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Which row, on a roller coaster, is better?

Which Row?

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Depends. On some coasters, like some Woody's, the front as it gives more airtime. However, the same can be said about the back on others as well.

On steel coasters, the front can be most thrilling, yet the back be more intense.

I would say the front though...
Like Ciall said, it's different for each coaster. Some it's better at the front. And others it's better to be seated at the back.
So there's no straight answer.
I think Nemesis is a good example here. The front row is really thrilling, to see how close you are to things, and how fast it looks. But the back provides a much more intense ride. But overall I'd choose the front, its just generally better.
walker1104 said:
I think Nemesis is a good example here. The front row is really thrilling, to see how close you are to things, and how fast it looks. But the back provides a much more intense ride. But overall I'd choose the front, its just generally better.

Never tried nemesis on the front. Always like to see where im going, but will try it next time. This is why i make these threads, to get useful comments from people and use them to my personal gain.
Black Mamba in the back row on the far left, just for the amazing first drop!

EGF anywhere in the back few cars of the train or at the very front.

Balder, Clearly the back :)

Silver Star, All seats suck, just don't bother riding.
(although, if you have to, go for the back row with handfuls of sweets :p)

Megafobia, 5th car 2nd row on the right (loading side) preferably at night, with the firework display is going on the hill at the other side of the park = Best coaster experience ever!! :p
Front for me, almost anyday.

A good coaster should have airtime no matter where you sit, whether it's the back, or the front. But, if you sit in the front, in that case you're getting the airtime as well as the feeling of vulnerability, and the views. So, the front has more benefits than the back in my opinion.

El Toro, Wicked Twister, and a few other coasters are exceptions to my "front is better" thing, though.
Simple really - all inverts, flying, launch, looping, mine trains & wild mice are best in the front row. Woodies & hypers are better in the back row (MF, if you want to call it a hyper, is the exception).
'nuff said!
Nemesis back row, far right seat = Blackout at helix before zero-g

Funny I like back row left edge seat on inverts :D - I guess it's all down to opinion!

On others I go for a mixture!
I will always go for the back row on woodies and the same on inverts as it tends to be more forceful than compoared to the other rows.

I would only pick the front row if I wanted a better view or were taking photos.
Front, usually the smoothest, gives the best views, most times gives more airtime and I just prefer it to any other seat. Examples, Megafobia is very good at the front, smooth with some amount of airtime, but in other rows it's very painful and airtimeless. Also EGF back row gives a lot of vibrations which spoilt it a bit, but still gave epic amounts of airtime (less than the front still)

Back rows for me are just for first drops like on EGF, Katun, PMBO and for the helix on Nemesis. They are also a lot of the time, exceedingly painful a la Colossucks etc.

So front, but I tend to try to sit in most seats before finding my favourite seat.
Although usually the back rows are more intense, I still prefer the thrill of sight of the front row. But the last row sides of the Fire Dragon at Dueling Dragons is pretty cool.
Hmm it really depends on what type of coaster it is but I'll go with front as I like to take in the views on most rides.
Hmm... out of those I've ridden:

Piraten has so small trains that you hardly feel any difference. So frotn all the way.
Speed Monster is AWESOME in the front. The Norwegian Loop is just pure delight.
ThunderCoaster: Don't ride in the front. The view is great, but it'll beat the tendons out of your oints. The back is smooth, however.
If you prefer life without tinnitus, ride Loopen in the middle. But if you prefer having fun, don't ride it at all.
Any other - ride in the front.
Lucy said:
Nemesis back row, far right seat = Blackout at helix before zero-g

Funny I like back row left edge seat on inverts - I guess it's all down to opinion!

On others I go for a mixture!

I agree especially love the zero-g rolls in this seat.

But overall I would say the front is the best.