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  1. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    Well it's definitely a ' Neverland ' theme Oakwood have gone for. Was confirmed by ITV News today. Not much to see, but just snapshots of the report. (Apologies for the quality) As you can see, Plane Crazy has been relocated and has now been painted green, with a Fairy placed on top...
  2. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    Looking great in the glorious sunshine!
  3. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    I agree with you, I'm struggling to follow the overall theme to the area... and I'm not even sure if there is one, but however, seeing that for years Oakwood has been deprived from any form of investment, it's just refreshing to see such an effort. I would imagine the Log Flume will become a...
  4. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    The log flume really is looking great. It really is fabulous to see Oakwood going to so much effort. This is apparently the walkthrough experience... I can't imagine what's in there if I'm honest.
  5. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    It will be a great addition to Oakwood once the theming inside the log flume is complete.
  6. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

  7. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    We now have a Dr Who Tardis at Oakwood. I'm confused... but intrigued. :) Log Flume is progressing nicely... (bit of a strange looking skull i must admit, but for the effort Oakwood are going to, i cant fault them)
  8. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    The are seems to be taking shape now... Pretty Decent theming by Oakwood. I hope to god they eventually cover the park with this kind of quality.
  9. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

  10. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    Camelot's Log Flume has now arrived, and you can see where it will have an indoor section. :) Other Bits And bobs going on around the park... Treetops has now got it's own on-ride photo booth... (A tad strange, but I suppose it's money making) More Theming Being Created
  11. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    Oakwood Theme Park have chosen KD Theming Technologies to work with them on their new £4-million family attraction, which opens later this year. It is known that the Pembrokeshire park is working with this UK-based company to help build a series of magical new ride experiences which include a...
  12. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    Some theming has started to arrive at the park... :) Seems to have some nice details to it, so i'm looking forward to seeing this skull, for the Log Flume!
  13. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    Although the development is aimed for younger children, it's no doubt the biggest effort we've seen from Oakwood in absolute years! Fair play to them for pushing forward with this! I was quite worried that Oakwood was heading in the wrong direction. A few photo's from their facebook of the...
  14. supersion

    Oakwood 2013

    I wonder if we'll see what these were all about a few years ago! Hmm...
  15. supersion

    Have you seen somebody famous at a theme park?

    I remember seeing Judy Dench sitting outside The Aerosmith Rollercoaster in Disneyland Paris, with who I presume were her grandchildren. :)
  16. supersion

    Mumbo Jumbo stalls upside down!!

    Well to be honest, wether all the information in the article is correct or not, I mean MSN news seem to struggle to get the correct rollercoaster... and park.. :? ... =153271011
  17. supersion

    Music Recommendations

    I don't think that she's very well known, but I do like many of her Songs, I remember first seeing her on GMTV doing a performance of 'Sophia' a few years ago now, and I thought it was great, so I had to look her up. This song's been out for a long time now, and I still love it. I much...
  18. supersion

    Music Recommendations

    At first, i totally hated this Song, but since, it's grown on me, and I really like it. I have to be honest, its one of them, love it or hate it songs. It's not completely official yet, hence is sounds a bit like a demo, so some parts are a tad...
  19. supersion

    Music Recommendations

    I don't think that the song's very new, but then again it might be. But I really love the song Silvia - Miike Snow. I think it'l only be great for y'all, if you're into that kind of music, and I have to be honest, I wouldn't know What genre to put it in. There's just something about it...
  20. supersion

    Fit female celebs

    I think Penelope Cruz is Beautiful, along with Keira Knightley. I mean people slate her for being too thin, which perhaps she is, but she's still beautiful.