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What 'Exclusive'/Rare Cred's Do You Have?


Strata Poster
I'm just about to update my CC because I'm feeling goony and whenever I look at my CC I always look at two coasters that I know not many people will have.

First one being "New Roller Coaster" at New Metroland (now closed) - I don't think many from outside the North East would have ridden this before it closed, quite a unique indoor coaster in the corner of a shopping centre... However just looking at the RCDB page for it, its going to what looks like an activity farm in Devon. http://rcdb.com/895.htm

I've also got the Go Gator cred at Flamingo Land as I did actually ride this as a child, I know some people a few years ago managed to blag their way on it but Flamingo Land are usually quite strict on letting adults on this one. http://rcdb.com/820.htm

I've only ever been SPITED for a kiddy cred twice and it was at the same park, Parque de Atracciones de Madrid - Turbulenica http://rcdb.com/3922.htm and Vagones Locos http://rcdb.com/3848.htm
Aside from all of the amazing Schwarzkopf coasters that I've been on, they're all exclusive because they're Schwarzkopf *fap, fap, swoon*, I don't think I've got any mega rare ones to boast about.

The "eco coaster", Green Dragon at Greenwood, Wales, is a one of a kind, so that's probably as rare/exclusive as it gets for me.

I got on the vile Chance Toboggan that lived on Clacton Pier for a bit. Bakken Rutschebanen avec brakeman too <3 Also Skyrush in its original state (I know it hasn't *really* been changed yet but it will be and they'll likely ruin it).
There is only really one coaster that I've been on that nobody else has. I checked coaster-count and its only on 1 other persons list. It was my first coaster I ever went on and it was at Enchanted Forest in Hope Valley RI.


It only has one picture of it on rcdb and I can't find any other pictures online and there is only one video I can find on Youtube. It is suppose to be relocated to Edavile USA in Carver MA.
Yeah, I've got "New Rollercoaster" too and the Dragon at Greenwood.

I've got one that was at Ffrith Beach before it closed in the mid 80's. It's the same type (same ride even?) as the little thing on the beach at Cleethorpes.

Megablitz at Coney Beach perhaps? Is it still there these days? Odd Pinfari thing that was powered by brooms :lol:

Two kiddy creds a lot of people will have been near and not got, the Big Apple at Hastings and the Nessie on the Rhyl promenade. Actually, I'll bet most of Rhyl and Towyn are rare.

For people who count relocations, Storm at "New" Southport Pleasurleand which was only there for a season or so.

Tokaydo Express at Blackpool not many people have been on and there are a few coasters I've been on that were in odd places like the Pinfari "Cyclone" at Blackpool which ended up who knows where? Or the Boomerang at Pwhlleli which is now in an odder place in South America or something. Big Apple when it was at Alton (rather than GYPB) and both "Beasts" there, plus the 4-Man-Bob before it moved to Mingerland.

Big Bad Wolf? Lots of people have it, but nobody is ever gonig to be riding that again.

I got the Water Chute at Belle Vue before it moved to Blackpool too (confirmed by my Grandmother :) ),

I have lots of possible "specials" but I never count them. I remember Both Looping Stars at Rhyl and Southport and I went to both fairs while they were there, but I don't remember riding either of them. Also don't remember the Texas Tornado at Morecambe, but my sister does and says we went on it (but I don't know if she is remembering it correctly, she'd have been 8 or so).

Then the most annoying one is the Virginia Reel at Blackpool. I went there every year from as young as I can remember until I was... Erm... 22 probably. I must have seen the Reel and I went on everything else I was tall enough for, but I have no memory of the ride at all. I do have a vague, niggling memory of riding a spinning coaster type of thing though and the Tubs at Joyland definitely sparked a recollection - but it could have been almost almost anything to be honest. I used to get the Southport, Rhyl and Blackpool Fun Houses mixed up, so I could have just been remembering an Octopus ride at Towyn beach or something. So annoying I don't remember it because I can remember every visit since the year following its removal vividly.

Phew, that
Son of Beast with the loop. It would seem not many around here have that cred.. and obviously we won't be getting it back.
The flyers at IoA lol.

Also have ones from the old sea side towns in the UK such as Morcum (spelling) and the big coaster that was on Clacton Pier.

Space Station Zero at Thorpe lol

Indie backwards in Paris.
Probably the most exclusive I have is the dragon thingie at the now defunct Bal Parc. Only other people I know that have it are Ian, Ben and Jake, as we all went together.
Future World Experience : http://rcdb.com/2382.htm

Gone now so you'll never get it neither!

(It was in 3D (well of course all coasters are in 3D (well unless you have monocular vision) but this one had 3D glasses and some video stuff that you would select to play on a screen mounted in the car))
Martyn B said:
The kiddy creds at Parque de Atracciones de Madrid <3


I don't know how many people have been to klotti park, but i have ridden heisse farht and the zum rittersturz water ride which counts as a coaster on CC. I have also ridden the froggy coaster at Duinrell. nothing really rare that comes to mind.
CookieCoasters said:
I have also ridden the froggy coaster at Duinrell. nothing really rare that comes to mind.
I've got that so it can't be that exclusive ;)
I just today got a pinfari in Tangier, Morocco that doesn't even have pictures on RCDB yet.

There's obviously loads of **** in Japan and Korea, but a few people here have done trips over there, so I haven't really got exclusive bragging rights. I think I'm the only person on here to get T-Express and Phaethon though. I got Jet Coaster at Everland before it was removed as well.

Tokaydo Express and Vikingar at BPP, which a few will have but still.

The coaster, I think it was called Big Dipper, at Mr Marvel's in Scarborough. I rode it as a kid and again in my first year at uni right before the park closed. It lives somewhere else now though, I'm sure, so others would have got it.

Jet Coaster, Dragon and Atomic Coaster at Seoul Dreamland, which none o' ya'll **** ers have got, or will get, since the park's gone and the creds RIPPED out. Atomic Coaster was the only decent one, but it's a clone anyway: a Meisho shuttle loop.

Three coasters at Luna Park in Tel Aviv, including a spinner with, again, no pics on RCDB yet. I know Jake and Kir went to Superland, and before me as well, so that's not as exclusive.

Crazy Coaster at Nanhu. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on here to get that. Quite exclusive as it was started by Arrow, but finished by Vekoma when Arrow went bust.

The double loop thing at Honey Lake, now closed.

Random home made coaster at Pattaya Park Funny Land, plus Bangkok Dream World (there's at least one person on here who's been to Siam Park, so I haven't got exclusive rights on the coasters there), including a Vekoma suspended which are pretty rare.

The coasters at Enchanted Kingdom and Star City in Manila, Luzon. I'm certain I'm the only person to have those. I think that means I've got all of the Pinfari SLC park models as well since the only other one is in that DUMP just outside Glasgow.

Got a bunch of Chinese knockoffs in Vietnam. Plus a I DISCOVERED a coaster there: The Secret of Acrobat Forest.

Jake and I have exclusive rights to some amazing coasters in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Insane Speed, which I know nobody has, plus G5: the Oblivion mirror clone. So EXCLUSE!

Have I won yet?

Fine. GRAVITY MAX: the world's first, and only, Vekoma tilt coaster. Suck it!
gavin said:
I just today got a pinfari in Tangier, Morocco that doesn't even have pictures on RCDB yet.

Sent us the details, Gavin! ;) Hopefully I can snag that if I'm in that area while I'm over.

But yeah, I'm one of the goons who blagged their way onto the cred at Flamingoland.

Got a tiddly kiddie cred in the middle of Ontario with Taylor by chance - we were going to go there anyway and a few weeks before I flew out they announced they were getting a cred, so I'm fairly sure me and Taylor were the first enthusiasts to nab it.

Nabbed Gemini Jr. at Cedar Point, which isn't very exclusive but did involve abducting a child which was worth destroying my dignity for.
Random home made coaster at Pattaya Park Funny Land, plus Bangkok Dream World (there's at least one person on here who's been to Siam Park, so I haven't got exclusive rights on the coasters there), including a Vekoma suspended which are pretty rare.
That's me! :) I was actually going to mention Vortex, seeing as it differs from the usual SLC layout and has a pretty forceful helix slapped on the end of it!

I've been on that JCB looping coaster that was at (the now shut-down) American Adventure Theme Park, I'm sure the back cars faced backwards like The Swarm too. Not sure who built that coaster.

Oh and also, if you can even call it a cred, I've been on this thing...


It's a suspended death machine by where I live, at a playground called 'Go Kidz Go'. They have adult night parties there, so if anyone wants to grab the cred, I'd be happy to book a party! :lol:
Not sure if this counts as a cred and exclusive, but I have got the Pteradon Flyers cred from IOA - good thing I went to Florida when I did aha! :p
gavin said:
The coaster, I think it was called Big Dipper, at Mr Marvel's in Scarborough. I rode it as a kid and again in my first year at uni right before the park closed. It lives somewhere else now though, I'm sure, so others would have got it.

Spite, it must have been there when I went in primary school but I didn't get it <//3

My list would just be the People's Republic of China <3 Mountain Flyer <3 Until SUE came along and ruined it.

I don't even know what else. Didn't BOTHER with any of the creds in Ho Chi Minh or Bangkok, just couldn't be arsed explaining where I was going to work colleagues <//3

I went on a Big Apple at a fair in France when I was 10 <3

That THING in the shopping mall in Qatar that gave me a black eye <//3

Have many people BOTHERED with Dudley Zoo yet?

I also got that New Metro thing.

I don't even know, there must be loads.

I probably submit the looping toboggan in China as my ultimate most excluse <3

Oh and also, if you can even call it a cred, I've been on this thing...


It's a suspended death machine by where I live, at a playground called 'Go Kidz Go'. They have adult night parties there, so if anyone wants to grab the cred, I'd be happy to book a party! :lol:

I'm so jealous of this <//3 someone I used to know had it, and wouldn't stop bleating on about it. Brad and I were planning to hire it for a party before he turned into, you know, a ****.
^I live 5 minutes from Dudley zoo and still haven't snabbed that cred, the price of the place always puts me off because I remember how **** it was, haven't been since I was like 10.
Loads in China, loads, plus Malaysia, but I know a few people have got them already.

The most exclusive is probably this, and now it's gone, I don't know of any other enthusiast that has it:


The ones in Jordan and Qatar are pretty excluse, and Superland in Israel (but not so much... I think Tom has got them as well as Gayvin).