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What would make a good, new, flat ride for Thorpe Park

I think a better question would be, What flats for a different park as Thorpe has about 42 already. Having said that, according to their MTDP, they shall be adding 4 or 5 flats in the next 4 years? What could they be? god knows? Really could be anything, but for the sake of answering the question. Id like to see something like Maelstrom.
^Hmmmm, maelstrom is a little too similar to Vortex though, I know that it faces out of the circle instead but I don't think it is different enough.

Personally, I would like to see them get something that is massive like a Mondial Inferno, although that might be a little too like Samurai I guess.

I would love to see a Mondial Shake too, or a similar variant... Basically a Breakdance where the cars invert...
I think they will get a Top Spin, seeing as Alton have one. Erm...maybe a Clone of Kobra at Chessy but taller? Who knows, but when is the first one planned? 2013?
Ethan said:
I think they will get a Top Spin, seeing as Alton have one. Erm...maybe a Clone of Kobra at Chessy but taller? Who knows, but when is the first one planned? 2013?

Why would they get something that was old-hat even when Alton built it 15 years ago? A new floorless Top Spin like Talocan is the only possibility. Kobra would be far too tame for Thorpe.
Mark said:
I would love to see a Mondial Shake too, or a similar variant... Basically a Breakdance where the cars invert...
I'd like to get another chance to ride one of these. Reminds me of when we were in Germany at the fair and Mark and I spent a while deciding whether to go on it or not but when we saw the speed they had it on and realised the ride cycle was around 10 minutes we decided to pass.
^ Indeed, if Thorpe had one I would definitely get have a ride on it coz there is no way they would run a 10 minute cycle. Still regret not doing that one in Germany despite being pretty convinced my stomach wouldnt take it.
Even though Chessington already has one, I still think Thorpe could do with a Top Spin, anothering that might be good and doesn't take much room is a Kaos, they're fun!

Maybe something like Tolucan... that would be AMAZING!
I want one of these;
I've always wanted to know how them things ride, would look great in The Swarm area of the park!
owenrita121 said:
I want one of these;

I'd love for one of those to enter the country (watch out, there's some sarcasm coming now though), and Thorpe could get a topple tower as well. They certainly need a couple of low maintenance rides to go along with all the other high-uptime rides they have there. Have S&S got any new prototypes to trial at Thorpe?
Those things are just monsters! Out of curiousity, I do wonder how tall they are? (A quick google search tells me the structure itself is Max.height from loading surface: 24 m (79 ft.) and the Height of stroke of gondola: 18 m (59 ft.) - I assume that means how high the gondolas go?)

Although, I did also notice that the one in Canadas Wonderland has had a lot of troubles recently. Apparently it was fine when it opened but in the last few seasons it is closed a lot etc. Do any other parks have them and if so, do they also have trouble?

Either way, they certainly have a visual impact that would look brilliant at Thorpe! but the last thing they need is another attraction dwarfed with tech problems.

(EDIT: LOL I was actually typing this post as Furie did his......)
As somebody mentioned above, a Huss Floorless Topspin would be great. What's really strange is that when you think of the park, you don't automatically think of their "Flat Ride Line-up" straight away, but when you think into it, they've actually got a decent selection!
Mark said:
Those things are just monsters! Out of curiousity, I do wonder how tall they are? (A quick google search tells me the structure itself is Max.height from loading surface: 24 m (79 ft.) and the Height of stroke of gondola: 18 m (59 ft.) - I assume that means how high the gondolas go?)

Although, I did also notice that the one in Canadas Wonderland has had a lot of troubles recently. Apparently it was fine when it opened but in the last few seasons it is closed a lot etc. Do any other parks have them and if so, do they also have trouble?

That's the only one.

It's a weird ride. It's not exactly good, but, it's really fun xD Which, I guess makes it good... It's a bit like Slammer, I could see some people really liking it, and others thinking it's a waste of space and effort.

A floorless top spin would be good. But, lets face it, it wouldn't be Talocan and if you're not Talocan, what's the point in exisiting?

They don't need another ride that swings though, Rushed and Boretex being next to each other is already too many <//3

I secretly wish they'd get a Gyro Drop, but, they'd have to spite Det for that. I think it'd be the better ride for the park, but, they have to keep Det, so <3

Also, this question, no matter what park, can always be answered by...


A CRIME there's not more of those <3
What would fit in Zodiac footprint because I think we all know that it will be leaving soon, along with Mr. monkeys banana's boat.
I'd like to see an Intamin drop tower at some point (realistically if they spite Detonator), It would compliment the skyline well, and i think it would give a more intimidating image/ride than Det.

But right now, I would love a Mack Twist 'N' Splash, It would fit nicely into Amity Cove, And the capacity isn't as awful as you think.
STC said:
Why would they get something that was old-hat even when Alton built it 15 years ago? A new floorless Top Spin like Talocan is the only possibility. Kobra would be far too tame for Thorpe.

Ok you obviously didn't read my comment properly. I said a taller model of a Discus type ride, like the Kobra model. Perhaps a new ride which goes at a steeper angle. And about the TopSpin, me and everyone else seems to disagree with you. A Top spin would fit in nicely at Thorpe. Although I doubt Thorpe could be bothered to theme a flat to that extent.