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Underrated Dark Rides


Hyper Poster
I was thinking of starting a topic about everyone's favourite dark rides but then I realised the list would be flooded with mainly Potter, Spiderman and various Disney E-Tickets so it wouldn't be hugely interesting. So instead this is a place to discuss the more low budget, less talked about dark rides or the smaller ones that strike a chord with you. Let's begin:

Reset (Mirabilandia) - Wasn't expecting much going into this but it was a really solid dark ride, one of those omnimover shooters with a post apocalyptic theme. It's very short and constantly a bit too dark but I love the scene where you go through an abandoned supermarket. It's very detailed and I love claustrophobic feeling dark rides, you feel so close to the sets it's like you're actually in the scene as opposed to observing it as you pass by.

Bazyliszek (Legendia) - Definitely one of the cutest dark rides out there, it feels quaint in the same way that Fantasyland dark rides like Pinocchio do. It's a shame the trackless system isn't put to good use but the mix between sets and screens is perfectly balanced and the guns feel hefty but not uncomfortable to hold while providing vibration feedback when you hit a target. Again it's on the short side but the whole experience is just so lovely.

Piccolo Mondo (Europa Park) - Another cute dark ride, lots of interesting scenes and animation and a catchy soundtrack.
I honestly really like Wonder Mountain Guardian at CW.

Voyage to the Iron Reef, however, is garbage.
Fata Morgana & Droomvlucht at Efteling are both fab dark rides and better than Symbolica in my opinion.
Well, I read this topic name and immediately thought of Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage, which is one of the best dark rides ever yet gets no attention. I think it may close soon since it never has a wait and must be a fortune to run. Otherwise, I can’t think of much. Most of my choices would be from Disney or Universal, but, as you said, everyone kinda knows those already. I haven’t gone to the charming European parks like Efteling yet, where I imagined the more under the radar dark rides are. American parks (regionally) are pretty s**t with dark rides in general. Idk, I like Flooded Mine at SDC a lot, and SFOG’s Monster Mansion is low key adorable and atmospheric. Otherwise, not much. Oh ya, and I’m really tired of the Justice League rides.
Fata Morgana & Droomvlucht at Efteling are both fab dark rides and better than Symbolica in my opinion.

I agree that Fata Morgana is a lot better than people give it credit for, but it's not better than Symbolica, not is Droomvulcht any good imo :p

I had a soft spot for Forbidden Caves at Bobbejaanland. It's well themed and a nice story. Despite the park being awful, this attraction wouldn't be out of place in many good parks.

And not officially a dark ride I s'pose, Bermuda Triangle at Movie Park Germany. I know it's got a cult following and it's dated, but I really enjoyed, and think it's legitimately a decent little gem of a ride.
Shout out here to Nemesis: Sub Terra. I thought it was a nice idea, well executed, with some great interaction from the ride hosts during the 'debriefing' section. I deliberately didn't follow the construction so that my first go was completely unknown, I had no idea what to expect and I genuinely found it very scary! Subsequent rerides with various noobs had a similar effect on them too.
Ok so the ending of the ride and the exit process was kind of awkward and chaotic, but that's only because the experience was so effective that half of the riders were genuinely fleeing for their lives!
Can't understand why Alton have left it sitting there for 4 years and not done anything with it. Crazy.
Horribly, I'm going to come across as very old here, but a ride that seems to have disappeared into the mists of time is Greatest Show On Earth at BPB, a suspended, circus themed dark ride that stood on what is now the Burger King site. Probably rose-tinted glasses to an extent, but I remember being utterly enchanted by it when I was a kid. Back when I was small, I'd go on that with my Mum while my Dad went on the Big One. I still remember it going outside for a bit, which was very exciting as a small kid! It's long-gone (I think it came down in 1997 or something), but because I've basically heard nobody ever mention it and I loved it, to me that counts as underrated. ;)
I remember really liking Curse of DarKastle. The story was really good (from what I remember, that is), and the animation was great! Definitely my favorite non-Universal/Disney dark ride. However, the most underrated shooting dark ride I've ridden is easily the Plants Vs. Zombies dark ride at Carowinds. It's a bit confusing to know which pointer is yours, but there's a number on the ride vehicle that shows which pointer is which. Overall I thought it was great fun, and I ended up getting the most points on my side!
Horribly, I'm going to come across as very old here, but a ride that seems to have disappeared into the mists of time is Greatest Show On Earth at BPB, a suspended, circus themed dark ride that stood on what is now the Burger King site. Probably rose-tinted glasses to an extent, but I remember being utterly enchanted by it when I was a kid. Back when I was small, I'd go on that with my Mum while my Dad went on the Big One. I still remember it going outside for a bit, which was very exciting as a small kid! It's long-gone (I think it came down in 1997 or something), but because I've basically heard nobody ever mention it and I loved it, to me that counts as underrated. ;)
Originally upstairs in the casino, I think it used the stage and backstage area of the Paradise Room, it shifted to the Burger King site after a few years.
Crap but magical crap, couldn't agree more.
I Corsari is my vote for this, it's sooooo good. Especially with the new update with all the projection mapping and ****, probably the best dark ride at a Merlin park alongside Hex?

I also agree with Darkastle, that ride was ****ing fab and deserves to rest in peace. That being removed genuinely probably makes it my favourite ride that's ever been spited?
Three Caballeros is one of the best things at Epcot and you can't change my mind.
This. It's even better if you've read the two Don Rosa comics that bring the trio back together. José Carioca and Panchito Pistoles are, after all, Donald's only real friends outside his family, so it's nice to see some adventures of Donald's where he isn't playing second fiddle to his uncle or relying on his nephews for guidance. The first comic even makes use of the song, with musical notes printed between the panels.
Terror castle at Brean. You go in with really low expectations expecting a crappy travelling haunted house but it genuinely is quite scary and unsettling. I would almost argue its worth going to Brean for.

I don’t really consider any walk-through attraction a dark ride, but the walk-through haunted house at Indiana Beach is much longer and better than your typical haunted house/fun house/Noah’s Ark type attraction.
I must say i really like Challenge of tutankhamon in Walibi Belgium :) good interactivity and well themed.

Also Hollywood tour in Phantasialand is fab and may never be destroyed O;)