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What rides do you love but they only have it at a few parks?

^Yeah they are a dying breed, more need be saved. At least the German Fairs are taking them on.

I'd love to see a few clones of The Ultimate appearing at some other parks but its so unique its never going to happen.
^How could I forget California Screamin'?! Possibly the funnest (is that a word?) coaster I've been on. We really need more of them around!
^ No.

They need more of those Windmill-y type rides (okay, I don't know the technical term for them, haha) and some more giant frisbees would be nice.

In terms of coasters, they need to built more quality wooden coasters around this area, because we don't have that many.
Airtime is not a ride....

I really love Sky Swats, I think they're an amazing concept. Also like everyone else has said Screaming Swings are also amazing.
Ok fine.
Intamin megacoaster
B+M hypercoaster
The massive pendulum rides (forgotten what they are called - the 50m ones with riders facing out)
Stand up drop towers

Notice anything in common with these rides?
Sky Swats for sure.

And the Wildstorm ride at Hamanako Pal-Pal in Japan. That was incredible!

Hmm... I'll try to say some rides that haven't been said earlier:

Giga Coasters. Though, I bet there are about two or three parks in the world that would be able to get one, within the next ten years.

Terracoasters look generally awesome. No wait, did I make that plural? There is only one of them built so far. But I think the world houses less than ten potential buyers at the moment, all of which have many other rides they could/would buy instead.

Any coaster with a Norwegian Loop is instantly worthly of a mention.

WingWalkers look awesome, but... I'll leave it at that.

And Ingested Banjo, TusenFryd just got the biggest Pendulum ride at this side of the Chinese border. And it really, really rocks. Watching the ground 40 meters above you is a must-experience.
Pokemaniac said:
And Ingested Banjo, TusenFryd just got the biggest Pendulum ride at this side of the Chinese border. And it really, really rocks. Watching the ground 40 meters above you is a must-experience.

Yeah that's the ride I was getting at... couldn't remember what it was called though I just remembered seeing it on some construction topic. Also heard that Maxair is good in the US

But, I'd be really scared if I started seeing the ground 40 meters ABOVE me...