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"Unknown" - Vekoma Stingray for Suzhou Giant Wheel


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Suprised this ones isn't up here already. Did a quick search but couldn't find anything

Vekoma is building of their new Stingray flying coasters at Suzhou Giant Wheel Park in China. The ride looks like a cross between an S&S El Loco and a Flying Dutchman. I imagine the rides capacity will be terrible, but the park appears to be tiny. (See below)


Unfortunately since the announcement there has been little info so I thought id turn my hand to digging up any info I could find on it.

From what i found the park appears to be new and the ride is still being built.
From what Vekoma told the guys at TPR the ride will be handed over to the park at the end of August and then its up to the park when the ride opens.

This page has various plans and some construction pictures of the park
http://news.xinhuanet.com/forum/2008-05 ... 243409.htm

interestingly some of the graphics show a Stingray and some a Volaire

Sorry its not much but ill update if i find more
Oo wow.. I didn't think we'd see one of these for a few years.

Well, I'm glad to see one going up.. just sad to see it so far away.

You can already see the layout of the park though.. and where the Stingray will be placed.. (for those who don't wanna scroll down the page)

It'll be great getting to see this concept take off.

Hopefully it will breath some new interest in the flying dutchman design from Vekoma.
Iv'e seen the concept art for this as have many, but I didn't think verkoma were going to build on this year, Great news for such a smallish park :--D
I think that it looks like a pretty cool concept, I can't wait to hear reviews of this thing because it sure is interesting...
^ Concept Art draw to scale. :wink:

The Giant Wheel will easily belittle the coaster, but I could care less.

I just want to see this concept in real life.
Hyde244 said:
^ Concept Art draw to scale. :wink:

The Giant Wheel will easily belittle the coaster, but I could care less.

I just want to see this concept in real life.

Haha, true!
I love how half the concept mockups show one of those horrible Volare coasters where they finally decided to buy and place the Vekoma.

If the Vekoma machine strapped you in via a noose around your neck and a nail through your groin it would still be more fun than that Zamperla piece of crap, so they made a GREAT final decision!

Lookin' forward to seeing it going
I really don't understand why it seems EVERY Asian park MUST have these giant wheels. Get a damn observation tower.. it doesn't make EVERYTHING else in your park look like crap.
^^ It's far from every Asian park. They're very common in Japan, yes, but nowhere near as much in the rest of Asia.

Anyway, I'm sure we had a topic about this coaster before, but it seems to have disappeared. I agree that Zamperla Volares aren't as bad as most people make them out to be, but this looks like a much better coaster.
Screamscape posted a picture of construction:


I know it's not finished yet but it looks a little on the short side...
It was never going to be a long coaster. If you seen the promo pics it never looked a massive long coaster. Still looks fun, and adds a new expierience in a way
Some of those raven-turns are going to be intense. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't turn out to be uncomfortable.

Still, the colours are cool, and it looks pretty sexy. Especially that overbank.
the ride does look pretty cool for a small park, people say its small but i guess its not as bad as iron-bru at bpb...which is a good ride but just saying short also. ive been looking for lots of pic updates myself. looking forward to seeing a test run myself :)