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Throwing up on a ride


Strata Poster
Last month or so, I went to Kings Island with my girlfriend and Justin. We rode Flight of Fear, and at the end of the ride, my girlfriend threw up. I'm not going to go into more detail about it.

The thing is, I've never had an issue with nausea on any ride what so ever, yet been with people who couldn't stomach it, or, in the 2008 case, got to clean it up.

So the question is simple: have you ever vomited on any sort of ride? Or has your nausea tolerance built up to where you couldn't?
I've never puked on a ride, even after a large meal (glares at Python for coming close). I have, however, thrown up on a boat twice in two days while fishing, so I my nausea tolerance is a little confused.
Nope never =] although I almost did once after doing the waltzers with my cousin over and over at Skegness pleasure beach fair.
I have never thrown up nor have I gotten queasy on a roller coaster. The only type of ride that can make me a little nauseated are "tea cups". Other spinning rides won't get be sick at all, but for some odd reason they'll get me.
I never get sick on rides, but giant frisbees make me feel nauseous for a short time, which usually lasts for about thirty seconds while the ride is coming to a halt. It's strange how the smaller, slower swings affect me more than the large ones.
If I did the kinds of things a lot of people do, like marathoning a coaster 5-10 times, I'd most likely throw up. I can even after riding a certain ride twice in a row. I just have to limit myself, which can suck, but it's worth not getting sick. I've done pretty well because I've only ever thrown up once after a coaster and that was Invertigo at Kings Island last year. Firehawk and humidity also helped cause it.
I'm not really the puking type. Spirits often make me sick and dirty pints too (at least its the right thing to do there). Coasters, never.

Even the really spinney flats don't make me nauseous. I do try and avoid riding them anyway because I don't really like the experience, but when I have I don't want to be sick.

I've never done it, but I'd imagine eating a large meal then going on an especially rough/disorientating coaster could you sick quite easily.
Nope. Threw up lots BEFORE Port Aventura, but not while riding :)

Felt very ill at Pleasure Island though after my first three rides there being "Spinny make you feel sick I", "Spinny make you feel sick II" and "Spinny make you feel sick III". However, a quick concussion on the Baboomorang sorted that out :)

I went to Alton once with a lad who loves rides, but they often make him hurl. He was sick after air under the stairs. He got off, chundered, then went off to ride Nemesis. It was pretty bizarre, but he knows it just happens sometimes.

Madame_Furie can't get to Alton Towers without being sick, we usually stop at the old station at the bottom of the hill for her to get it out of the way before the park :)
Never thrown up on a ride, after a ride, before a ride or indeed at a theme park before. Some rides me me feel ill, but never result in anything.

In fact, I only really throw up about one every 3 years in any situation, and it's usually when I'm not ill...
I was once sick after getting off a Dive Bomber :(

I was very nearly sick on Kumba, but that was due to the heat and not drinking enough as I felt ill even before getting on it.
Sandstorm made me feel VERY sick but I wasn't sick just out of the game for about an hour or so, ask anyone at the 2006 Southport live. BORK.
I've never actually thrown up after being on a ride. However, I did come very close once. It was a Top Spin at a Fun Fair in Nottingham. It was a wednesday afternoon and quite quiet, so they left us on it for aaaaaaaaaaages. It was actually horrible.
I've puked just after riding Quantum at Thorpe (ate a cheeseburger beforehand as well) but I've never been sick on the rides. Also rides which do a lot of spinning tend to make me feel ill except oddly enough Enterprises.
Don't think I've ever thrown up after a ride...

Cleaning it ain't much fun either... Worst one I've seen was when someone threw up 3 times on Black Buccaneer in about a minute... Urgh...
I haven't until this year. All the times that I've thrown up have been due to a really rough coaster.

When I rode Gwazi I guess that it shook me so badly that I lost my lunch (which I had just finished, stupidity on my part).
I rode Hurler 7 times in a row and felt really bad about 10 minutes afterwards and threw up.
My friend dragged me on Invertigo a third time and I really didn't want to because it wasn't fun the first two times and the third was worst. It banged my head around so badly that it made me sick and I puked.
Nope. But I felt really ill after doing the Spin Doctor type ride in the Winter Wonderland in the fair in the Millennium Dome back on 2006 (I think). Watched it for ages and just decided to give it a go. You came incredibly close to the roof of the dome though and I felt quite queasy afterwards.
Quantum at Thorpe makes me feel ill for a while after as well so I just avoid it now.
I've never thrown up ON a ride before.
However, after going on a Miami Wave I felt a bit queezy, then my mum held my head above a bin, which smelled worse than anything I've ever smelled. And, needless to say, I blew a few chunks.

Rides with that motion (like quantum at Thorpe Park) make me feel il, but i'm not sick anymore.

I threw up on holiday in Pakistan once when I was 13yrs old. I drank a strawberry pop drink, and after the ride was over, I ran too some grassy area and hurled my guts out.