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What do you drive?


Roller Poster
What do you drive? Or ride if your a 'youf'. It'd be nice to compare rides, seen as though mine is a little shoddy!

My pride and joy; 1987 Honda Camino!

Point is, theres no shame here!
I drive this classly piece of junk:


Same color, just a missing blinker, 2 dents in the back, and a dying engine and it's all that.
Currently Driving a Nissan Micra but I'll probably get a different car when I pass my test.

I don't drive. But I do a lot of cycling.

Here's a Raleigh Explore, which looks roughly like mine.

^? :?
I don't get it kimi. There's nothing there, so does that mean you don't have a ride?

Here's my ride.

It might be 18 years old & have 160,000 miles on it, but I still love it as much today as I did the day I bought it.
^The text is a link. I wouldn't click it though if you don't have Google Image Filters on... my eyes are currently gouged out.

I don't drive. I live in Central London - buses, taxis, tubes or walking for me! Mum drives a crappy Golf. We used to have a GORGEOUS Audi which was the absolute dog's bollocks. Now? A Golf. The car every man and his mutt has.
A camp Mini Cooper lol

I miss my sports Clio, as do petrol stations.

Ben I see what you mean about that link lol, that will give be nitemares now lol.
Thanks Ben. I'll have to remember to drag my mouse over posts like that from now on. :wink:
I clicky'd kimi. :)
I didn't have to gouge my eyes out either.
Here's the one I liked the best.
I don't drive, wish I could, would make getting to university and back home such an ease!

But in the mean time I ride on this classy thing:


Woo to 1973 stock trains (or the ones that run on the Piccadily Line!)
The 1997 Volvo 850 GLT or the Silver Swede...


The leathers cracking and the battery ****s out once in a while, but it drives awesomely.
My first set of wheels was one of these:

I had it for a year, starting from my 16th birthday when I did my CBT. It never really had a name, but I loved it very much (except in bad weather!)

That then made way for my first love - Graham

Everyone loved Graham, and everyone knew who he was! A couple of times I was round my friend's house, and her mum came in to say "oh, hello, I knew you were here because I saw Graham out the front!". I miss him so much, and when I get my proverbial lottery win, I will use it to buy another mini. Graham now lives with a friend of my uncle's and has been through a lot since. He's currently being refurbished for the 2nd time, and I've been told that he might come to visit me this summer.

Next up was Violet (or Vi for short)

We never really got on. She was a good car, but I was still broken hearted after having to part with Graham

Now I've got Kev... (I don't have any decent photos, but he's one of these)

Kev is great, and fantastic fun to drive, but he's got no soul. Essentially, I still miss Graham.
Mine is the one every man and his mutt has.



It could have been worse, when it was delivered, it was this colour :shock:


I miss my Citroen :(
I use to have a Suzuki Scooter a few years ago but ended up wrecking it after a few too many crashes and drunken antics. I really miss it though as it was cheap to run and never to wait in traffic and great for flying around in the summertime.


Nowadays I can't afford a car because insurance/tax etc are a rip off here so this is my main form of transport. The Dart train in Dublin.

My car (pride and joy) is my 1997 2.2vti Honda Prelude.


(Mines blue though). She pulls like a rocket (Will comfortably beat a 325 BMW and will keep up with a Porsche Boxter or an Astra VXR) and the four wheel steering makes it one of the best handling cars on the road.

I <3 it.
As I am still a learner I legaly have no car I am practicing in dads rover 25 1.4 in an empty carpark. I am not so sure of a manual gearbox 2 years on im still crap with it. I have got to find a way to get all the controles in the right order. I am a good driver but in spits and spots plus theres to many mistakes.

It maybe better if I go the lazy way and go automatic so I can concentrate on awearnes and spoting other things.
I pretty much use this:

And this:

I don't really have a real need for a car at the moment, and would rather spend the money on other things.