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Your type of Nightlife.

Your favourite type of nightlife?

  • Painting the town red (Night Clubbing/Raves).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Having a nice social down the pub.

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • A bit of both, it depends on my mood.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None. I sit in my house like a hermit crab.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


CF Legend
Hey all,

I was just wondering what type of night life you like. From going socialising in a quaint pub and having a chat to an all out rave, which do you prefer?
Whilst I'm a hermit crab, I do actually go outside on occasion...

But it's about once in a blue moon... Stafford HAS no night life :p
Haha! Stafford used to have a good nightlife. The uni didn't have on-site accommodation so all the students lived in town. The students union bar was in the town centre then too (The Whitely Building, but the County Courts). So even if the students didn't go the SU for the night out, the town had loads on pubs and late bars/clubs for them. If I remember correctly, Stafford was pretty big at the start of the rave club scene.

Though coming from Widnes, a kick in the groin would seem like a decent night out compared to what it had to offer ;)

However, since the Uni moved everything up onto Beaconside, the general "night life" has really died off a lot, or maybe it's the students worrying about their debts? :p

I only ever saw one night full at the SU club (is it still called Dogends?) and that was a night I ogranised and joint DJ'd (I used to run several clubs at the SU and was heavily involved in that side of things).

Yeah, Stafford sucks, but it has some awesome pubs and superb beer. I always preferred having a few decent pints and conversation at a pub, and then when you're too drunk to talk, move on to a club to fall over while trying to dance. So best of both worlds for me.

I used to go out to clubs in Nottingham (Rock City), Liverpool (Krazy House), Stoke (Chinos and The Sutherland Arms), Cheadle (The Highwayman) and Manchester (Jilly's) regularly, at least once a month to one of them. Sadly, I was usually the driver so rarely got drunk, but they were good nights generally. I used to go the Keele SU a fair amount as well and could get drunk there as I was sleeping with a girl doing her degree there.

Recently, I just go out a few times a year to the pub to meet up with people. It's got to be three years since I last went into a club. So I'm becoming more stay at home, but that's okay, pipe and slippers are the way forward ;)
I used to sit at home like a hermit, lol. But now, I enjoy doing both. I might like clubbing and raves a bit more. But, I'm always down for a good gathering with friends :)
furie said:
I only ever saw one night full at the SU club (is it still called Dogends?)

LOL, I'm so calling it that forever now... Brilliant...

Well, Stafford has Couture... But I've only been there once and I'm not a big fan of paying for clubs because:

1 - I'm a cheapskate...
2 - They usually play crap music...
3 - I dislike crowds...

But on the other hand, I love Reflex in Croydon... Maybe because it's just full of 80s campy fun... And I approve... Maybe one night I'll go to the Black Sheep Bar in Croydon, which is meant to be pretty nice as well...

Nothing beats Namco Arcade in County Hall though <3

I like to go raving, but it's an expensive night and a long night. When I go out clubbing it usually involves a train ride to somewhere; Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, London... and then usually the club will kick out at 6/6:30am and I'll then get the train home again.

That sort of night basically screws up the rest of the weekend, so I don't do that every weekend! Usually once every couple of months. It keeps them kinda special, saves me money and makes me enjoy them more.

I also like sitting in a pub and chatting to mates. It depends on the company I guess!
I've actually only just realised. I've started this without saying mine:

I like going out clubbing or going to late bars. I get bored VERY easy, so that's why I like going places that has several bars/clubs. I can't just go and sit in a pub and talk to friends, I end up arguing with them over stupid little things some times, so it's easy to just go out, have a dance and get slaughtered rather then having to cope up with grief. That's why I love St Helens for a night out, it's got one basic street with 2 night clubs, 4/5 bars and several pubs. It's all you need, if you get bored, just move on.

I also agree with the paying to get in clubs, I don't like it. If you have to ay to get in and then the drinks inside are cheaper, if they're doing a promotion, I am more then happy to pay entry. We have a bar here called Dali Bar. On a Friday/Sunday, you pay £3 entry, then once inside, your drinks are £1. Pints, bottles, mixers anything is a £1. But, some Nightclubs I've been in can charge like £10, for over priced drinks, **** music, terrible atmosphere and bad service.

Satan's Hollow in Manchester is like £6 or something to get in, but then once inside, offers you nothing different to any other bar/club going. Well, it's themed, has rock music only, but that's it. Silly really.
It usually consists of drawing, playing games and listening to music. I DESPISE clubs and raves, but I do actually enjoy going for a relaxed drink down the pub with my friends. Of course, this DOES involve the clientele of Enfield, who aren't particularly my favourite. I'm sure Richard will tell you how awful people in Enfield are!

So overall, I don't mind going for a social drink in a pub or restaurant with people I know, but I generally have a lone-wolf personality and thus prefer being a hermit in my room. Clubs and raves definitely aren't my scene (I've only been to some of the Gothic/metal clubs in Camden. I hate to think how awful the 'mainstream' pop/dance clubs are).
I very rarely go to clubs, as I have to be in exactly the right mindset and I HATE losing the day afterwards. If I do go out to clubs I always force myself up at/before 9am, so I can still make use of the day. Thankfully I rarely get bad hangovers, so it's purely exhaustion. I do enjoy them when I go, but I don't really think I can tolerate them for long enough. Plus, they're expensive.

For that reason I ,much prefer the pub. I enjoy getting drunk with friends, but just dancing around in a club with them kinda defeats the point I think. I much prefer getting drunk in a pub, having a chat and having fun. So yeah, I’d rather take the pub over the club.
My ideal night would be...

A. Start in a Spoons (possibly the Dyke) around 7 for food and cider and conversation.

B. Move to a bar around 10 (possibly G-A-Y Bar...) for more pre-drinks.

C. Stumble to a club around 12 (possibly Heaven...) to be ridiculous and drunk.

I do like sitting around, talking... But, clubs are fab as well. So, both!

I don't really think I'd like "raves" as such, cause I really don't like "proper" dance music, I'd much rather pop... <3
Well, I'm not the type that likes to drink EVERY weekend, nor am I even legal in Canada yet, but my ideal partying night is playing some pong/predrinks with some of the people in rez who either live on my floor or people I'm friends with on other floors, and then proceeding to some kind of bigger party somewhere else. Those nights always turn into the craziest ones, and the ones that end up involving lots of puking.. Ha.

But, I have had a taste of pubs and clubs since I've been to England a few times and I am legal there. I'm not into clubs that much but I suppose they could be fun if I'm in the right mood and with a friend. Pubs/bars are okay, but I'd rather a club, I think. Though, I have to be wasted to dance, haha.
To be honest, I think I prefer just going down to the local pub with a few mates and either having a quiet chat or doing the quiz. That being said, I do enjoy going to certain clubs around here. But only ones that play decent music.
I don't go out that much. Mainly due to not having much money and that there's no good clubs near me. To get anything decent you have to go all the way to Portsmouth which is a bus and a ferry ride away and travel isn't cheap.
When I go to uni I'll be going out a lot more though and when I go to visit Maddie or we go on holiday we usually go out. Nightlife down here is rubbish.
I mostly just go out to the bars with my friends. I'm not much of a club man when I have a significant other. Of course, when I'm single, I'm a whore.. so you can always count me down to do some crazy **** then. :D
Can I have secret option number 5 which is going to see a band play? That's usually a good night, go pub or round someone's house for pre drinks, head to the gig (like, 8-11) then head to Unit or Kaos or similar to end the night around 3.

^To be honest, it's not one that crossed my mind, but now that you mentioned it, I have done it a few times and it's been good fun. I think there's something authentic about listening to live music and having a good time with friends. It feels less commercialised and you can actually have an amazing night, even if it finishes at around 11 or 12 or something. It can still be a great night!
My sort of night is to go out and get totally Charlie Sheened. lol, na, I'm joking but someone had to say it :p

I went to my first rave the other month and loved it, was truly epic. Didn't have to get drunk, the atmosphere and uber loud music just made it fun. Mocking Ms Dynamite and talking to random American guy was just an added bonus :p

I do enjoy the occasional night out clubbing but whether you have a good night or not varies so much. Sitting at a bar/pub is quite nice on occasion, being able to just catch up with friends I've not seen in a while.

So I'm not fussed, it's all down to the peeps I'm with and (usually) how drunk I get.