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What would you like to happen to your body after you die?

What would you like to happen to your body after you die?

  • Cremated

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Buried

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Used for research

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Preferably one of the above (or something else), but I don't really care.

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I genuinely couldn't give a ****.

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters

TP Rich

Hyper Poster
Sorry to be morbid, but what do you wish to happen to your lump of flesh, blood and bones after your soul has drained from it?
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I want to be laid down on a rock in the middle of the Ganges, darling, and just be pecked by birds.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

Hmmm, cremation with my ashes being scattered somewhere suitably Disney perhaps... preferably not Paris though :p
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

Whatever, really. I'll be too preoccupied by the whole "death" thing to care.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

Everyone should by law be organ donators. I don't care what your **** beliefs are, to deny someone else a chance of living is sick and twisted.

And once anything of use is gone, the rest should go to teaching medical students.

PS souls don't exist.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

Yeah, I'd want my body to be donated to science. So like, organs harvested and given to people who need donors, then anything else my body can be used for in the aid of research or whatever. Literally like an end of season sale, everything MUST go. What the hell am I going to use it for?

And I don't really want a funeral or a grave.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I remember seeing on Stephen Fry in America a research facility where they just put corpses in bins or bury them and stuff so they can see what happens to the surrounding area after a corpse has been there for a while (so the soil and stuff) which helps with forensics - allowing criminal investigators to be able to tell if dead bodies have been "stored" in places. Interesting stuff. After seeing that, that's what I'd like to happen to me.

So basically, I agree with Jordan. If I can be of some use to someone, I'd like to be. No point just burning something that could be helpful to science and stuff.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

marc said:
I am the same tbh if I can donate I will, just a shame my blood ain't good enough for the nhs!

Blood of non Hetrosexuals causes a rift in the Space Time Continuum and opens a portal to the dimantion of the Four Riders when mixed with Hetrosexual blood, you know that!
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I'd be dead, so I don't really care.

Although I'd hate it if my organs ended up goin to somebody not deserving. Why should they get a second chance over me (assuming I die young etc...).

And before anybody jumps on me, I consider George Best deciding to fly through livers as not deserving a second chance.
I'd like to be put on Kingda Ka with the restraint open.

If not don't care to be honest and what made you think of this topic?!
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

Haha I actually made this topic a while back. I still would like to be cremated without any sort of body viewing after I die, but I do want a memorial service. I dunno about donation, I wouldn't want my eyes, heart, and brain donated, but anything else is fair game. I have no after death beliefs, but yeah, I'd like to be cremated and then scattered somewhere awesome.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I'd want my organs donated and then whats left cremated.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I've always secretly wanted to be a children's entertainer.

So I'd like to have my body converted into some kind of puppet and then operated by one of those creepy clown magicians.

Hmmmmm... Maybe stuffed and left on my favourite chair so that nobody forgets about me? Or put together in a freaky experiment to meld human and feline flesh into one? So many fantastic possibilities...

Or whatever my family want to do with me, I don't care. I'm registered with organ donation and really don't give a stuff, as long as nobody tried to catch my soul as it escapes... ;)
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I carry an organ donor card so yeah, they can do what they want with it.
I hate the idea of a funeral. I'd rather have my life celebrated than have some vicar I've never met before telling people how nice I was
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

I want my body to be placed in Saw: The Ride as an authentic piece of theming.
Re: What would you like to happen to your body after you die

Joey said:
Everyone should by law be organ donators. I don't care what your **** beliefs are, to deny someone else a chance of living is sick and twisted.

I think opt-out as opposed to opt-in, but not by law. I signed up to donate my organs without any leaflet prompts or anything, plus I donate blood. Heck, if I could donate sperm without the implications that there now is on it I probably would. Heck, I'm so generous with my body I might as well just stand on a street corner and offer sex for free - probably wouldn't get any takers though.

But for me, dipped in liquid nitrogen and then smashed into pieces. Seriously. I don't want my body taking up valuable space in graveyards nor do I want to pollute the world with my gases by cremation </3