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What coaster company makes the best coasters

Who makes the best coaster

  • Arrow

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Intamin

    Votes: 22 52.4%
  • B&M

    Votes: 28 66.7%
  • Vekoma

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Schwarzkopf

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Premier

    Votes: 4 9.5%

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Mack

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • TOGO

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Morgan

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • S&S

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters


Mega Poster
Who makes the best coaster

I have enabled the vote for more than one option option so i picked Intamin Arrow and B&M. It was hard to pick one b/c Arrow offer horrible coasters (Demon, Cedar Creek Mine Ride) and great coasters (Magnum, Gemini). Same with B&M Horrible (Mantis) could do w/o (Iron Wolf) and good (Batman, Superman, Raging Bull, Raptor) and i haven't been on much Intamin Coasters
This is tough. My top three rides are Intamin, but I have more B&M rides in my top ten. I went with both Intamin and B&M.
B&M generally, I like some Intamins but they're just too mixed quality wise.. I do like Mack as well and think they're a company for the future. Among wooden coaster I have to say GCI. Those are the three votes from me!
I've always had a strong regard for Schwarzkopf,in my eyes,Anton Schwarzkopf is a God,so that's where my heart is voting.

But my head is saying...
Patrick said:
B&M. Intamin are hit and miss for me.

B&M have just made so many of my personnal favourites.

I'm actually struggling to think of a decent Intamin.
B&M by far...is there anything that they're not good at (apart from their rides being compact?)

Intamin make pretty good coasters as well...
B&M are the most consistant company, and there is not one of their products I dislike, sure they've gotten a bit weak over the past decade with their designs seeming to stick a 'Drop, loop, immelmann/dive loop', pattern, but everybody loves that! This decade however, they've sure become more creative, maybe not as much as Intamin however, but their new selection of models are sure to blow enthusiasts away!

Intamin for 2nd, they have the best ideas and at times the most intense products, but they fall down for being so inconsistant. Some of their rollercoasters look fantastic, but suffer a lot. The layouts polarize insanely (compare Rita to the likes of iSpeed). If only B&M could do some launched models (not Hulk...) they would work really well.

P.S. You've got TOGO on the list, yet you haven't included the lovely Gerstlauer!? :eek: Surely this doesn't deserve to be in other.
Kebab said:
B&M are the most consistant company, and there is not one of their products I dislike, sure they've gotten a bit weak over the past decade with their designs seeming to stick a 'Drop, loop, immelmann/dive loop', pattern, but everybody loves that! This decade however, they've sure become more creative, maybe not as much as Intamin however, but their new selection of models are sure to blow enthusiasts away!

Intamin for 2nd, they have the best ideas and at times the most intense products, but they fall down for being so inconsistant. Some of their rollercoasters look fantastic, but suffer a lot. The layouts polarize insanely (compare Rita to the likes of iSpeed). If only B&M could do some launched models (not Hulk...) they would work really well.

Summed it up perfectly for me there. B&M have a decent formula for making a good ride, and they stick to it. Which is why I can't think of one I don't like. Intamin tend to mix things up a bit more and are more adventurous. But, like Kebab said, some of their coasters look great, but can be disappointing to ride. Looking at my top 10, 6 of them are B&M. So, there you go...
1. B&M - As mentioned above, by far the most consistent manufacturer, their rides are so smooth, beautiful to look at, almost perfection.
2. Intamin - hold most of the coaster records (speed, height, inversions ect) generally good rides occasionally quite rough, sometimes thats not a bad thing though.
3. Gertslauer - I just love the Euro-Fighters.
B&M sitdown/floorless/inverted coasters aren't very re-rideable for me just because their layouts are largely predictable and they give me the kind of feeling that if "you ride one, you've ridden them all". I'm also not that into rides that mainly provide positive g's.

Dive Machines, Flyers, and Hyper/Giga's give me far more enjoyable elements. ie: great airtime, or in the case of flyers pretzel loops and heartline rolls are sick.

So I'm split on B&M.

Most Intamins I've ridden I've absolutely loved, but I've also been lucky enough to ride some of the best that they have to offer. I love how maneuverable and agile Intamins feel in comparison to B&Ms and other similar offerings. I just find it more fun to ride in 2 person wide cars in comparison to 4 person wide cars since B&Ms give the perception that the pacing of the ride is slower. I realize it's perception though, and it's just my preference.

So for steel I'd go Intamin.

For wood, I prefer GG to GCI, but both make great art out of firewood.
Unfortunately B&M are pretty forceless compared to their earlier offerings, they are too smooth and slow at times. The Wingriders planned for next year MAY change that but I've gone for Intamin.
Intamin. Intamin is the most dynamic coaster manufacturer, and their great is better than anyone else's great. period. Millennium Force, Bizarro, and Toro are all examples.
B&M is second due to their incredible consistency and ability to always deliver a quality coaster. However, while I know they are always good, Intamin has that ability to be great with more forceful rides.

Intamin are dangerous and now insist on putting OTSRs on everything. It's backwards and the wrong way for the industry to go.

The Blue Fire ride system is the most perfect every created in history. Absolutely incredible, mind blowing ride system. Lap restraints with inversions is the way forwards, if Mack can do lap restraints on an inverting coaster, why can't Intamin do it on a non-inverting coaster?
I'm a massive fan of Intamin and B&M, they make great coasters but I've always been a fan of innovation and find that Intamin and B&M are fairly 'safe' in their designs. I have much more respect for Mack, S&S and even Premier in their coaster designs as they challenge the norm and although they don't always deliver a flawless coaster experience they always, in my opinion, provide an alternative and different coaster experience, and sometimes end up with something fantastic (like Mummy at USF). For me, this makes these companies the best over the obvious choices such as B&M and Intamin.
I'd have to go for B&M without a doubt. My top four coasters feature Katun, Nemesis, Superman de Acero and Manta whilst not a single Intamin features. There's a simple reason for that, Intamin's restraint procedures have killed dead i-Speed and when you compare the strict measures enforced on Expedition Ge Force against the simple genius of Silverstar it becomes obvious which company makes the best quality coasters (regardless of how the ride, rides)

That and things like Tornado, Rita and Thirteen are just rubbish.

My second vote would definitly be Mack though. The rides they create are just awesome.