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Tons Of New GCI Concepts Appear


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Seems GCI has released a ton of new concept to a in the current issue of Amusement Today.

And there's some doozys in there.

As usual these are just concepts used to advertise to parks so I wouldn't necessarily expect to see these exact rides anywhere (with perhaps the exception of the compact coasters) but elements of the designs will possibly appear in future custom deaigns bought by other parks.
I love the Compact Coasters and the Slab Coaster V1. I wonder if the smaller layouts are narrow gauge and use the Mini-llennium Flyers?
.....Someone needs to take away NoLimits from the interns at GCI
Absolutely love that we're slowly creeping towards a generation of NoLimits & RCT gamers entering (and flooding) the professional side of the industry. It's been bleeding in for a fair few years now, but it's properly on the horizon for the imminent future.

Cannot wait for a real life Mr. Bones' Wild Ride to come to fruition.

Yeah, these project concepts look whack, but I am totally here for it. Have we yet seen an inverting GCI?
I wonder if this also means a new model at IAAPA this year...
Interesting that they have a concept for a “hybrid launch coaster,” the same year Dollywood gave up on the Lightning Rod launch.
I'm sure GCI has learned their lesson on wooden coaster launches. As long as they use a steel structure for the launch and maybe a few elements after, they can mitigate the swaying Lightning Rod was dealing with.
Do you have a link to that page on their website?
Because I can't find anything about this.
It's a magazine so it's not on their website as such

Just click the download pdf version and it's in there

It's literally an advertisement that is only the image in the original post so you won't find any more info though.