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  1. M

    Old Photos Thorpe/Chessie/Windsor (photo heavy)

    There's that old looking crane thing in the background. Always used to think that was Loggers. Is it still there?
  2. M

    Parque Warner Madrid.

    Very true. Superman de Acero in particular was a firm favourite when I went.
  3. M

    Is a new wooden coaster for the UK actually a good idea?

    I guess part of the problem is that when you see a woodie construction it's very hard to get excited. I see the photos of Voodan and I find it hard to tell where the thrill comes from. And yet I love Megaphobia, I love Grand National, I even like Coaster Express at Parque Warner in Madrid. So...
  4. M

    Favourite major coaster at Thorpe Park?

    1. Nemesis Inferno. It isn't a perfect B&M by any means but for its short ride length, it does pack quite a punch. I still think the pre-lift sequence is inspired and ambitious. It is just a shame the rest of the ride doesn't quite live up to the expectation. On the other hand it still delivers...
  5. M

    Most intense coaster/element?

    As long as intensity doesn't necessarilly amount to how much I enjoy the ride.. I'm going with Stealth. It is the only ride that I really find maintains its intensity what feels like ages. Yeah so the top-hat, drop back down and hill aren't anything amazing, the launch is enough.
  6. M

    Nemesis' helix vs. Rita's launch

    Nemesis's helix, just because it just seems to feel faster and faster as you go through it whereas Rita just pushes that speed at you immediately.
  7. M

    Chessington changes for 2012

    The problem is, very few people will visit a park based on nice staff. It is almost agiven that staff at a theme park will hopefully have some basic politeness and are competent in their roles. What Chessington seems to have forgotten is that it cannot rely on rides like Vampire, Dragon Falls...
  8. M

    Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

    Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012 As you say, it's not finished yet. I highly doubt they'd go through all the trouble of buying a plane, cutting it up and then leaving it all clean and pretty, especially after the effort that has gone into the project so far. The fact we have...
  9. M

    Fights at theme parks.

    Saw a few people have heated arguements when I worked at Chessington. Once we got word that some kind of 'gang war' had erupted at Thorpe Park. Fights between people were spreading from ride to ride. Only a few offenders but nonetheless, a headache for the security team.
  10. M

    Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

    Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012 A few pointers. - Not new or worlds first. I find that okay. - Same train concept as Baco and Raptor. I find that okay to. - Experience not that different to Raptor. That my friend, is absolutely fine. If we can have a bit of Raptor at Thorpe...
  11. M

    Orlando theme park accidents.

    These are the most visited theme parks in the world owenrita121. If you seriously think they should never have any injuries whatsoever then you're living on a different planet to the one I and the rest of Coasterforce is on.
  12. M

    Merlin Fastrack

    Unless its Peter Pan ey :wink: I just find it really amusing actually. The only place where Merlin fastrack has become essential is at Thorpe Even on the quiet days, people seem quite willing to fuel the fastrack fire and reduce their queue from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. Amazing stuff.
  13. M

    Why do hardly any UK coasters have MCBRs?

    Yup, I'm afraid so. For instance on Dragons Fury, regardless of operator control, Brake sections 2 and 3 will always trim the car for two reasons. The first is to keep the distance consistent between the car in front on the circuit and the car behind on the circuit. The other is for safety...
  14. M

    Dragon Challenge (Duelling Dragons) No Longer Duelling

    Two people have been injured, one seriously blinded. I know that thousands of people ride the Dragons every year and two people is a small number. But two people hurt, one that will change the rest of their lives, is not a minor incident.
  15. M

    Chessington changes for 2012

    Re: Chessington to make drastic impovements for 2012 Exactly that. The irony of Chessington is that it was closesr to a family park when was getting things like Rattlesnake, Rameses and Samurai. Now that they've just completely closed off that part of the audience, it's like they're stuck in a...
  16. M

    Longest Queue Time?

    Longest queue is Storm Surge for 2 and a half hours. I don't know what posessed us to think that was a good idea. Second goes to Drakkar at Rainbow Magicland with 90 minutes wait.
  17. M

    What coaster company makes the best coasters

    I'd have to go for B&M without a doubt. My top four coasters feature Katun, Nemesis, Superman de Acero and Manta whilst not a single Intamin features. There's a simple reason for that, Intamin's restraint procedures have killed dead i-Speed and when you compare the strict measures enforced on...
  18. M

    Rides you rode in the opening season?

    Might make me feel geeky this.. especially if my memory holds out. 2002 - Colossus 2003 - Nemesis Inferno, Quantum, Eclipse, Hocus Pocus Hall 2004 - Dragons Fury, Griffins Galleon, Sea Dragons, Spinball Whizzer, Pandemonium (was that 04' :oops: ) 2005 - Slammer, Rush, G-Force, Rita:Queen of...
  19. M

    Top 10: 2010 Edition

    Is this how all new members are treated? :wink: For the record I'm now having a German euro-rave in your honour. :twisted:
  20. M

    First Rollercoaster Experience Ever!?!

    Runaway train at Chessington in 1992 when I was 4 years old. If we aren't counting powered coasters it was Rattlesnake at Pleasurewood hills (I believe its now called Snake in the Grass) in 1998 when I was ten.