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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

That impossible questions thing was just horrible, and a bit pointless really.

I ****ed up one easy question today. I didn't choose the right (obvious) answer because I didn't think the same answer would come up for three out of the ten questions. Wrong!
I'm top briefly 7/10, mostly guess's but 4 I did actualy know the other three were just lucky, bet I'm not there at the end of the session.
My computer is lame. I was done in about fourty five seconds and then the page took about three years to load, so yeah, my time was crap but my score wasn't too bad.

World: UK should just be renamed "football."

Apparently that's all anyone from the U.K knows or cares about. :roll:

Bag o' **** !
Yeah! Questions on Jamie and his magic torch! My favourite kids TV program! Woohoo to help me get 9 :D