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Strata Poster
One of my crossword clues yesterday was "grooves made by tyres".

The answer was "Rita" - so that's one of the big theme park mysteries solved!
Guess what??

I emailed puzzler asking about this - and it was an error!! so false alarm!

this should go down in coaster folklore though!
To be honest, I'd wish some coaster enthusiasts would learn not to wholly-capitalise ride names.

I cringe a little inside when I read RITA, AIR and SWARM. *shudders*
Bottom_Feeder_13 said:
^ I think that AIR is actually correct because it stands for Aerial Inversion Ride or something like that.

Ah, the acronym made up by some coaster enthusiast? That'll be right over how Alton Towers write it then :p

Some people put air, without the capital too. That's also a mistake, it's just that the Air font has a capital A that looks like a lower case a. In Alton Literature and on their website, it's always Air. When in doubt, go to the horses mouth, there's more in there than hot air and hay.
furie said:
When in doubt, go to the horses mouth, there's more in there than hot air and hay.

I think you'll find in the case of morwenna anoverbadpublicitystunt (or whatever it actually is) that is pretty much all there is in there...