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Yorkshire Tripper III Trip Reports!


Staff member
How was the ERT? Still alive with all limbs intact? ;)

Post your trip reports in here please (and I mean here, not Facebook :p )
Had an awesome day at Lightwater, Ultimate is as fun as ever! Here are the group photos!


Guys, just wanted to say it was truly epic to hand out with you all! Thank you for letting me! Please know, you are all very welcome to come back to Lightwater Valley at any time.

Really hope you had a good n' groovy day! Thank you again!

Kind Regards,

Rode The Ultimate 5 times, limbs still intact, still love this amazing ride, big grins from start to finish!

The first annual CF Special Olympics were fab to watch, wasn't wearing the correct footwear to participate (totally lying, I HATE sport <///3) didn't stop them being amazing!

Just chilling at Manda's at the moment with a kebab, cider and Saturday night TV ;]
Got back about 1/2 hour ago, another good day, but the atmosphere in the park was lacking with no music on Kumali </3 Group photos soon
Was a great first live. Nice to meet everyone at coasterforce for the first time and i'll hopefully be joining you for another live next year! Simon was also a great host for Lightwater Valley and added much more fun to the day at Lightwater. ERT on the ultimate was great, Pain free too and cant wait to see how the 3D POV of The Ultimate comes out in the end. CF Olympics at lightwater was great fun and a nice break from the rides. Eagles Claw op...funniest thing ever :p "dont touch my brush.."
The day was just fun all together. Thanks CoasterForce!! :D <3

I hope there will be some good trip reports posted as I am pissed off I could not get to this live as its 2 parks I enjoy. I miss the old trip reports before all the in jokes started taking over.
Well that was only between me and Ian tbh, and it's been stuck in my head! I'm going to do a proper report tomorrow.
I was gonna say... I was there and I didn't get it.

I'm not going to write anything big at 1 a.m. but yeah, great weekend. Lightwater was fab, especially with the attention we got from the park. Flamingoland was also good, but not up to Saturday.
Symaxius said:
Guys, just wanted to say it was truly epic to hand out with you all! Thank you for letting me! Please know, you are all very welcome to come back to Lightwater Valley at any time.
Really hope you had a good n' groovy day! Thank you again!
coastercrazy11 said:
Was a great first live. Nice to meet everyone at coasterforce for the first time and i'll hopefully be joining you for another live next year!
Saturday was a really great day. Glad you guys enjoyed it as much as we did.

Dave said:
MouseAT said:
I seem to have a bruised right kneecap tonight!
Yes but how's your fleece?!
The fleece is decidedly the worse for wear I think. After many years of loyal service, I think the time is approaching where it's getting too long in the tooth and may need to be put out of its misery :(

I managed to get a fair amount of video footage over the last couple of days. I'm not sure if I'll manage to make anything worthwhile out of it yet, as this'll be the first time I've attempted a Live video, but we'll see what comes of it. If it doesn't work out, I'll at least post the most entertaining moments in full, so the footage won't all go to waste. Hell, I may post some of the more entertaining moments separately anyway. Some of them (like the LWV rapids, the bin bag sack race, or Ian running with the torch) are just too amusing not to.

As for Flamingo Land, well... it's hard to put into words how disappointed I was with the performance of the park yesterday. The presence of CF turned what would have been a pretty "meh" day into a good laugh, but the park seemed to suffer from the same problem Mirabilandia had - the day lost momentum early on (largely due to failings on the park's part), and once that happens it's difficult to recover from that. Considering how great the days were in 2008/2009, the park really feels like it has gone downhill.

In short:
  • We couldn't start the day with the usual Velocity/Dragon coaster/Corkscrew combination, as the park doesn't bother opening Corkscrew and Dragon coaster until the afternoon.
  • We headed for Mumbo Jumbo after realizing that Corkscrew and Dragon were a no-go, and it broke.
  • We rode Kumali instead. It apparently had extremely offensive ride-ops and no station music.
  • Cliffhanger is running on shot only.
  • A problem with a limited number of seats in the 4D cinema shut down the entire cinema when the queue was at its biggest (during a really heavy rain shower).
  • Kumali then proceeds to break right at the end of the day. When it re-opens with 10 minutes to go before park close, the ride ops are back to the pointless practice of re-checking every restraint once the train arrives back in the station before releasing them.
All relatively little things that would be mildly annoying on their own, but collectively it gives a really poor impression of the park. I for one expect better, and have no interest in returning to the park next season unless there's another CF Live there. It's just not worth the hassle and expense right now.

The random CF Flamingo Land quiz was amazing though. I'll have to scan a copy later and upload it, unless someone else beats me to it.

More later. I need to start doing actual work now.