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Volcano or Big Bad Wolf?

Volcano or Big Bad Wolf?

  • Volcano

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • Big Bad Wolf

    Votes: 10 45.5%

  • Total voters


Mega Poster
Both of these monsters are unfortunately defunct today. If you could bring back one from the dead, which coaster would you pick?
Big Bad Wolf.

I've got the Volcano cred, thought the launch(es) were good but the rest was crap.

Big Bad Wolf looks more interesting throughout, and it would be a +1.
Having ridden both, many times, eh, neither? Both suffered from the hype machine. Volcano was fun but it's definitely not top anything. Annddd back in 09 I was at BGW the day they announced the BBW was closing forever, and still didn't ride it since the line was insanely long and I'd been on it some 20 times in the 10 years leading up to that visit. Again, a fun ride but really not top of its game,
Volcano and it's not even a competition for me. While Volcano wasn't THAT great, I always felt it was a lot more fun than the layout should be. However, I have never understood the fanfare around BBW. As a person who places a lot of importance on ride pacing, BBW had legendarily poor pacing. The first half was relatively slow and any momentum that the ride carried was interrupted by the large lift hill. The subsequent drop was great, but the excitement was incredibly short lived as you quickly made a few turns into the brakes. In the world of Arrow suspended coasters, Ninja, Bat, and Vortex are all vastly superior.
Glad to see some Volcano realism here. It looked awful - ugly mess of track cluttering an unrealistic bumpy hill. Queue was grimey. Vertical launch was a lot of fun, Don't remember much else but at least I was lucky enough to get on it given the reliability.

Got to Williamsburg less than a year after the Wolf gone so suffer greatly from hype envy. So this one only to know what I missed.

No matter how great either of these actually were I doubt they come close to the rose tinted hype. Where either really that good?
Big Bad Wolf because I've enjoyed all the Arrow suspended coasters I've done, whereas I feel like Volcano looked like it was a bit rough around the edges.
Big Bad Wolf was definitely the better of the two.

Volcano was a nice idea, badly implemented; It started well, but after 20 seconds, it was out of worthwhile things to do.

Big Bad Wolf wasn't as spectacular as it looked, and was a bit underwhelming in some key areas, to be honest, but at least it was fun. The first half, zooming through the village was decent enough, albeit not groundbreaking. The signature big drop was somewhat ruined by trims, the turns that followed were pretty good, and then the ride just... ended. There was some good stuff in there, and some great individual ideas, but somehow, I never felt like it managed to be more than the sum of those parts.
I rather liked Volcano actually. It surprised me lots. Until I actually rode it, I didn't know it had 2 launches. That was a BIG surprise! But I just thought it was a fun, unusual slice of Intamin madness.
Plus, my final lap was a front row night ride while the nightly fireworks were going off. That was sweeeet!
Bonus point for the ride host on the mic that day who was doing his job to a bit of rapping/beat boxing:
"I know I know
you dug Vol-ca-no
At the end o the ride
step off to the left side..."

Or something like that.

I never rode BBW, but I bet it didn't have a beat boxing ride host.
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I never rode BBW, but I bet it didn't have a beat boxing ride host.
On the plus side, the soundtrack presumably wasn't Duck Sauce...

(I voted for Volcano, as it's what I'd rather rebuild and ride)
Back when I was just getting into the swing of this goon-hobby (this would be July 2004), I visited Kings Dominion one day and Busch the next.
I rode Volcano once and Big Bad Wolf twice - I think really just because at the time, KD had loads of coasters and was a full day task, Busch only had the 4 so I was re-riding stuff.

But I can still now pretty much recall the rides on BBW and yet when I revisited KD 10 years later - with BBW long gone but Volcano still standing - I could barely remember anything about Volcano as a ride beyond the obvious launch business.

So BBW for me.





Pics from 2004.