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Which coaster(s) do you ride first?


Mega Poster
What roller coasters do you start off with, right after you've arrived at the park? The big ones, or the small ones? In other words, would you prefer to induce the largest possible adrenaline rush by starting off with the largest coaster, then ride anything else after that? Or would you induce the adrenaline little by little by starting off with a small one and work your way up from there?

Personally, since I'm probably a bit of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to coasters, I'd attempt to get the park's largest "rush" all at once by going for the big ones first. But of course, the downside to that would be that the smaller coasters would seem less enjoyable. So by starting small, you're likely to enjoy adrenaline throughout the entire day in increments. So, start big or small - either way there's a trade-off!

It's tough however to get adrenaline on coasters anymore, given that I've gained quite a tolerance to them over the years :( :cry: :(

Or is adrenaline not even a factor for you, and you go for your "favorite" ones first (layout-wise)? Adrenaline, at least for me, is definitely a factor!!! :--D Any other factors you'd take into consideration? So, what do you prefer to start off with, and why? It's pretty much a simple question overall, but my curiosity has driven me to ask :)
I do what makes sense for going through the park. I hate wasting time and energy going from one side of a park to the other because of bad planning. I do what's next based on location.

Boring eh?

But if there's something I haven't ridden that I'd really like to I'll do that first.
If queing didn't exist then I'd usually go on the most tame 'big ride' first! To kick it off!
However, sadly there are hundreds of guests in a park at once and my strategy would be to ride the 'newest ride' first, eg.Saw for thorpe park. Then you can go on the smaller rides later...
Depends, if I've been to the park a bunch of times (like Thorpe, Alton, etc) I tend to go to my favourite rides first (Stealth, Oblivion) and then just work my way around.

If I've never been to the park before I tend to just ride things as I come to them, ensuring I get everything done.
I don't really have a routine, I just go on anything that's near unless it has a huge queue.
If it is a park I've never been to, then I just seemingly run around without any plan. Anyone have any hints for SFGAdv?

If it is a park that I've been to often, then I go with my normal route that I use for said park (Cedar Point - Clockwise starting with Raptor, Kennywood - L shape, Waldameer - L shape).

Geberal guidline is get the coaster/possible creds first, then re-ride if possible followed by the drop tower (if they have one) and then any flats that look interesting.

Switching between the hideouts'...
I dart straight for the back of the park, because generally people will take their merry time wandering about, slowly filling into the rear of the park.
For me, its usually the lowest capacity coasters. And I dont mean I sit there and check on RCDB which ones have the lowest, its the ones that you know will have a long, slow moving queue later in the day. For example:

Thorpe, Saw; Chessington, Fury etc.
The rides which would generally be the most busy through out the day, Thorpe park would be saw then nemesis inferno. And islands of adventure I quite literally ran ( or walked fast ) to harry potter section
Good topic!

I normally have a set system when going to Alton Towers, but it's starting to change a lot recently...

Usually my day would go like this, and it never disappoints:
1 - AIR
2 - Nemesis
3 - Ripsaw
4 - RITA
5 - Enterprise
6 - Oblivion
7 - (Dinner Time)
8 - Hex/Charlie
9 - Th13teen
10 - RITA (Re-ride)
11 - Oblivion (re-ride)
12 - The Flume
13 - Rapids/Runaway Mine Train
14 - Duel
16 - Possibly Spinball...

But this year I've started off by The Dark Forest, which is still interesting, but I prefer my original method.
Kebab said:
Good topic!

I normally have a set system when going to Alton Towers, but it's starting to change a lot recently...

Usually my day would go like this, and it never disappoints:
1 - AIR
2 - Nemesis
3 - Ripsaw
4 - RITA
5 - Enterprise
6 - Oblivion
7 - (Dinner Time)
8 - Hex/Charlie
9 - Th13teen
10 - RITA (Re-ride)
11 - Oblivion (re-ride)
12 - The Flume
13 - Rapids/Runaway Mine Train
14 - Duel
16 - Possibly Spinball...

But this year I've started off by The Dark Forest, which is still interesting, but I prefer my original method.

This would pretty much be my list of favourite down :)
I normally make sure I get to the ride that I project will have the biggest queue throughout that day, so i can avoid long afternoon queues, however if I don`t like that ride i will normally head to my favorite.
I also plan my routes, if I am at Thorpe I head straight to Colossus and sneak a couple of front rows in, then to Saw and clockwise after that.
Usually I get Lombard with my nieces and nephews when at a theme park, so it depends on what they wanna do. :x (kiddie coasters), after that hit big ones up with bro'. :lol:
Whatever has the shortest queue. If it's a new park I guess I plan ahead to find out what that might be. Then it depends on whatever's close or most likely to get clogged up quickly.
Intricks said:
If it is a park I've never been to, then I just seemingly run around without any plan. Anyone have any hints for SFGAdv?
Buy a flash pass

As for me, I go to the most popular ride first, quickly followed by the low capactiy crap. After that, it's all smooth sailing and I don't even really neet a route, even though I always have a plan just in case.
If i get to the park around opening I go to the ride the usually has the longest wait and try to get on as many times as I can before the line gets long and then I go to all the other coasters.