Search results

  1. Slacky

    who do you go to themeparks with?

    Friends & Family, mainly family, my friends aren'tas mad about themeparks as I am.
  2. Slacky

    Vending Machine

    Receives: Burned Hand. Inserts: A Spec of Dust.
  3. Slacky

    Vending Machine

    Receives: Whatever the hell a Tootsie Pop is. Inserts: Everything I own.
  4. Slacky

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    1/10 in 88 seconds, I don't know a lot about Canada.
  5. Slacky

    Three Word Story II

    and fish with
  6. Slacky

    Vending Machine

    Receives: Florida, Paris, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Inserts: Rickenbacker Bass.
  7. Slacky

    Vending Machine

    Recieves: Noise. Inserts: Cake... and Belgium.
  8. Slacky

    Rate the Person Above

    10/10, great member.
  9. Slacky

    Three Word Story II

    he thought about
  10. Slacky

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    2nd off last, better than being last then.
  11. Slacky

    CCI or GCI?

    Well they're the only two wooden coaster manufacturers apart from Intamin that I could think of. I didn't include Intamin because, obviously they would win and there would be no point in dong the poll.
  12. Slacky

    CCI or GCI?

    Just another random poll. It might have been done, (I only checked 5 pages back).
  13. Slacky

    Rate the Person Above

  14. Slacky

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    4/10, I do think it's time I try reading the questions.
  15. Slacky

    Rate the Person Above

    10/10 for you as well.
  16. Slacky

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    1/10, balls.
  17. Slacky

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    2/10, brilliant.
  18. Slacky

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    3/10 and I came 5th, that for me, is a good score.
  19. Slacky

    What are you listening to now?

    No Cars Go - Arcade Fire.
  20. Slacky

    Music Recommendations

    Damn, you beat me to it.