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  1. Sky

    Hutch's Roller Coaster Road Trip - Final Part: S**t Flags Great Adventure

    How dare you talk about our wait for Millie without mentioning the absolutely ridiculous Facebook Live video we did for the entire line! In all seriousness, this report was great to read through. I've been checking the forum almost exclusively for your updates on here. All of the days of the...
  2. Sky

    Rides that you would like more if they had different restraints

    Maverick 100% for me. The ride itself was fun, but the restraints pinning my shoulder blades to the seat just killed all enjoyment I could have had.
  3. Sky

    Hutch's Roller Coaster Road Trip - Final Part: S**t Flags Great Adventure

    The picture I got of @Hyde and @Antinos in your bed is probably one of my favorites of the trip because they both look so gone.
  4. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Heart | Trip Reports

    Here's my Live video! It includes the add-on days that we did at Kings Island and Holiday World.
  5. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Heart | Trip Reports

    Big Kahuna takes no prisoners.. it just feeds off lost items of its unsuspecting prey.
  6. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Heart | Trip Reports

    I'm back at work now and totally not able to focus at all. I want to be back on this trip. Everything about it was incredible. I've been on CF since like 2002, and this was the biggest Live event I've been able to be a part of. After burning myself out on two jobs over the past year, it was...
  7. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    I don't know if I'm just giddy knowing this trip is so close, but that made me laugh way more than it should have.
  8. Sky

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

    You still love me and you know it. We'll hug it out on SV together and maybe I'll put it as #1 then.
  9. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    So because @StretchMcCoasterGuy and I are crazy, looks like we're adding on a little pre-Live trip... we're driving straight from Atlanta to Gurnee to hit up SFGAm on that Thursday. We keep watching POVs of Goliath and that stall, and then all the positive reviews of Maxx Force pretty much...
  10. Sky

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

    Those two are so close for me it should almost be 1a and 1b, because I go back and forth in my head between them all the time. It's got the speed and low to the ground elements, there's the nostalgia of it being my #1 for half my life, and the T-bars over the clamshells. It's just pure fun...
  11. Sky

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

    I'm sure people may hate on my list for having some of these so high, but hey, it's my list and it makes me happy! For reference, I'm at 159 right now and have the potential to get 24 new creds this month (including 2 new RMCs) so who knows what will change. 1. Millennium Force 2. Fury 325 3...
  12. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    Yall. I am so hyped for this Live. These next few weeks are just going to crawl by until it gets here.
  13. Sky

    The Drunk Riders: The CoasterForce Podcast!

    I could be wrong, I don't think you guys mentioned it at all.. but I think that this beer gotta go.
  14. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    Went ahead and got our tickets for both Live days! We also decided we're making Cedar Point happen this trip as well, so count us in for all 4 days of this bad boy. Just FYI, Kentucky Kingdom has a deal going for out of state visitors (which I think may be most of us?) - $40 for two days of...
  15. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    We're planning to grab a hotel near Kings Island on Monday night, so if anyone wants to split a room to cut down costs, let me know! We keep talking about doing the CP day as well, but that would make our drive back to Atlanta just gross. We're probably gonna hit Dollywood on the way back south...
  16. Sky

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    We are so ready for this party! Most likely we'll be doing the KI addition as well to get some of the credits we missed on our last trip. I'll be following along with any of the lodging plans that come up - we already were looking at staying in Louisville for the 3 nights, but any giant group...
  17. Sky

    Fury of the Copperhead | Photo Competition

    That Fury photo is gorgeous, @Antinos! Nicely done. Honestly, I was having so much fun that day that I totally forgot to take many pictures. And my phone is terrible so the ones that I did take just aren't great. Maybe I'll actually participate in the contest for the KK/HW Live!
  18. Sky

    Fury of the Copperhead | Trip Reports

    Oh man, what a weekend! So glad we could make it out to meet new people and see old friends for the first time in 10+ years! I'll try to write an official trip report at some point, but I'm legitimately not sure when I'll have time to this week. I didn't take all that many pictures, but thanks...
  19. Sky

    Fury of the Copperhead | CAROWINDS | 4th May 2019

    It's Live day!! Looking forward to meeting everyone! :) We hit the road before 5am, heading up from Atlanta. And I'm fighting back a fever today, so it should be an interesting time!