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  1. H

    What makes your #1 better than your #2?

    #1 Taron #2 Helix The second launch on Taron. Oof.
  2. H

    Your most “different” park visit?

    Efteling January 2014. I was there for 4 days, and the park was EMPTY. This visit gave me a huge amount of zen or close to zen rides and allowed me to really savour the rides and the atmosphere without having to plan my day our too hard. It was super chilled.
  3. H

    Which major theme park have you gone the longest without visiting?

    Ignoring parks like Legoland that I've been to as a child only or Busch Gardens Tampa which I've only ever been to once ever (2006), I haven't been to Disneyland Paris since 2012. I have been 8 times (1993, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2012), but have had an 11 year gap since my last...
  4. H

    How Has Your Enthusiasm Grown or Changed?

    In the past I'd be more adamant to get on everything. This would result in a lot of rushing around. Nowadays I'm more keen to prioritise the things I'm most interested in and otherwise just try and relax and pace myself and enjoy non-ride activities (like food). This is fueled partly by a...
  5. H

    Cedar Point | Top Thrill 2 | Triple Launch Renovation | 2024

    I am surprised that so many are complaining that it's just the spike, or that the spike is not 500ft tall. I think it looks really cool!
  6. H

    What are your thoughts on pre-shows on rides?

    I think it depends on the ride and preshow. It works well on Baron 1898 for example as it forms part of the whole experience.
  7. H

    Pink Floyd Coaster

    Pink Floyd Flying Swine
  8. H

    The Prevalence of Vertigo/fear or heights in the Coaster community.

    All lot of what is being said hear sounds like my feelings on heights. I can ride Silver Star at EP or Stealth at Thorpe ok, but I get nervous and have sweaty palms going up ladders as I feel insecure and unsafe.
  9. H

    Accident at Gröna Lund - Jetline permanently closed update page 6

    I guess restraints are for a certain purpose and probably aren't designed for sustained dangling?
  10. H

    Rebuild of Alpenexpress and Tiroler Wildwasserbahn Europa Park after major fire.

    The fire must have spread very very quickly. Looking at the data on the photos I took, the alarm went off at 16:39. There was no visible smoke at 16:43 and it was absolutely billowing smoke by 16:55.
  11. H

    Rebuild of Alpenexpress and Tiroler Wildwasserbahn Europa Park after major fire.

    You would be shocked how many buildings from the past which are wildly flammable. Expanding foam is highly flammable and a lot of theme parks are riddled with the stuff. Generally building regulations for fire tend to not be retroactive unless major work is done. If that ride was largely left...
  12. H

    WTF Merlin?

    That is disgusting.
  13. H

    Rebuild of Alpenexpress and Tiroler Wildwasserbahn Europa Park after major fire.

    These photos were taken at 16:37 and 16:38 respectively. Ominously this is the photo I took at 16:39. The fire alarm went off whilst I was taking it... ...I think she did it. At around 16:43 I took this, and at this point there was no external fire (building is on the right).
  14. H

    Non-UK coaster most ridden by UK public?

    My guesses would be sane as yours, specifically Big Thunder Mountain in Paris or Florida I reckon
  15. H

    Rebuild of Alpenexpress and Tiroler Wildwasserbahn Europa Park after major fire.

    Yeah it's bad...view from Fjord Rafting before I got evacuated.
  16. H

    Rebuild of Alpenexpress and Tiroler Wildwasserbahn Europa Park after major fire.

    I was in the World of Diamonds building (walk-through shared by the Alpenexpressen and Log Flume) taking photos and the alarm went off whilst I was in it. I walked to the Rapids nearby and saw the smoke it is either than building or just nearby.
  17. H

    Rebuild of Alpenexpress and Tiroler Wildwasserbahn Europa Park after major fire.

    It's happening again. I've been at the park today. Just as i was leaving the Kingdom of Diamonds (the walk-through for the Tiroler Log Flume and Alpen Express) the fire alarm went off. I thought it was just a false alarm, but about 10 mins later I saw this...
  18. H

    Theme Park App ideas?

    I wonder if you might get more responses if you yourself work out what your USP is for this app? What would it do? I feel like "an app about theme parks" is very vague. I think you need to ask yourself a few questions: - Why would I want to use your app over existing websites that log rides...
  19. H

    What is your attitude to revisiting parks you've been to before?

    I love revisiting familiar parks. At the end of the day I'm quite a risk averse person, and if I know I can visit a surefire hit of a park then I will do so. Saying this, I do like to mix in new parks here and there.