Cedar Point:
* Early 1900s: "America's Most Beautiful Summer Pleasure Health Resort"
* Mid 1930s: "Queen of American Watering Places"
* 1951-56: "The Most Popular Summer Vacationland in the Midwest"
* 1972: "Cedar Point 72, It's like you've never been there before!"
* 1974-75: "All the places that you wanna go this summer are at Cedar Point"
* 1976: "Cedar Point, for the time of your life"
* 1977: "With more rides than ever before, and a lot more than just rides. Cedar Point."
* 1978: "And share it, with someone you love, Cedar Point"
* 1979-1985s: "The Amazement Park," while ads featured "Cedar Point is the cure for the summertime blues" (sung as a modified version of the classic Eddie Cochran song "Summertime Blues")
* 1986-87: "The Cure for the Summertime Blues!"
* Late 1989-early 1990s: "Get to the Point!"
* Early 1990s - present: "America's Roller Coast"/"America's Rockin' Roller Coast"
* Mid 1990s: Commercials featuring hairstyles caused by Cedar Point's collection of roller coasters hit local television. One actress had a large wind-whipped "Frankenstein's Bride-esque" hairdo caused by a day at Cedar Point and her line at the end of the commercial was: "I call it the Sandusky!" This commercial ran during the "Get to the Point!" ad campaign.
* 1995: "Real Thrills"
* 1996: "Get to the Point!"
* 2000-03: "Hold On!"
* 2003-04: "Are You Ready?"
* 2004-05: "Absolutely Amazing"
* 2006-09: "America's Roller Coast"/"America's Rockin' Roller Coast", "Ride On!"
* 2010: "America's Roller Coast"/"America's Rockin' Roller Coast", "The Fun and Only", "Ride Warriors", "Ride On!"