No one was around, apart from the cleaner at the bottom of the stairs <3

I've pissed off the top of the Devil's Kitchen in Snowdonia after climbing Y Garn (we camped just at the top). Probably also pissed on the place Richard III was killed at Bosworth Battlefield and definitely pissed into the corner of "the haunted room" of Oystermouth Castle - though whether it was haunted or not I couldn't say, but no ghouls or ghosts bothered me while I slept there.

Erm, yeah, nowhere really remarkable, I try to use toilets where possible, or if I've been camping, up against a hedge or something unspectacular.

I had a "friend*" once who could just take a crap or a piss anywhere. He had a dump outside the plate glass window of an Indian restaurant one night at about 8:30 in the evening, much to the delight of diners.

He also laid a cable in the trolly bay at Asda. Dirty ****.

*Well, he was somebody who was part of the gaming clan I used to play with. We knew he was a scouse teacher in the Wrexham area and incredibly intelligent (one of those people who is just so shockingly clever it's hard to fathom). So when he turned up and we met him for the first time, it was hard to match this intelligent, calm guy with the gob **** e, turd anywhere bugger that appeared. Though he was actually a real laugh beyond being a bit too much, it just goes to show - don't meet up with people you meet on the internet!!!
furie said:
He also laid a cable in the trolly bay at Asda. Dirty ****.

At my work, if you start really early you have to ring a bell at the staff door and wait a couple of minutes to get in, well we have one guy who decided that one day he couldn't wait for the door to be opened, so he decided to have a poo in the middle of our car park, in full view of the rest of us that where turning up to work.
He has no shame whatsoever, how he didn't get the sack for it I will never know?
While in line for Serial Thriller late one eve :lol:

Also went in some bars cacti outside while in Vegas.
I accidentally had a number 2 on my mum's lap whilst I was sat there. She was so annoyed she took my iPhone off me ;)
Hmmmm I've dived out of a moving car to go once haha, it came on so suddenly! In my bed, when drunk because I thought it was a toilet, at the side of the road on a drunken walk home, in a bunny suit at a camp site....those are all I can think of off the top of my head haha XD
I went to see a movie with some friends a few months ago, and I was so drunk that I peed on the side of the building. Just glad I didn't get busted for it. I'd be willing to bet that isn't the first time I've done that, but it's just the only instance that comes to mind at the moment. :roll:

Really, I've peed lots of places outdoors.. the fact that it's so easy & quick to do so is just one of the subtle joys of being a guy :)
On the platform of the Underground (blame Nando's unlimited drinks), on the side of the I-90 in broad daylight, in the middle of the road while drunk, on a ravine next to one of the busiest roads in the city which resulted in me falling down into a picky shrub and into the parking lot below, in an empty fast food cup while I was in the car and couldn't stop.. Yah that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
I broke into a football field and me and my friends pissed all over the field. Worst of all, we were sober.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
On the platform of the Underground (blame Nando's unlimited drinks), on the side of the I-90 in broad daylight, in the middle of the road while drunk, on a ravine next to one of the busiest roads in the city which resulted in me falling down into a picky shrub and into the parking lot below, in an empty fast food cup while I was in the car and couldn't stop.. Yah that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Ahahaha you're vile <3
In the queue for Gforce at Drayton, was really busting to go. Furie moved me to the front if the cf queue but them restraints just made me even worse. Ran of the train at the end and just about got to the loo.
First night of visiting Istanbul, I had a bit to drink, and nowhere to pee, so I found the first quiet alley I could find. I did my thing, only to turn round the corner and find 2 armed guards protecting the front of some palace-like building. Oh man I felt so bad for doing that...

The Blue Mosque. :shock:
On my bed, while drunk, stood up and everything.
In the corner of a hotel room, while drunk.
Up my mates leg, while drunk.
Up my in-laws bedroom door, while drunk.

Pattern emerging i think. All number 1's.