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  1. B

    How do I convince someone to go to a amusement park?

    I am hoping to go to kings island in the summer of 2016, and I want one of my friends to come with me. Most of my friends very nice and understanding, but I am not sure they will want to go to an amusement park with me. How should I convince someone to go to an amusement park with me to kings...
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    Rides that I really am hoping to ride in my life.

    Here are some rides that I want to ride in my life before I die. Are these fun rides in your opinion? Firehawk, Kings island. Slingshot, any park. Sky coaster/ xtremeskyflyer, any park. Skyscraper, any park. Power surge ride, any park where the base spins. Air race ride, where the duration is...
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    My experience on a maxflight simulator ride.

    This maxflight simulator was at a science center in my home town, and it could be both a flight simulator or a roller coaster simulator. I first rode the roller coaster simulator. I was really nervous about doing this on my own, but I realized I would be having more fun than I would be scared. I...
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    Power surge ride questions

    How comfy is the harness? How tight is the harness? Does the harness come down automatically? How comfy is the seat? Does the flipping depend on the people riding on each seat? How much flipping is there? How much will the passengers body move inside the harness? How scary is it? How much fun is...
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    How do the restraints work on firehawk at kings island?

    I know that, but the restraints seem different from most coasters. That is why I am asking.
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    How do the restraints work on firehawk at kings island?

    Can you explain to me how the restraints work on the firehawk? How much will your body move inside the restraints? How comfortable are the restraints? How comfortable are the seats? Can you hold on to the over the shoulder harness? Can people hold hands when on the ride? Can you tell any advice...
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    How much fun are Maxflight simulators?

    I am not planning to buy one, but I am hoping to ride one. I am just a very curious person.
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    How much fun are Maxflight simulators?

    I have a couple of questions about the Maxflight simulator. Is it just a flight simulator or can it be a roller coaster simulator? If it can be a roller coaster simulator, can the passengers program the roller coaster? When it is a flight simulator, what activities can people do on it? Is the...
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    What is a ride that you wanted to ride but you could not?

    Have you ever wanted to ride a ride but could not for reasons? Post what rides you wanted to go on here but could not. The ride that I wanted to ride but could not because it is leaving is the power surge ride at beech bend park. The rides can include any kind of ride including roller coasters.
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    What is the best flat ride of all time?

    Can you tell your favorite flat ride, along with the ride experience of that ride? Can you also tell what park that flat ride was in?
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    Would you rather ride a power surge or an air race?

    I want to ride both of them, but no parks are open with them right now.
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    Would you rather ride a power surge or an air race?

    Please tell me which one you voted for and please explain why. Can you also tell about your experiences on them.
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    Is the air race a ride where you get sick afterwords? How much fun is it?
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    How much fun is an air race ride? What kind of air race is at beech bend park, because it looks like a new version of the air race 8.2.
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    I am hoping to go on the power surge and air race at beech bend park when it opens.
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    I will ride it when it opens, but how much fun is the power surge to ya'll at beech bend?
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    Well when the power surge at beech bend is open ( without weather conditions ), how much fun is it?
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    Does anyone know how much fun the power surge ride is? Is the one at beech bend open?
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    Why won't you want to ride the air race again and again?
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    What is the best ride at beech bend park?

    I am wondering because I am planning to go to beech bend park in the summer of 2015. What do ya'll also think about them getting an air race?